Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
Update regarding Omicron BA.5

Update regarding Omicron BA.5

Why is Dr. Anthony Fauci and the HHS Administrative State So Wound Up about Boosters? He actually thinks boosters for omicron are working?

Government by Vampire Zombie Squid

Government by Vampire Zombie Squid

Central to all late-regime policies, is the role press, not as mere reporter, or even advocate, but as a central political actor. They don’t so much persuade, as portray to media consumers an edited version of reality, in which the preferred regime policies are justifiable and legible.

Systemic Harms to our Children

Systemic Harms to our Children

On protecting our youngest peoples from our government: The CDC is once again promoting policies with no basis in scientific fact, but these policies are reflexively accepted by those whom we trust to care for our children.

Autoimmunity and tolerance

Autoimmunity and tolerance

Autoimmunity is defined and classified with regard to T cell and antibody responses, the aetiology is explored with regard to genetic and environmental factors and perhaps most importantly: loss of tolerance is discussed.

The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda

The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda

“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” produced by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense, details the World Health Organization’s intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used — without people’s knowledge or consent — since the mid-’90s

10 Lies of Contemporary Culture

10 Lies of Contemporary Culture

10 uncomfortable things about 10 comfortable ideas that they say you need to cultivate: identity, self-esteem, service to the world, creativity, critical thinking, peace, justice, openness, love, and freedom. These are 10 nice, happy face words but, unlike most commencement speakers, I will not tell you happy lies about them.

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