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Jenna McCarthy recounts how many words and phrases have been bent and twisted to mean different things ever since COVID came to town.
We are being bombarded by human-made chemicals every day. There is increasing evidence that this chemical burden is overwhelming our internal biotransformation and detoxification capacity that has evolved over eons.
The Democratic members of the committee rarely let Taibbi speak. They delivered vicious and insulting diatribes, which were then broadcast on outlets such as MSNBC and CNN, part of the effort to further discredit Taibbi.
Now everyone is assuming that the birds nesting successfully this year have acquired immunity from the H5N1 influenza virus. But the areas chosen this year by the Sandwich terns are lower-radiation areas.
Pesticide-coated seeds were utilized to produce ethanol at a plant in Mead. The toxic byproduct of this process was stored in “lagoons” that polluted the air, soil, and water in and around Mead, Nebraska.
As expected, the Democrats attacked Durham and suggested that he was “tasked” with defending Trump and fostering conspiracy theories. This is not the first moment in recent weeks that raises analogies to the McCarthy period.