Disturbing Details of New Pentagon “Perception Management Office”

Disturbing Details of New Pentagon “Perception Management Office”

The DoD’s official dictionary has a dedicated definition of “perception management”, linking the practice to “psychological operations,” intended to influence the “emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior” of target governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

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Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?

Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?

If a society is composed of self-reliant, resilient and inwardly strong individuals a positive reaction can take place, but if it is composed of mainly weak, insecure and helpless individuals a descent into the delusions of a mass psychosis becomes a real possibility.

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Slaying the Censorship Leviathan

Slaying the Censorship Leviathan

We all have the right to hear both sides of debated issues to make informed judgments. Thus all Americans have been harmed by the government’s censorship leviathan, not just those who happen to post opinions or share information on social media.

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The Necessary Virtues of Debate

The Necessary Virtues of Debate

If civil and courteous and open debate, the fulcrum of any decent democratically-aspiring society, is to be forbidden, regulated by misinformation monitors, and censored by self-appointed guardians in social media and government, what then is left?

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Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 2)

Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 2)

For a ‘Left’ which roundly denounced Trump as ‘literally Hitler’ (and which slandered Canadian truckers who protested vaxx mandates as ridgy-didge fascists), they have been stunningly mute when it comes to actual, Nazi-insignia-wearing fascists in the Ukrainian government and military.

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