The Farthest Shore
The obsession with safety and security, the agendas of domination, the mentality of control, the attempt to hold the world in stasis, the mania for preserving youth, the capture of the world in categories and property, the exchange of embodied sensuousity for data—all carry profound social and ecological impact.
Neoliberalism killed the liberal dream
“Neoliberalism” is a bit of a misnomer. Instead of revitalising some kind of classical liberal project, it sounded its death knell. And in its place, our democratic will was subordinated to that of the expert and the technocrat.
Adieu to the illusion of democracy
For the ruling clique and its corporate media, of course, the shocking element was that people are increasingly refusing to be simply trampled underfoot, or scared off the streets, by an army of “lawful” enforcers of the Rule of Greed.
Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy…
What does it say about the state of our freedoms that there are now more pencil-pushing, bureaucratic (non-military) government agents armed with weapons than U.S. Marines?
Quitting antidepressants can be tricky
The true proportion of patients on antidepressants who can stop safely without “relapse” is likely to be considerably higher than the 50% we found in the trials, especially if the taper is done hyperbolically.
The Enemy From Within
The war industry, a state within a state, disembowels the nation, stumbles from one military fiasco to the next, strips us of civil liberties and pushes us towards suicidal wars with Russia and China.