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Three land rights activists in Cambodia who were detained on suspicion of conspiring to overthrow the government had intended to incite a peasant uprising by educating farmers about the wealth and poverty divides.
In the light of this week’s Nobel Prize Summit, we explain why censorship is so dangerous, and why we need, in contrast, to broaden the scope of available information and foster dialogue and critical thinking.
The War on Reality is a civil war, but it is much more than just a civil war. It is an asymmetrical, polymorphous, metastatic, multiplicitous war. An ontological free-for-all. It has no conventions or rules of engagement.
Countries are placed on commodity crop production treadmills to earn foreign currency (US dollars) to buy oil and food on the global market (benefitting global commodity traders like Cargill, which helped write the WTO trade regime – the Agreement on Agriculture), entrenching the need to increase cash crop cultivation for exports.
There are various degrees of acceptable insanity, but in general you would not want a person who thought a toad had the same intrinsic value as your mother to manage her Alzheimer’s disease.
As Matt Orfalea’s new video shows, apologies are due for the media campaign against “the unvaccinated,” which unveiled open cruelty as public policy strategy.