Democrats vs. Democrats — One of Them Will Lose
Even if the means are justified by the end, the problem is that this Democratic Party response — this hate-Republicans-at-all-costs messaging (while party leaders themselves cut deals with them) — is not going to work.
The End of Hope
The State’s parasitic dependence on its host citizenry is its Achilles’ heel. Citizens are the geese laying golden eggs, and the State is careful not to destroy them all.
An Ancient Attack on Our Dignity: It’s Spiritual Warfare
The tyrants have a special characteristic, and it’s that they don’t respect the soul. They are very interested in weaking the people’s connection to the spiritual power because disconnected people make good prey.
Character Assassination Theater 101
For those of you who aren’t Matt Taibbi, and so are probably not going to be invited onto The Mehdi Hasan Show, or any other TV show, to have your character assassinated, this lesson also applies to dealing with the trolls and smear-artists that you may occasionally encounter on the Internet, or in other aspects of your life.
RFK Jr. is Running For President
We have had to watch the Democratic party go from supporting the values we supported in the 1960s (brotherhood amongst all Americans, no more wars, protecting the working class from the predatory corporate class) to a party that is the exact opposite of these points.
Are You Willing to Go to Prison for Spreading ‘Disinformation’?
“Douglass Mackey’s Conviction is the most important 1st Amendment case in the country,” Darren J. Beattie, in an interview with Glenn Greenwald.