Why Is Our Education System Failing to Educate?
Education became a commodity. Education is treated as a purchasable, exchangeable good, which fits well with the idea that education is something that can be downloaded to anyone’s empty mind.
Creating a World of Distrust
There are things in the world that are far too complex for us to figure out on our own. But you might be surprised those examples account for a very small number of things we personally have to deal with.
The Law of Rule
There can be no freedom without common laws derived from centuries of community experience that form a framework for spontaneous order.
Nanny State Idiocracy: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best
Overbearing Nanny State despotism is what happens when government representatives adopt the authoritarian notion that the government knows best and therefore must control, regulate and dictate almost everything.
Project Veritas and the “Virus”
Belief in viruses is as deadly as the belief in the authority of the state. Many of the freedom community don’t seem to realise that changing the actors won’t free them from the plantation.
What must happen in and around East Palestine
The dioxin issue is not going away. It comes up at every community meeting, U.S. senators Vance and Brown have demanded testing, and the EPA is dodging the issue. Something has to give.