Big Chem Pushes Back Against PFAS Ban

Big Chem Pushes Back Against PFAS Ban

State legislators and the wider public are starting to wake up to the dangers of PFAS “forever” chemical contamination, but the industries responsible for this pollution will not give up without a fight. Action Alert!

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Rainbow Lorikeets dropping from the sky

Rainbow Lorikeets dropping from the sky

During the summer of 2019-2020, when the first 5G towers went into service, 1,500 rainbow lorikeets rained out of the skies. And last week, when more than 200 dead lorikeets were collected in just a few days, it made headlines again.

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Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning

Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning

The modern system disempowers us, on every level, stifles and stunts us, forces us to repress our deepest feelings, intuitions and desires in order to fit into its gridwork of conformity and obedience.

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War: Who is it good for?

War: Who is it good for?

The Freedom Movement has an important job to do in agitating for a new form of anti-war activism that focuses relentlessly on the financial interests at the apex of the pyramid, not just the delivery agents further down, and it must educate the public about the interconnectedness of the dominant ruling class agendas.

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Our Quest for Freedom: Realising

Our Quest for Freedom: Realising

In 2020 this society showed its true face. This was not just on the TV, although the TV played its part. The monster stepped out of its mind-control screens and into our living rooms.

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