Mosquito Court Case Update: Reply Brief Filed in Our Appeal
While the BNM agencies pushing these mosquito releases on our island home continue to mislead the people by presenting incomplete, unsubstantiated, and false information, Hawai‘i Unites will continue to document the truth about this dangerous experimental project.
Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy…
No strategy to the war game, no accounting to our economy, we have fumbled and stumbled to the precipice of global war, now led by a Democratic Administration.
The Looming Catastrophe in the Middle East
Although the horrors following October 7 are devastatingly unprecedented, Levy asserts that this entire catastrophe was years in the making and the meaningless gestures of advocating for a two-state solution, for example, will perpetuate it further.
US-funded ‘private social network’ attacking pesticide critics
Network includes derogatory profiles of figures such as UN experts and food writer Michael Pollan, and is part of an effort to downplay pesticide dangers, records suggest.
Meta to buy carbon credits from controversial tree plantations
The carbon credit reforestation project involves buying up huge swaths of pastureland in Brazil’s Cerrado savanna region and turning them into eucalyptus plantations, which are exacerbating drought conditions.
Water Fluoridation Poses “Unreasonable Risk” to Children
The ruling requires the EPA to take regulatory action to eliminate the risk, in a decision that could end the use of water fluoridation chemicals throughout the U.S.