Why is Everything Broken?

Why is Everything Broken?

Why is Everything Broken? by Edward Curtin | Jun 2, 2022 “Begin then with a fracture, a cesura, a rent; opening a crack in this fallen world, a shaft of light.”    Norman O. Brown, Love’s Body eing sick for the past few weeks has had its...

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Rockefeller Medicine: A Poisonous Illusion?

Rockefeller Medicine: A Poisonous Illusion?

Today, we live in a world where the “Rockefeller medicine” is showing its teeth. We live in a world where medical boards, largely shaped by the Flexner Report, are suspending doctors’ licenses for daring go against the establishment lies.

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what they meant
Activism: A Write-off and Autopsy

Activism: A Write-off and Autopsy

Gone are the old hellraisers on the left stickin’ it to the man. Instead, you have a bunch of snowflakes looking to extricate themselves from moral responsibility by signaling their righteousness, rather than embodying it.

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