Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID

Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID

Continued virus evolution and outbreaks could be used as additional excuses to print more money by the central banks. Under this theory, the vaccine passport was merely a gateway device for what would eventually become a central bank digital currency system that would monitor vaccine compliance and institute a social credit score to make sure you were a good citizen.

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The CDC Is Sacrificing Children for Big Pharma

The CDC Is Sacrificing Children for Big Pharma

The FDA and CDC have sold out America’s children. Once enough people realize what they’ve done, they and the entire childhood vaccine program will be finished, as no one will trust any of the vaccines on the schedule. Already, only 44% of Americans believe what the CDC says.

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Punks vs. Posers

Punks vs. Posers

Being cool, in this new establishment left’s mind, changed things by itself. To lack coolness was the same as being a townsperson in the film Easy Rider—a gap-toothed nativist, fearful of anyone who thinks differently.

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We’ve Been Lied To About Everything That Matters

We’ve Been Lied To About Everything That Matters

We’ve spent our whole lives marinating in lies which serve the powerful. We’re deceived into believing our government is basically good, and that it stands in opposition to foreign governments who are pure evil. We’re deceived into believing the way things are is the only way they could possibly be.

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