The Corporate News Media at Work
Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart, writes Jonathan Cook. The differing coverage of these comparable events is the clue to the media’s true function.
The Power of the ‘Safety First’ Ideology
A new form of ‘soft’ authoritarianism has emerged that relies on psychological manipulation and censorship rather than overt oppression or violence.
“The First Amendment is Out of Control”
George Washington University Law School Professor Mary Anne Franks believes that the First Amendment is “aggressively individualistic” and needs to be rewritten to “redo” the work of the Framers.
Total Work (Chrono-Politics, Part 1)
One consequence of viewing the human under the type of the Worker is that education ceases to be cultivation and development (bildung) and becomes merely training.
War on Farmers: World Bank Sowing Seed Colonialism in Africa
Thousands of seed varieties have been lost and corporate seeds have increasingly dominated agriculture as peasant farmers have been prevented from freely improving, sharing or replanting their traditional seeds.
Illa in Manila: Will History Demand Trump-Hillary II?
Eight years of madness have brought America to the doorstep of its perfect WWE ending. Let’s get ready to rumble.