Goods, Desire, and Community
If you want to actually achieve good things together, you can’t shirk the question of what is actually good. It is good to educate your children, or it isn’t. It’s good to pollute the planet to the point of uninhabitability or it isn’t.
The Hate Police
Hopkins: If you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows J.K. Rowling, please give her my best regards, and tell her I said … well, basically, “Fuck the Hate Police!”
Small Acts of Kindness: The Renaissance of Our Hearts
It turns out, little acts of kindness are not so little at all. Like the periods between sentences and the space between words, they help us to relate to each other and they bind us together.
Lab-Altered Mosquitoes in Hawai‘i: We Are the Experiment
We’re up against heavily funded state and federal government agencies and non-governmental organizations who will stop at nothing to force this reckless biotech insect agenda on these islands.
The false red flag: industrial slavery
Lenin rejected the idea that the rural commune could serve as the basis for communism and that Russia could take an alternative path that avoided Western-style industrial development.
Combating “Hate”: The Trojan Horse for Precrime
If we look at Canada’s effort to establish official pre-hate-crime law enforcement, it’s one that would mark the official end of free speech and lead to a dystopian society revolving around the fear of being targeted – either by an individual or AI.
Why Democracy Leads to Tyranny
Western democracies are what can be called soft totalitarian states in contrast to the more brutal manifestations of totalitarianism past.
Censorship Is an Act of Desperation
We are no longer debating whether there is censorship with government cooperation going on. Now we are only debating whether this is a good or bad thing and whether it should be legal to do so.
The false red flag: lies and repression
It was the Bolsheviks themselves who were the real counter-revolutionaries, the real betrayers of the people’s movement, simply taking advantage of its revolutionary energy to grab power.
Big Chem Wants Legal Immunity from Pesticide Injuries
Taking notes from the vaccine manufacturers’ playbook, Big Chem is working to win legal immunity for the damages caused by pesticides. Action Alert!
Google Ordered To Identify Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos
After directly censoring creators and channels, giving geolocation data of its users to the authorities in response to the controversial geofencing warrants, this is a new example of how Google can be used and abused in dragnet-style “investigations.”
Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State
A radical nonconformist who challenged authority at every turn, Jesus was a far cry from the watered-down, corporatized, simplified, gentrified, sissified vision of a meek creature holding a lamb that most modern churches peddle.
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