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If this rule passes, America’s conserved lands and parks will move onto the balance sheets of the richest people in the world. Management of those lands will be decided by them and their operations, to say the least, will be opaque.
In defiance of the International Court of Justice, Israel continues to bomb Gaza. Like the United States, Israel refuses to abide by international law, exposing the hypocrisy of the ‘rules-based international order’.
they hold “peer review” forth like some sort of talisman, proof that whatever possibly religious documents you are about to wave around are the true and validated word of the almighty and constitute “the science which must be trusted.”
Wikipedia: The Failed Experiment to Democratize Knowledge. “Character Assassinations,” Censorship, an Instrument of Global Corporatism.
A new solar power project that will break ground in the Mojave Desert will require thousands of Joshua treesto be removed and destroy a habitat for desert tortoises, California’s state reptile and a threatened species.
The layperson may better understand and be able to easily explain to others the great hoax–that “viruses” exist, cause illness and are reasons to lock down and destroy societies and economies and cause lifelong disease and misery through needless and useless vaccination programs. They don’t.