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PR firms working under anonymous accounts, and others with conflicts of interest, learned how to game this system long ago. They’ve made more edits longer than any normal user can hope to accrue. Therefore, they always win the edit wars.
An Iowa egg farm is going to cull over 4 million birds after a single case was detected. Almost 100 million birds have been culled since the “outbreak” began in 2022.
Varieties developed specifically for organic farming adapt their genetic makeup to local environmental conditions, making them more robust and able to deliver higher yields over time.
This is the future envisioned for America’s college campuses by the partisans of Repress U. It’s a future where what passes for “homeland security” takes precedence over higher learning, where order prevails over inquiry, and where counterinsurgency comes before community.
Mr. Mounsey sees allopathic medicine industry and germ theory dogmas as obvious aspects of the path that leads to a charred, jagged and burnt place.
No amount of legislation is going to make the entire corrupt Federal Reserve System into anything other than the bankster cartel.