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This ruling gang, which is essentially nothing but an occupying force, shares neither the specific local moral codes of the various peoples it rules over, nor the general human sense of right and wrong that would once have been shared by its own ancestors.
We have become guinea pigs in a ruthlessly calculated, carefully orchestrated, chillingly cold-blooded experiment in how to control a population and advance a political agenda without much opposition from the citizenry.
Thanks to Weitz’s obsessive commitment to the mass expulsion of Palestinians he became known as the “architect of transfer” — a euphemism for ethnic cleansing (a recognised form of genocide) that would reach its apotheosis in the Nakba of 1948.
The importance of control experiments cuts both ways. In the same way that a control experiment can save the results of a pseudoscientific experiment from being disregarded, a well-designed control experiment can demonstrate that a particular experiment proves nothing of value whatsoever.
When the time comes around, it will almost certainly be another respiratory disease, because they are easy to “fake” using pre-existing endemic diseases and their uniform symptoms.
Modern Monetary Theory, Covid and Climate Change is the propaganda. The wealth and power transfer is the intention.