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Those who are beholden to the absolute power of genomic data somehow fail to understand a fundamental logical point: you cannot obtain a genome from something that does not exist.
The agency has released “guidance” to the biotech industry about how to get foods from gene-edited (GE) plants onto your dinner plate, doubling down on bad policies that treat GE foods the same as any other type of food—even though they are anything but. Action Alert!
A commentary on why the virologists cannot perform valid control experiments with their cell culture techniques.
In the US where regulations are already more relaxed, only two lab-grown products have so far gone through the approval process and, despite gaining approval, neither is currently available to buy.
If you want to actually achieve good things together, you can’t shirk the question of what is actually good. It is good to educate your children, or it isn’t. It’s good to pollute the planet to the point of uninhabitability or it isn’t.
Hopkins: If you know someone who knows someone who knows someone who knows J.K. Rowling, please give her my best regards, and tell her I said … well, basically, “Fuck the Hate Police!”