Farmers’ Protest in India Reignites
The plan is to displace the peasantry, create a land market and amalgamate landholdings to form larger farms that are more suited to international land investors and industrial farming.
A crucial moment for humankind
This is the moment to act! We cannot let them get away with their twisted project, even though the vast reach of their corrupt power makes this a challenging proposition.
An ABC for opposing the criminocracy
Criminocrats were just as happy to make money in the USSR and Nazi Germany as they are today in fake Western “democracies” or Eastern oligarchies, whether or not currently labelled “communist”.
Take Your Fluoride and Shut Up
If we could enforce our inalienable right to choose what goes into our bodies, there would be no need to waste eight years of time and money arguing the technicalities of toxins. We could just say: “Shut up and shove your fluoride.”
Plastics, Oil Industry Deceived Public on Recycling Use
Industries knew plastics could not be recycled, yet they promoted it to boost disposability profits, echoing Big Tobacco’s campaigns of deception.
Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions
The “protected class” is granted “safe harbor” only because their bets are so risky that to let them fail could crash the economy. But why let them bet at all?