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This sort of wildly skewed coverage does not happen by accident. Rather, it is the outcome of structural and ideological factors inherent within corporate media.
The modern system disempowers us, on every level, stifles and stunts us, forces us to repress our deepest feelings, intuitions and desires in order to fit into its gridwork of conformity and obedience.
This effort notably parallels demands from Democratic leaders who have called for enlightened algorithms to frame what citizens access on the internet.
Imagine trials and tribulations you will encounter if you put yourself on the side of justice and freedom. Prepare in advance to meet those head-on.
Scientists around the world have been sounding the alarm about the potential dangers and health implications of exposure to EMF—not to mention the risks posed to natural ecosystems.
The “progressives” aren’t much better, Bernie Sanders flailing all over the place to avoid advocating a ceasefire and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying she fully supports Biden despite his actions in Gaza.