the process is the punishment
one need not be right to punish one’s enemies, only powerful
The Cost of Bearing Witness
There are scores of Palestinian writers and photographers, many of whom have been killed, who are determined to make us see the horror of this genocide. They will vanquish the lies of the killers.
The Carousel
Those of you who saw through lockdowns, through the fraudulent vaccine, stepping back on to the carousel via war in Ukraine or The Middle East. Everything is a lie, everything you see, everything you hear they just keep coming.
Transnational Corporations Provoke a Single Scream of Horror
Within the United Nations, there is a little-known debate about the status of global tax regulation. This tax would be levied on a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction basis, which would open the entire process to chaos.
Time for the Court to Speak as One Overturning the CO Opinion
Most people understand intuitively that what these four justices did in Colorado was wrong. However, the court can speak as one — conservatives and liberals — in reaffirming the core values discarded by these state justices.
Wheat intolerance might be due to glyphosate
Glyphosate may be “critical environmental trigger” in wheat sensitivity, bowel diseases, and some mental illnesses, say scientists.