The money behind the smears

The money behind the smears

It seems very strange to Mr. Cudenec that “anarchists” would use fabricated political smears to cancel criticism of rich and powerful movers and shakers in the medico-pharmaceutic complex and in the global banking system.

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Propaganda Trouble: Reuters Fact Checking Jokes

Propaganda Trouble: Reuters Fact Checking Jokes

Reuters fact checked a joke. Either they don’t have a sense of humour—highly likely—or believe that no one else has a sense of humour and needs every joke explained to them—even more likely—or Reuters fact checkers have disappeared so far up their own backsides that it is actually them who can’t discern reality—a nailed on certainty.

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The Story of Pfizer Inc.

The Story of Pfizer Inc.

Pfizer’s portfolio of corporate crimes rivals that of the most corrupt companies in history. But that did not stop Pfizer from becoming a corporate celebrity with its COVID-19 vaccine.

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Take That, Internet Censors!

Take That, Internet Censors!

“If the allegations made by Plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in United States’ history.”

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To the Pro-Lockdown-Left: What Have You Achieved?

To the Pro-Lockdown-Left: What Have You Achieved?

In providing cover for the most aggressive, dominant sections of the ruling class in dismantling and absorbing smaller, weaker rungs, did the Pro-Lockdown-Left win any leverage for themselves, or for the working masses they claim to fight for?

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If You’re Not With Us, You’re MAGA

If You’re Not With Us, You’re MAGA

It should be crystal clear now, after at least eight years of this, that the failure of officialdom to recognize legitimate popular grievances on a huge range of topics is what’s driven voters to candidates like Trump, Sanders, and now Kennedy, Jr., Marianne Williamson, and even Cornel West, who’s already polled at 6% nationally.

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