Environmental Activism as a Capitalist Trojan Horse
Gates is on a civilizing mission. He does think we are all primitive. He does think he is out to deliver us. He has so little knowledge of how cultures live, of how human beings live, how life on this Earth lives. He has no knowledge.
Are AI Lawyers Coming for Us? What We Need to Know
All these AI developments may be a compliment to the power of technology but they are also a condemnation of the state of our civilization.
The United States of Paralysis
Democracies are slain when a tiny cabal, in our case corporate, seizes control of the economy, culture and the political system and distorts them to exclusively serve its own interests.
The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence
Despite a list of State atrocities over the lifespan of our human species that is nearly infinite, we here in the post-World War II West, refuse to countenance the idea of a murderous power elite masquerading as government for the good of all.
Rivers of resistance: Water for life, not profit
Water profiteers developed new tactics and strategies to increase private participation in the sector. They have been especially successful in capturing global water governance institutions to advance their pro-privatisation agenda.
Senators Introduce Bill To Create Digital Identity for All Americans
“The public and private sectors should collaborate to deliver solutions that promote confidence, privacy, choice, equity, accessibility, and innovation. The private sector drives much of the innovation around digital identity and has an important role to play in delivering digital identity solutions.”