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We are in the middle of a perilous transition point in human history. The metastasis of gene therapies from risky, last-ditch solutions for rare genetic abnormalities into mass population experimentation with minimal safety testing is staggering to behold.
The only place to resolve this conundrum, unresolvable in a linear way, is from love. The journey may take years. But when we allow the universe to heal us, and heal, and stop being scared of them, they’ll accept our wings.
Have a look at the methods described in the “SARS virus” patent and you’ll find the same-old monkey cell nonsense that we see in the “SARS-COV-2 isolation” studies, and additional procedures carried out in an effort to “identify” (assume, actually) the cause of the observed effects that occurred in the unnatural, useless cell cultures.
Like a child transforming from innocent to nasty teenager, the WHO appears to have used the covid-19 crisis as a catalyst for an about-turn on its more altruistic and democratic approach.
Crypto—a lawless industry that’s making a lot of money and using hundreds of millions of dollars in campaign contributions and lobbying to buy elected officials and other allies, like academics, trade groups, and the media.
The structures which we had wrongly thought we could rely on for independent and objective justice are anything but independent and objective. They are merely reflections of the society that we have collectively constructed.