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A note on Jimmy Kimmel, Howard Stern, Joe Biden, Stephen Colbert, and others.
Jimmy Kimmel, one of the era’s most infamous sources of misinformation, tearfully addresses a terrible night for “journalism” and “free speech.”
Americans can still do math. $17.9 billion dollars to Israel in one year, and $113.4 billion to Ukraine since 2022, yet no money available to rebuild crumbling infrastructure, reduce medical or educational debt, create affordable housing, fund public transit, or invest in job-creation?
It is despair that is killing us. It fosters what the Roger Lancaster calls “poisoned solidarity,” the intoxication forged from the negative energies of fear, envy, hatred and a lust for violence.
A pet squirrel craze swept colonial America. Everyone who was anyone, including the founding fathers, had a pet squirrel or was friends with someone who did.
Many voters, feeling disillusioned, are searching in vain for narratives that resonate with their experiences.