Today is a special anniversary: Event 201
It was not merely the event itself that is the coincidence. It’s also everyone and everything surrounding the event, including the discovery of the “viruses” and also the use of censorship to cure it.
The Choice this Election: Between Corporate and Oligarchic Power
There is a civil war within capitalism. Kamala Harris is the face of corporate power. Donald Trump is the mascot of the oligarchs. Either way, we lose.
Media Falls Below Congress in Trust Survey
Gallup’s annual confidence survey shows 68% of Americans will not relieve themselves on a journalist in flames.
Agreement, Mutual Aid, and Love (Reviving Federalism, Part 2)
If you claim the right to tell someone else what to do, that can only be legitimated by taking on the responsibility of giving full weight to their good (ie, loving them).
The Long Shadow of the Tar Sands
Extraction of lithium at Thacker Pass would directly support the economics of extracting additional sulfur-rich crude oil and bitumen at the tar sands, further incentivizing the destruction of the planet.
Life philosophy: beyond left and right
The global industrial-financial complex has been doing its best for decades now to ensure there is no real ideological opposition to its life-hating agenda.