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If you see “the future” as necessarily an extension of the path that has brought us from the past to the present, then the elite’s version seems inevitable. It is therefore crucial to break free from this idea of some kind of predestined vector taking us towards a hyper-industrial destiny.
We must not be hoodwinked by the relentless fear-mongering (concerning organics) of the agritech-agribusiness lobby, which requires farmers to continue to purchase its proprietary inputs, including synthetic fertilisers, while continuing to rollout and impose its high-input, high-energy, health-damaging model of industrial agriculture across the world.
Reduce the use of chemical fertilisers, make the chemical industry pay for pollution instead of criminalising farmers who were trapped by in the chemical treadmill through industrial agriculture.
If you lack the courage to oppose something you know is wrong, as history repeatedly shows, that same evil will eventually show up at your doorstep where you will no longer have the ability to oppose it.
With censorship soaring and real reporting all but taboo, the major dailies have just one important function left: being a political signaling system
Ithaka is a heart-rending film that offers an important rebuttal to more than a decade of propaganda aimed at dehumanizing the WikiLeaks publisher.