A Constitutional Cure for Covid-19

A Constitutional Cure for Covid-19

Show your papers, wear a mask, take a shot or lose your job. And the beat goes on for an infection where 99.95 percent of infected persons under age 70 years recover. It’s becoming clear that Covid-19 is not merely a disease but an excuse to concentrate power in the government.

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Two videos for Sunday morning.

Two videos for Sunday morning.

In the first video, Dr. Malone discusses Mattias Desmet’s theory of mass formation psychosis  or mass hypnosis. In the second video James Corbett asks: Do you know the story of the most powerful weapon in the world? It’s used against you every day. You use it yourself, even if you don’t do so consciously. And it can change the entire world.

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Let’s go to the mainstream news.

Let’s go to the mainstream news.

Mainstream news fans, ask yourselves this question: What is the purpose of Biden’s zealous, bunker mentality response to a variant with unknown risk using a “vaccine” that doesn’t work?

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Life around us is a hologram.

Life around us is a hologram.

Light energy turns a wave into a particle, which gives us the impression of solidity. Your body may seem solid, but it is actually a particle expression of a light force within you.

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Dr. Jessica Rose Behind The Curtain

Dr. Jessica Rose Behind The Curtain

Jessica Rose: So the censorship continues. I did a very detailed and informative interview with Frank McCaughey of Ireland on the subject of the pointlessness, potential harms and dangers with mass injecting children during this ‘pandemic’ with the known non-sterilizing COVID-19 injectable products. And it has been removed.

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The Left’s Covid failure

The Left’s Covid failure

Is there really no progressive criticism to be made about the quarantining of healthy individuals, when the latest research suggests there is a vanishingly small difference in terms of transmission between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated?

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