How the CDC Abandoned Science

How the CDC Abandoned Science

Throughout this pandemic, the CDC has been a poor steward the balance between public health and politics, pushing a series of scientific results that are severely deficient.

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The precarious state of the US economy

The precarious state of the US economy

The proposal to cut Russia off from SWIFT, while it will certainly hurt the Russian economy, will also further push Russia, along with China and other countries, especially those such as Cuba and Iran that are also targeted by the United States, to create their own global monetary exchange system.

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Why the Sudden Excitement over HIV?

Why the Sudden Excitement over HIV?

Lately, HIV has been all the rage. It’s a little peculiar—but too early to tell what will come out of it. More drugs? More vaccines? Is HIV even real? Another pandemic opportunity?

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what they said


what they meant
Take Action

Take Action

Pfizer announcement wants their disastrous mRNA shot added to the official schedule for children so that they can have liability protection forever. The Pfizer mRNA shot in children 2- to 4-years old failed in the clinical trial.

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Domestic Terrorism = Free Speech

Domestic Terrorism = Free Speech

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.

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Lockdowns did far more harm than good

Lockdowns did far more harm than good

Was the benefit in terms of a reduction in COVID-19 deaths worth the cost of the extraordinary harms caused by the lockdowns, including deaths from other causes?The answer to both questions, according to a new study out of the Johns Hopkins Institute, is firmly “No!”

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Regeneration 2022: Requiem or Revival?

Regeneration 2022: Requiem or Revival?

The ambitious goal of Regeneration International is to “change the global conversation” on food, farming, and climate. Our strategy is to inspire and mobilize the global grassroots with the revolutionary message that the climate crisis can be solved.

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Lab Leak Theory: The Conspiracy to Suppress It

Lab Leak Theory: The Conspiracy to Suppress It

The emails show Fauci and Collins rapidly and unanimously agreed to suppress this evidence and quash anyone promoting the lab leak theory. While questions of intentions remain, it seems this decision was made for political, and not scientific, reasons.

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