Health Meme Lies Corrected
Cute images, compelling typography—propaganda at its best. Health meme lies that needed to be corrected. I felt like I was up to the job.
WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Banality of Evil
This is not the first time that the WHO is trying serve the pharmaceutical industry and various industry shareholders using “pandemic preparedness” as a legal tool.
The Origins of Medical Blindness
Historically, the medical profession has been extremely resistant to accepting new ideas (except in cases where pharmaceutical money is given to influential physicians). This results in very bad ideas staying in use for decades (or in a few cases like mercury for centuries).
“Disinformation Board” is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems
The power to decree what is “disinformation” now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State.
$33 Billion More For the War in Ukraine. Which Americans Benefit?
Biden is demanding a mammoth military aid package for Ukraine. Why is the US tax payer bankrolling the war in Ukraine, and who stands to gain from this?
Our Digital Panopticon
The CDC has been using phone tracking data to monitor schools and churches. The CIA has also been spying on Americans, with no judicial oversight and without congressional approval.