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Landlords cannot simply make unilateral changes to the terms of the agreement, which would include imposing proof of vaccination as a condition of the tenancy.
A world-renowned cardiology expert warned of a link between the hastily developed COVID-19 injections and heart disease. He said on UK television that cardiology researchers have found evidence to support this, but are too afraid of losing money from the drug companies to publish the proof.
he European Union is considering adding a nine-month expiration period to its vaccine passport. The argument for the expiration date is that the vaccines’ effectiveness reduces with time and so a passport to participate in society can only last nine months since the last shot.
Logistics for the IGCD are provided by the Reset Initiative (a not-so-subtle reminder that censorship is a requirement for The Great Reset), which is part of The Omidyar Group of philanthropies.
If you oppose a vaccine requirement, you are an anti-vaxxer? Well, an official NBC News Survey by Hart Research found that 50% of American adults opposed “requiring that everyone who is now eligible must get a COVID-19 vaccine.” It appears half of Americans are now officially anti-vaxxers.
I am the virus. A Dadaist mashup with Joseph Goebbels, Lothar Wieler, Bill Gates, Thomas Paine, Emma Goldman, Frank Zappa, Frederick Douglass, Phillip Dick, David Graeber, George Orwell, George R.R. Martin, Lenny Bruce, Chris Hedges, Albert Einstein, Vandana Shiva and Thomas Jefferson.