Hey, Bernie, where’s my fucking money?

Hey, Bernie, where’s my fucking money?

I donated $2,000.00 to your campaign, Bernie—money I could barely afford. I would have donated the limit and volunteered most of my waking hours to help your presidential campaign.

Bernie, now I have a question for you. Where’s my fucking money?

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Billionaires? There’s a gulag for that.

Billionaires? There’s a gulag for that.

Bernie Sanders said billionaires shouldn’t exist and he was absolutely correct. Billionaires do not pay their fair share of taxes. But what are we going to do with them? Is it a good idea to put them back on the streets if they have been stripped of their wealth? Billionaires? There’s a gulag for that.

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George McGovern–The Last Democrat

George McGovern–The Last Democrat

George McGovern’s defeat in 1972 ushered in the “if you can’t beat ’em join ’em” Republicanization of the Democrat Party by corporate hucksters like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. The Democrats and the country changed forever.

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