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These preposterous and unsubstantiated claims from the globalists provide a chorus of fear on which the pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer rely to extract vast sums of money from nation-states that sell out their people for a song.
Be radically anti-modern: take a day off. We need this space within time though to recover our own full existence and our co-existence with the world and our fellows in natural freedom.
“We the people” must stop playing politics and stand united against the politicians and corporate interests who have turned our government and economy into a pay-to-play exercise in fascism.
As the central bank noted in a January report, “cash has a special significance in Germany.” This is a problem for EU authorities, particularly the European Commission, which are keen to wean European citizens off cash as they prepare to launch a digital euro.
Presenting a life-affirming worldview that is diametrically opposed to that of the dark enslaving empire, Mr. Cudenec says: “The global criminocracy’s ongoing domination of our societies depends on deceit – constant, blatant deceit in every sphere.
Here’s an American reality: the Pentagon is our true welfare state, the weapons makers our real “welfare queens,” and we never stop shoveling money their way.