The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity

The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity

These preposterous and unsubstantiated claims from the globalists provide a chorus of fear on which the pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer rely to extract vast sums of money from nation-states that sell out their people for a song.

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Wave of ATM Bombings in “Cash-Addicted” Germany

Wave of ATM Bombings in “Cash-Addicted” Germany

As the central bank noted in a January report, “cash has a special significance in Germany.” This is a problem for EU authorities, particularly the European Commission, which are keen to wean European citizens off cash as they prepare to launch a digital euro.

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Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!

Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!

Presenting a life-affirming worldview that is diametrically opposed to that of the dark enslaving empire, Mr. Cudenec says: “The global criminocracy’s ongoing domination of our societies depends on deceit – constant, blatant deceit in every sphere.

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