The Supreme Court’s decision on Friday in Fischer v. U.S. struck down one of the most common charges against January 6 defendants. “Obstruction of an official proceeding” had been used in hundreds of cases, and those convictions are now invalid.
Prefigurative action
In part, resistance is about flying under the radar of the authorities. It’s about starting to build the new world we want to see inside the shell of the increasingly dystopian one we’re currently forced to endure.
Voting is Evil
Voting is not a ‘right’, but a profound wrong, bestowing the same fake and calamitous ‘legitimacy’ on unscrupulous parasites as the so-called ‘divine right’ of kings. Voting violates Natural Law and everything humane. It is an act of evil.
That’s All Folks! (Redux)
Mr. Hopkins wouldn’t be surprised if they draft Hillary Clinton, you know, just to rub it in everyone’s faces, or cancel the constitution on account of the bird flu, or the “global boiling,” or an “anti-vax-conspiracy-theorist insurrection,” and appoint Obama dictator perpetuo.
Who is Running the Country?
The president is simply no longer there, in terms of understanding the contradictions of the policies he and his foreign policy advisers have been carrying out.
Philosopher Kings or New-Age Militarists?
The Pentagon’s supreme confidence in it’s ability and American arms makers to wage future techno-wars has been reinforced by a group of new-age militarists in Silicon Valley.