The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: Peter Thiel

The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: Peter Thiel

While J.D. Vance has his own controversies, his close connection to billionaire Peter Thiel, who is poised to have unprecedented influence in a new Trump administration, should deeply unsettle every American who cares about freedom, privacy and reining in the surveillance state.

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Astronomers Lose, California Wins

Astronomers Lose, California Wins

The court ruled that satellite launches and deployment, no matter how many, “are deemed individually and cumulatively to have no significant effect on the quality of the human environment and are categorically excluded from environmental processing.”

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The Civil War Simulation

The Civil War Simulation

If you think this all ends with America Made Great Again, or Palestine Free, or with Elon Musk marching into the White House with a bathroom sink, or some other “revolutionary” fantasy, well, it doesn’t.

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The Corporate News Media at Work

The Corporate News Media at Work

Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart, writes Jonathan Cook. The differing coverage of these comparable events is the clue to the media’s true function.

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