What Actually Happens With Water Inside The Body?
How liquid crystalline water creates the strength and support of the body.
The Democrats Have Lost the Plot
Democrats: Did these people really not understand that identifying who is not a source crosses the same line as identifying who is one?
Lies, Damned Lies, and Elephants
The scale of sadistic and murderous campaigns throughout history pales in comparison to the war within which we find ourselves now: global, savage, ingeniously devious and, to date, fairly successful.
The Censorship Industrial Complex
Stacey Plaskett, the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary subcommittee started badgering, insulting, smearing, and baiting Matt and Shellenberger like Joe McCarthy in drag.
World Wide Web: Whom Was It Designed to Catch?
Privacy was never meant to be. The current development with censorship and surveillance is a feature, not a bug. The internet is a continuation of Steven Newcomb’s “System of Domination,” and the System of Domination is real.
Testing of E. Palestine soil finds every dioxin and furan
Indiana tested incoming waste soil for a diversity of chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans and found every one they looked for. But the governor claims the levels are acceptable.