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Corporate media are engaging in a strategy of misdirection. This shields the propertied class from scrutiny regarding a crisis of its own making—from which it derives immense profits—while blame is assigned to over-burdened renters and people who are unhoused.
The ignorance was as breathtaking then as it is now. How one can be so ‘wilfully blind’, to borrow Dr Malhotra’s phase, when there is so much evidence – much of which has been sent to MPs by their constituents.
Throughout its history, the CDC and its advisory committee the ACIP, have consistently voted to approve each vaccine presented before them, regardless of the evidence against doing so. Why?
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has advised us it will fund legal challenges to any Covid-19 mandate for attending school imposed by any state.
If COVID vaccines are added to the childhood immunization schedule, it means billions in sales for vaccine manufacturers and complete liability protection when children or adults are harmed by the vaccines.
The “smartphonization” of humanity. It is also the stultification, or dumbing-down of our minds, and eventually our intelligence.