Political Hope
Maybe democracy resides in unofficial, informal civic structures, extra-legal vernacular institutions, and place-based communities. When the people are strong and determined, when they have a sense of themselves as a people, when they know their own power
Hope springs eternal with a little effort
We are, I think, in a collective state of despair. So, it isn’t surprising to me that I have a hard time feeling hopeful when asked “How do we fix things?” since despair is the absence or loss of hope (from the Latin “without” [de] and “to hope” [sperare]).
The Biggest Lie The Hawks Ever Sold
The US is the only nation on earth whose entire economy is built on arms manufacturing and security guarantees to tyrannical Gulf states. It’s not just correct to call the US empire a uniquely evil power structure, it’s correct to say it’s impossible for it not to be.
The Pandemic Isn’t Over
White House officials are also in on the act. “Get vaxed. Wear masks. Open windows & turn on fans”. The US have stockpiled 750 million N95 masks which will be sent to Americans for free.
Constitutional Case Against California’s Covid Misinformation Bill
Proponents of AB 2098 keep talking out of both sides of their mouths, emphasizing the bill is needed to curb speech that is constitutionally protected, but then insisting that this bill would do no such thing.
Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid.
The reasons behind these horrific numbers are complicated and none of us fully understand them, so that is exactly why there should be an urgent and comprehensive Government inquiry. If anything, the situation seems to be worsening. Considering the relentless focus on one virus for more than two years, requesting answers from Government on thousands and thousands of non-Covid excess deaths is entirely reasonable.