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The MSM been giving monkeypox far more attention than it deserves, but various countries have begun issuing guidance regarding “preventative” measures such as self-isolation and vaccination (sounds familiar?).
When you see an advertisement for a drug on TV or your computer, resist the urge to believe that it’s there to help you and see it for what it really is — a marketing tactic with the sole purpose of increasing sales for the drug industry.
TopGun: Maverick is about rehabilitation of the military’s image in the wake of numerous failed wars. It also helps distract from all the drone pilots who’ve spoken out about the misery and horror inherent in that job.
Rather than be extremely concerned by the specter of a country in which half of its children become autistic, some people prefer to reject there is even much of a problem.
The Pfizer EUA application to inject genetically modified mRNA into kids 6 months to 4 years old is an embarrassment. It’s an embarrassment to Pfizer, the FDA, and the White House.
Any analysis of world power dynamics which doesn’t account for the US government’s unique, front-and-center role in worldwide tyranny and oppression is empty children’s entertainment.