Officials Manipulated COVID Data to Exaggerate Crisis
“Data was very easily used by influencers and decision-makers to fit particular narratives,” Norman Fenton, Ph.D., a mathematician at Queen Mary University of London, said in an interview on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”
When the Struggle Ends, Who Am I?
Watch the linked video! The struggle that surfaced via the Covid controversies has not ended, but it has surely entered a new phase. Some of its partisans are taking a step back to look at the bigger picture—not only the social-political picture, but of their own role in it.
Eclipsed by the State: A Critical Look at Christian America
Christians were persecuted in ancient times for refusing to participate in the Roman Empire’s rituals to their gods, yet today many Christians see no conflict of interest in offering up their allegiance in idolatrous rituals to the flag of the U.S. Empire.
The Slippery Slope of the WHO Pandemic Treaty
This story is about the proverbial “slippery slope” as it pertains to the potential new World Health Organization pandemic treaty that may gradually, then suddenly pave the way for the end of national sovereignty as we know it.
FDA’s Major Food Failure
This confirms what ANH has been saying for some time. The FDA defers to the interests of Big Food and Big Pharma, and works to protect their interests.
6 Double Standards to Justify COVID Vaccines
From the beginning, the official COVID-19 narrative has been inconsistent, hypocritical and/or contradictory because medical authorities used double standards to create the illusion their narrative was logical and sensible.