Interview: The War on Informed Consent

Interview: The War on Informed Consent

Dr. Paul Thomas’ license was suspended by the Oregon Medical Board on transparently false pretexts, the true reason being that he posed a threat to state policy by respecting the right of parents to make their own informed choice about childhood vaccinations.

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The Corporatization of American Science

The Corporatization of American Science

Science in the United States almost exclusively serves the interest of corporate and military power. Scientists are employed in “hypothesis-driven” research to promote the interests of the food industry, the tobacco industry, and the fossil fuel industry, attacking or silencing scientific studies that cast doubt on the claims of these industries.

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what they said


what they meant
Boost the insanity

Boost the insanity

The desperate move for a third shot is the latest and maybe most desperate manifestation of the panic around the vaccine failure that health authorities still will not openly admit is happening.

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George Carlin on germs. This one is for chicken little liberals.

George Carlin on germs. This one is for chicken little liberals.

George Carlin: “The fear of germs. Where did this sudden fear of germs come from in this country? “What do you think you have an immune system for? It’s for killing germs, but it needs germs to practice on. So if you kill all the germs around you and live a completely sterile life, then, when germs do come along, you’re not going to be prepared.”

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