The CIA Does “Soulful Work”

The CIA Does “Soulful Work”

Contemplating U.S. history for the past fifty-five plus years confirms the continuity of government policy for war and economic policies that enrich the wealthy at the expense of the working class and massacre the innocent around the world.

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Why Do People Claim They Own “The Science™”?

Why Do People Claim They Own “The Science™”?

The Science™ is a closed shop where only certain “experts” are deemed credible, usually by each other. Dissent from “the Scientific Consensus™” is actively resisted by non-scientific means. Censorship, personal attacks, denial, ridicule, refusal to debate and so on.

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Our Quest for Freedom: Defending

Our Quest for Freedom: Defending

Sufficient numbers will have to have realised what this world has turned into, remembered what it should have been and started consciously yearning for what it could once more become.

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The Era of Informed Consent is Over

The Era of Informed Consent is Over

This ruling, to be actioned by potentially corrupt scientists, health bureaucrats, and captured health and drug regulators, is another step toward a dystopian future unimaginable just five years ago.

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For a Convergence of the Uncorrupted

For a Convergence of the Uncorrupted

The leading lights of political, social and religious organisations have all been corrupted and so large numbers of their followers are also corrupted, albeit indirectly and provisionally.

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