Narcissism And Agreeableness Behind Left-Wing Authoritarianism
Growing research on the psychology of Left Wing Authoritarianism offers a powerful lens for understanding and challenging the censorship and tyranny we’ve increasingly seen from the Left.
Numbed by Numbers on the Way to the Digital Palace
Dostoevsky’s underground man wasn’t playing a silly game when he suggested that 2 + 2 = 5. He was saying that free will is more important than reason which just satisfies the rational side of our nature.
Even The Bald Eagle’s Call Is Propaganda
The bald eagle, symbol of the nation which sits atop a globe-spanning empire held together by mass-scale propaganda, and the sound of its voice is itself a complete construct of propaganda.
Glyphosate Linked to Severe Depression, Cognitive Decline
A new peer-reviewed study released by a group of scientists in Taiwan has revealed an astonishingly strong link between severe depression, cognitive decline and exposure to the world’s most used herbicide, glyphosate.
White House, Dark Money NGO Hype Hate To Demand Censorship
The Center for Countering Digital Hate and corporate news media are weaponizing accusations of antisemitism to advance political and financial agendas.
Pharma Documents: Strategies Used to Corrupt the Medical Field
A published review of internal documents finds that pharma uses many tactics to ensure profit without regard for health.