The Dominance of Self-Interest and the Ruling Cult of Evil
What happens when it becomes impossible to completely repress the inner realisation of what you are doing, when the thin shell of justification collapses and you, the insider, become aware of the utter depravity of your role in society?
“Disaster Capitalism” in The Netherlands
The globalised system of food production based on an industrialised, high-input, chemical-dependent and corporate dependent model underpinned by geopolitical interests is the real problem.
All Terrain
It’s time for a paradigm shift.
The Dark Truth of America’s Federation of State Medical Boards
Why, in 2022, is the FSBM now beginning a big push for censorship of health protocols and ideas and freedoms, through their manipulated claims of “disinformation & misinformation”?
Your health data – exploitation of the most precious commodity
As we move towards ever more authoritarian systems of governance, governments and the mega corporations that have assumed control over the media, information (data), communications, the food supply, medicines and health products, amongst other things, want control over the people.
FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal
The FDA is, and has been, out of control. It approves dangerous, expensive drugs that don’t work, and works to eliminate your access to natural alternatives to those dangerous, ineffective, and expensive drugs.