CDC: Vaccine Adjuvant Contributes to Asthma in Kids
The results show that children vaccinated with most or all of the recommended aluminum-containing vaccines had a 36 percent higher risk of being diagnosed with persistent asthma than kids who got fewer vaccines.
The Brutal Comedy of the Withdrawn Peace Letter
If you were actively trying to convince the public you didn’t stand for anything, you couldn’t dream up something more devastating than what the CPC members just did to themselves, and their institution.
Biotech Giants Using GMOs to Build Food Tyranny
Whether in India, Europe or elsewhere, the industry’s agenda is to use GE technology to secure intellectual property rights over all seeds (and chemical inputs) and thus gain total control over food and farming.
Why Do Vaccines Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission?
The primary reason for the promotion of vaccines is the love of money. If a company (or a federal vaccine regulator) can produce a vaccine that is added to the vaccination schedule, the guaranteed market created by doing generates a financial windfall.
The Oil Industry’s Message to You
They got that right. The modern ad and PR industry is an evil thing: self-righteous, self-deceptive, manipulative. Pathological and deadly. And the worst of it is, their ads almost always work.
Worthless House Progressives Retract Mild Peace Advocacy
The progressive Democrat is a myth, like the good billionaire or the righteous American war. “The Squad” is nothing more than the social media-savvy branch of the Democratic establishment.