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In 1998, researchers concluded that properly prescribed and correctly taken pharmaceutical drugs were the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. Since then, several investigations have concluded conventional medicine in general, and medical errors in particular, are among the top leading causes of death in the U.S.
Worldwide reports, including from Sri Lanka, the U.K, Australia, Japan and North America were gathered to demonstrate how masks have created environmental pollution that is injuring and killing wildlife.
Covid brought us the concept of “The Science.” Dr. Fauci famously said last year: “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.” But no person embodies science. To suggest as much betrays a cast of mind that is entirely at odds with science itself.
Finding little ways to undermine the oppression machine every day gradually adds up to hundreds of acts of defiance in a year, which after a few years becomes thousands.
Drone strikes have been an integral part of US aggression against the world for over two decades now. These strikes have been the mainstay of joint military-intelligence black ops, especially in the Middle East and Africa. From the mountains of Afghanistan to the deserts of Libya, US drone strikes have been sowing death and destruction, ever so euphemistically called “spreading freedom and democracy.”
The predator class doesn’t care if the working poor struggle and suffer and live in misery, so long as they can make their interest payments. And that if the government won’t side with the debtors, there comes a point where the debtors must destroy the creditors themselves.