Our Digital Panopticon

Our Digital Panopticon

The CDC has been using phone tracking data to monitor schools and churches. The CIA has also been spying on Americans, with no judicial oversight and without congressional approval.

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Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book

Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book

Bill Gates’s new book How to Prevent the Next Pandemic: The main theme is implied in the title. With enough money, intelligence, and power, along with technological know-how at the helm, the next pathogen to come along can be stopped in its tracks.

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what they said


It’s About Time

It’s About Time

We have entered a new time, perhaps the end-time, when the world’s end is a very real possibility. Hypnotized people can agree to anything, even mass-suicide, unless they snap out of it.

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The Logic of Lockdowns Leads to Shanghai

The Logic of Lockdowns Leads to Shanghai

What is occurring in Shanghai is not only a human rights disaster—it is the beginning of a long reckoning for the West. The era of lockdownism started with shocking footage from China, and so it should end.

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Kickbacks, Corruption & Scandal: The History of the CDC

Kickbacks, Corruption & Scandal: The History of the CDC

The story of CDC kleptocracy parallels the story of contemporary US government institutions. From its humble beginnings as an agency with a mission to manage the swamp, it has degenerated into a bloated bureaucracy that has become a full fledged member of the swamp.

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