I Am Done With The Left-Right Divide
I find it interesting that my allies in the anti-globalization and peace movements do not see a connection between our protests against the Weapons of Mass Destruction lies before the Iraq war, GMOs, a woman’s right to choose abortion and big Pharma but now are public about supporting forced vaccination, censorship, and the war in Ukraine.
How did needles become so normal?
Picture this. You walk into a room and your child is sitting at a table with a gun to their head. What do you do? If we replace the gun with a needle in the arm? Most people would change their perspective immediately.
“Hope” not “science” that the vaccinated could not spread the COVID virus.
Facebook, in the early days of the Covid vaccine, banned claims that the Covid vaccine wouldn’t stop people from actually being infected with Covid, meaning claims that the vaccinated could still spread Covid became an offense on the platform.
San Francisco is Another Portugal
Ba.5 is just starting to become predominant in San Francisco, unlike in Portugal where it dominated since a month ago, and that is not a good sign for a beautiful coastal city whose residents keep catching endless cases of Covid.
Supplement Bans Courtesy of Junk Science
These restrictions are based on unscientific assessments of the risk posed by supplement doses. The main thing wrong with these determinations is that they overstate the danger posed by supplements and completely ignore the health benefits that can be derived from higher doses.
Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsche’s Warning & The Birth of a New Culture
“God is dead,” Friedrich Nietzsche famously proclaimed as he realised that society would need to move away from religion being the ultimate governance and embrace what’s next. However, Nietzsche’s true concern was with culture; he saw a problem with mankind and that problem was weakness.