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VAERS’ data reveal these jabs have caused more harm in 18 months than all other vaccines on the market, combined, over the past three decades.
One of the truly insidious things that has been done by Big Tech has been to replace the experiences that make us human with virtual surrogates that are nothing more than mental ideas that can be easily monetized.
The Assange persecution is the greatest threat to Western press freedoms in years. It is also a shining monument to the fraud of American and British self-depictions.
ARPA-H appears to me to be an intelligence community operational research arm that has been embedded into the Office of the Director of NIH. What could possibly go wrong?
We will reduce our numbers and absent ourselves from nature, leaving the planet to rewild itself as we retreat into bubble cities and the Metaverse, subsisting off robotified vertical farms, precision fermentation factories, animal cell culture meat, and artificial milk (“Mylk”).
Like a video game, I believe we humans are free to either win this game or lose it. We will either keep expanding our awareness of what’s really going on in this weird universe our mothers birthed us into, or we will wipe ourselves out via nuclear war or ecocide.