The First Privilege Walk

The First Privilege Walk

How Herbert Marcuse’s widow used a Scientology-linked cult’s methodology to gamify Identity Politics and thus helped steer the U.S. Left down the dead-end path of identitarian psychobabble.

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The “New Normal” & the Civil Society Deception

The “New Normal” & the Civil Society Deception

A global network of stakeholder capitalist partners are collaborating to usher in what they claim to be a new model of enhanced democratic accountability that includes “civil society”. However, beneath their deceptive use of the term civil society lies an ideology which offers this network an unprecedented degree of political control that threatens to extinguish representative democracy entirely.

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The Year of the New Normal Fascist

The Year of the New Normal Fascist

“As 2021 goose-steps toward its fanatical finish, it is time for my traditional year-end wrap-up. It’s The Year of the Ox in the Chinese zodiac, but I’m christening it The Year of the New Normal Fascist. And what a phenomenally fascist year it has been!”

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Joe Biden: The Maestro of Messes

Joe Biden: The Maestro of Messes

Biden apparently dreamed of the presidency for decades. And now we must reflect on how perilous it often turns out to be when one’s dreams come true. Farce and embarrassment seem to be our fate for the next three years.

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what they said


The U.S. Military Budget as a Mushroom Cloud

The U.S. Military Budget as a Mushroom Cloud

Where are you going to get the money? That question haunts congressional proposals to help the poor, the unhoused, and those struggling to pay the mortgage or rent or medical bills, among so many other critical domestic matters. And yet — big surprise! — there’s always plenty of money for the Pentagon.

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Hedges: The Execution of Julian Assange

Hedges: The Execution of Julian Assange

He committed empire’s greatest sin. He exposed it as a criminal enterprise. He documented its lies, callous disregard for human life, rampant corruption and innumerable war crimes. And empires always kill those who inflict deep and serious wounds.

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Abortion, birth control used by the elite to rid the planet of black people.

Abortion, birth control used by the elite to rid the planet of black people.

The eugenics movement’s heart of darkness—its aim, first, to rid America of its black population, once the end of slavery nullified their economic value, making them a fiscal burden on the nation; and then to rid the whole world of those peoples, many of them black, impeding the elite’s access to the wealth of natural resources buried and/or growing throughout (above all) Africa, and elsewhere the world over.

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