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What decent citizen could possibly have a problem with an empire which is “a compelling force for good” working to “eradicate poverty”, to bring about “peace and harmony” and “a better world for our children”?
To be a celebrity within the oligarchic empire is, with very few notable exceptions, to be an agent of that empire.
Hopkins calls it The New Normal Reich. Because of global trade, surveillance technology, and the destruction of ideological alternatives, the New Normal Reich aims to be the first truly global system of totalitarianism.
Imagine you blew up a balloon after putting small pieces of tape on the surface. Those spots where the tape are would not be able to stretch and that would put extra strain and pressure on the rubbery or contractile parts of the balloon surface. Eventually, the strain would be too much and the balloon would pop from additional pressure.
“The US Anti-War Left is Dead. The Squad’s $40b War Vote Just Killed It.” Many Dems voting YES have long denounced exactly these sorts of bills. What happened?
Very, very bad policies have been pushed forward, effective treatments that could end the pandemic have been kept off the market, and for some reason all paths have converged to an exceptional deadly and ineffective vaccine being forced upon the population. At this point in time, I am relatively certain most of this was deliberately planned out years in advance.