EU plots nine-month expiration date on vaccine passports

EU plots nine-month expiration date on vaccine passports

he European Union is considering adding a nine-month expiration period to its vaccine passport. The argument for the expiration date is that the vaccines’ effectiveness reduces with time and so a passport to participate in society can only last nine months since the last shot.

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A Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”?

A Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”?

If you oppose a vaccine requirement, you are an anti-vaxxer? Well, an official NBC News Survey by Hart Research found that 50% of American adults opposed “requiring that everyone who is now eligible must get a COVID-19 vaccine.”  It appears half of Americans are now officially anti-vaxxers.

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I am the virus. What is my name?

I am the virus. What is my name?

I am the virus. A Dadaist mashup with Joseph Goebbels, Lothar Wieler, Bill Gates, Thomas Paine, Emma Goldman, Frank Zappa, Frederick Douglass, Phillip Dick, David Graeber, George Orwell, George R.R. Martin, Lenny Bruce, Chris Hedges, Albert Einstein, Vandana Shiva and Thomas Jefferson.

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what they said


what they meant
Austrian police check shoppers for vaccine passports

Austrian police check shoppers for vaccine passports

As a result of an increase in cases, the Austrian government announced a 10-day lockdown for those who have not been vaccinated. Disobeying the lockdown rule attracts a €500 fine, while refusing to show a vaccine passport could result in a €1,450 penalty. The law came to effect on Monday.

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The Real Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The Real Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

One of the darkest stains on Fauci’s career, aside from his role in the COVID pandemic, was his handling of the HIV epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that has killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients.

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Letter to a Tyrant

Letter to a Tyrant

None of your efforts to enshroud the sun, contaminate the soil, befoul the water, defile the oceans, toxify the air, autodarwinate seeds, sequester the food supply, extinguish species, or commodify the ecosystem can stop those seeds from bursting through the earth and winding their tendrils around your Nuremberged neck.

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