Posts by category
- Category: Anarchism
- The Kali Yuga: Keeping the Faith in a Dark Age
- The Extraordinary Life of Simona Kossak
- Randian Acts of Unkindness
- Primeval freedom, the anarch and the anarchist
- A Natural Man walking this Earth
- Truth, essence, knowledge and light
- Why do we only support mob-rule when our mob wins?
- Industrialism is a manifestation of Evil
- disaster capitalism – are you ready for what may come after 11/5?
- Natural Complexity (Reviving Federalism, Part 3)
- Life philosophy: against the destructive will of Mammon
- The Secret Metaphysics of Consensus Process
- Life philosophy: soul, rhythm, magic and love
- Agreement, Mutual Aid, and Love (Reviving Federalism, Part 2)
- Life philosophy: beyond left and right
- A Republic of Republics of Republics (Reviving Federalism, Part 1)
- Fake living versus the happiness of truth
- The corruption is real and sickening
- Authenticity: A quality to defeat quantity
- Preface to Beyond Leviathan
- Kennedy-Trump: Did ‘Integral Populism’ Just Happen?
- Change for the better?
- The Politics of Friendship (Chrono-Politics, Part 6)
- Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!
- Ritual vs. Porn (Chrono-Politics, Part 5)
- Organic radicalism: challenging the system to its core
- Burnout (Chrono-Politics, Part 4)
- Involuntary Governance and the Permaculture Ethical Compass
- Re-assessing positions
- Being vs. Having (Chrono-Politics, Part 3)
- Deliberate dispossession and our struggle for autonomy
- Freedom in Time (Chrono-Politics, Part 2)
- Total Work (Chrono-Politics, Part 1)
- The Folly of Politics Without Communion
- Escaping the industrial nightmare
- Emma Goldman: A New Declaration of Independence
- The military-industrial guilt complex
- Prefigurative action
- Voting is Evil
- Electoral fraud: the illusion of democracy
- Wars, resets and the global criminocracy
- Joined dots and spontaneous synchronicity
- Power and corruption: the public-private imperial mafia
- Revolution From Below (Revolutionary Aristotelianism Part 6)
- Losing the labels
- The Structure of a Whole Life (Revolutionary Aristotelianism Part 5)
- Modernity as Fragmentation (Revolutionary Aristotelianism Part 4)
- The world out of kilter: occupation and zombification
- Clarity and focus
- Good Cities, Good Citizens, Good People
- The Coming to Be of Society (Revolutionary Aristotelianism, Part 2)
- The false red flag: a despotic dead end
- The false red flag: a repugnant racket
- Goods, Desire, and Community
- The false red flag: industrial slavery
- Why Democracy Leads to Tyranny
- The false red flag: lies and repression
- Our Quest for Freedom: Defending
- For a Convergence of the Uncorrupted
- Our Quest for Freedom: Building
- The Predators versus The People: the global mafia exposed
- Natural Anarchy
- Our Quest for Freedom: Preparing and Boycotting
- Our Quest for Freedom: Becoming
- Our Quest for Freedom: Meaning
- Martin Luther King, Tyranny, and Natural Law
- A crucial moment for humankind
- Our Quest for Freedom: Explaining and Proposing
- Enemies of the People: Profiteering from war after war
- Our Quest for Freedom: Exposing
- Forest Rebels (Deep Resistance Part 6)
- Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning
- Stoic Freedom (Deep Resistance Part 4)
- Our Quest for Freedom: Remembering
- Why Alcoholics Can’t Be Forced to Stop Drinking
- Our Quest for Freedom: Realising
- Our Quest for Freedom and other essays
- Dogs Bark (Deep Resistance Part 3)
- Israel-Hamas and the Great Reset
- Dog Wisdom (Deep Resistance Part 2)
- Deep Resistance: Philosophical Practices of Sanity (Part 1)
- 1984/2024 – The hidden hope in Orwell’s warning
- Seeing the whole truth with a three-dimensional outlook
- The Carousel
- Seven reasons why I am an anti-industrialist
- Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police
- Catastrophe (Egalitarian Anti-Modernism Part 9)
- Seizing a free future!
- When will the real opposition emerge?
- Chesterton Against Servility
- Authenticity is the antidote to anti-culture
- A matter of life and death
- A yearning with no name
- Turning our backs on the left-right racket
- The king and the criminocrats
- Resisting global tyranny: the golden chain of tradition
- The Narrow Road to Self-Government
- 25 Ornery Aphorisms by Edward Abbey
- “Where were all the anarchists during Covid 19?”
- For a convergence of the uncorrupted
- The people will prevail – with or without the left!
- Cogs of corruption and control
- Enemies of the People: privatising power
- Shining light on the climate of manipulation
- The Mortal God Drops Its Mask
- Robert Malone’s global-industrial agenda
- BRICS in the wall of global greed
- The money behind the smears
- Criminocracy and its lies
- Woke is fascist
- Authoritarianism Keeps Surging In Western “Free Democracies”
- Remembering the Paris Commune
- Resisting and revealing the plutocratic occupation
- Work. Order. Progress.
- Taoism, Divinity and the New Anarchism
- Adieu to the illusion of democracy
- The New Anarchy: Truth, Nature, Beauty and Withness
- When protest is branded “terrorism”
- The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence
- Macron’s tear gas tour
- Remembering who we are
- Emma Goldman: Anarchism—What it really stands for.
- The End of Hope
- The WEF are life-hating liars
- Anarchy, alchemy and awakening
- Form, essence, lies and truth
- Fighting off the Encroachment
- Ramping up the global inquisition
- The Secret of Success is to Have No Fear
- Denying reality: a dangerous delusion
- Resisting Techno-Tyranny: A Dialogue
- Welcome To The Revolution!
- Emma Goldman: What is patriotism?
- Empire of Hypocrisy
- The End of Their World is the Beginning of Ours!
- To the Anarchist, Anarchy = Natural Law
- Anarchists growing the new resistance!
- Emma Goldman: Woman Suffrage
- Category: Bill Gates
- Today is a special anniversary: Event 201
- Bill Gates Partner GAVI Vaccine Alliance Targets Online Memes
- Bill Gates’ Global Agenda & How We Can Resist His War On Life
- Environmental Activism as a Capitalist Trojan Horse
- Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book
- Gates Calls For Censorship of Social Media, Celebrates ‘The New Normal’
- Who is Bill Gates?
- Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates’s Book Is Rubbish!
- Bill Gates & His Fake Solutions to Climate Change
- Gates to a Global Empire, a Global Citizens’ Report by Navdanya International
- Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill
- How Bill Gates Controls Global Messaging and Censorship
- GNN (Gates News Network), October 18, 2019
- Category: Censorship
- Political Riptides Threaten to Overwhelm the Nation
- Censorship: Using Your Tax Dollars to Silence Your Voice
- Biden’s Legacy: Leaving FOIA In Shambles
- Inside the Push for Police-Run “Misinformation” Units
- US paid PR firm to track and vilify critics of GMOs and pesticides
- Save Democracy From Informed Voters: Vote Censorship!
- They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now
- Revealed: The Israeli Spies Writing America’s News
- Media Falls Below Congress in Trust Survey
- The Hurricane Speech Panic is Here
- Disinformation Isn’t the Problem
- Misinformation Doesn’t Kill People—People Kill People
- Israeli Military Forces Executed Numerous Journalists Since 10/7
- “We Lose Total Control”: Hillary Clinton’s Censorship Campaign
- Matt Taibbi: How to Fight Back Against the Censors
- John Kerry vs. The First Amendment
- Journalists must be free to publish leaked documents
- Fake news was invented 500 years ago
- California Sued Over New “Deepfake” Law
- On State Department Censorship and Blacklisting
- ‘Russian Interference’ 3.0
- State Department’s Smear Tactics: Discrediting Reporters
- The Blair Witch Project: Tony Blair Calls for Global Censorship
- Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and our Government Censors
- Harris Manager Aggressively Targets Online “Misinformation”
- The Sound of Enforced Silence
- Shining light into the shadow ban
- Acclaimed Journalist Charged With ‘Anti-Semitism’
- Technofascism: Government Pressured Tech to Censor Users
- Dangerous Times for Online Free Speech
- Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested in France
- The United Kingdom Cracks Down on Free Speech
- Germany Punishes American Writer Over Satirical Swastika Image
- Learn This Term: ‘Whole of Society’
- The People’s Court of New Normal Germany (Part Two)
- Censorship, Ethics, and Standing on Principle – Dr. Aaron Kheriaty
- The People’s Court of New Normal Germany
- Major News Outlet Urges Media to Bury Iconic Trump Photo
- The Corporate News Media at Work
- “The First Amendment is Out of Control”
- The government plans to use AI to censor Americans’ speech
- Censorship and the Death of Freedom
- The Supreme Court Punts on Censorship
- Assange is Free, But Never Forget How the Press Turned on Him
- Biden Campaign Launches Task Force to Combat “Cheap Fakes”
- U.N. has ‘plan of action’ to curtail free speech
- Help Us Fight the Feds’ AI Censorship Machine
- What Is the Solution to “the Wikipedia Problem”?
- The Dark Side of Wikipedia
- Repress U., Class of 2024
- Microsoft Introduces Always-Watching Feature For Every PC
- The Closing of the Internet Mind
- 2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics
- Google’s AI-First: Boosts Its Ability To Filter and Control Information
- In Search of the Great Canadian Terror
- Welcome to the Surveillance Renaissance
- ANH Launches Petition to Curb Big Tech Censorship
- She’s baaaack… Nina Jankowicz Returns
- Woman faces jail for giving tomato paste bad review on Facebook
- Inside the disinformation industry
- Combating “Hate”: The Trojan Horse for Precrime
- Censorship Is an Act of Desperation
- Google Ordered To Identify Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos
- Meet the AI-Censored? Naked Capitalism
- CJ Hopkins, Charged Again in Germany
- The First Amendment Takes a Beating in the Supreme Court
- Big Tech Alliance Targets Covid-19 “Misinformation.”
- Why the TikTok Ban is So Dangerous
- RuPaul’s “No Censorship” Bookstore Lasted Just Three Days
- I Wrote What? Google’s AI-Powered Libel Machine
- Technocensorship: Corporations a Front for Government Censors
- What NO ONE is saying about Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview
- Why Burn Books When You Can Bury Them?
- Russiagate & Gaza
- How Corporate Media Outlets Failed Their Readers in 2024
- Elections? Who needs elections?
- The law firm helping Big Oil weaponize the First Amendment
- Media’s Fatal Compromises
- Online “Conspiracy Theories” About WHO Pandemic Treaty
- 5 Ways To Prepare for the Online Privacy Crackdown
- The Censorship “Switchboard”
- Stanford Group Helped US Government Censor Covid Dissidents
- Tools And Techniques To Circumvent Online Censorship
- Europe, Get Off Our Speech Lawn
- Who Ghostwrites Reports for the CCDH?
- The New Push for Censorship Under the Guise of Combating Hate
- White House Letter Tells Media To “Ramp Up Their Scrutiny”
- In Missouri v. Biden Internet Censorship Case, a Win and a Loss
- White House, Dark Money NGO Hype Hate To Demand Censorship
- Category: Class War
- Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People
- Millions of Tenants Now Have AI Landlords
- Hollywood Smashes Records for Lack of Self-Awareness
- Housing Activists in Spain Occupy Vacant Bank-Owned Buildings
- Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism
- “Sustainably” Surveilling and Tokenizing Nature
- Democrats are hooked on Hillbilly Horror
- Category: Climate Change
- Over 40% Of Tesla’s Profit Comes From Selling Regulatory Credits
- This Native Elder is Being Sued by a Mining Company
- Plants Absorb 31% More CO₂ Than We Thought
- The Long Shadow of the Tar Sands
- Appalachia: Murder always happens for a reason
- Green Jobs or Greenwashing?
- Meta to buy carbon credits from controversial tree plantations
- From land grabbers to carbon cowboys
- Leak at First CO2 Injection Site in US
- Category: Criminocracy
- Don’t Deify Jimmy Carter
- Architecture is Always Political
- Fine Woke Cannibals
- Pardon Me, But This Is Bullshit
- A Rogue Reporter vs. The American Empire
- Congress Must Prevent Nuclear War
- Fluoridation Spokesperson Says IQ Loss Acceptable “Trade Off”
- More Conspiratoons: A Look Back
- HHS Spends Hundreds of Millions Spreading DEI
- Fauci’s ‘DNA of Caring’
- Why “the left” didn’t buy what the Democrats were selling
- The Politics of Cultural Despair
- America at the End of Its Tether
- Halloween is over, but the election litigation is getting really scary
- How to…Rig Your Rigged Elections
- Can We Avoid a Franken-Future with AI?
- New York Times, Washington Post Signal Post-Election Crackdown
- ANH Sues FDA to Stop U.S. Homeopathy Ban
- The Escalating Crisis in the Middle East (w/ John Mearsheimer)
- The Biden Collection
- ‘Surge’ in Ukraine war funding, U.S. military plans black swan event
- Can organic farmers’ markets encourage chemical-free farming?
- The Choice this Election: Between Corporate and Oligarchic Power
- The cost of industrial meat: conflict and environmental destruction
- The Plot to Manage Democracy
- Google’s Empire Cracks
- Extermination Works. At First.
- Why the US (s)election doesn’t matter a damn
- The Preposterous Nature of “Reality”
- The History Of “Round Up” and pathways for Glyphosate Detox
- Just Say NO to REAL ID Before October 15, 2024
- The Secret History of Neoliberalism
- RFK Jr. Is Replicating Bernie Sanders’ Sheepdog Play for MAGA
- Communities are Responding to Federal Court Fluoridation Ruling
- From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds
- Christine Massey: “Don’t trust Public Health.”
- Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy…
- The Looming Catastrophe in the Middle East
- Water Fluoridation Poses “Unreasonable Risk” to Children
- The Counter-Constitutional Movement
- Beware of the Government’s Push for a Digital Currency
- The Corruption is Real and Sickening
- The ‘War Party’ Makes Its Plans
- Don’t Trust the Government
- The Violence of Development
- Lab meat down on the farm: It’s going to happen, say advocates
- A confluence of unprecedented circumstances
- Ukraine War Turns Into Russian Roulette
- Beyond the Law
- The Liberal Class’s Ultimate Betrayal
- The New Normal Right
- All Sides Are Waging War on Our Freedoms
- Democrats Aren’t Creating Disorder; They’re Preserving it
- Fake food alert: the global mafia’s new assault on our health
- ‘Vote Joy’ — a Delusion of Nostalgia
- Who Wants to Kill and Die for the American Empire?
- Defend Natural Health Game Changer!
- Matt Taibbi: What I Got Wrong About “Shock Therapy”
- The MAGA plan to stop forest fires: Remove the forest
- Alexander Hamilton’s Assault on Working People
- The War on Food and the War on Humanity
- Let’s cut the crap on gene technology
- A Brief History of Global Capitalism
- Both Trumpism And Anti-Trumpism Are Fake, Decoy Revolutions
- What Is the State & the Challenge To Transcend It?
- Plastic Planet Pandemic
- Raining on the Democrats’ Parade
- The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom
- The DNC’s Sinister Rebrand of “Freedom”
- Open Wallets, Empty Hearts
- Oligarchs Have Bought Up the American Dream
- Nobody Would Vote For Any Of This Bullshit Without Manipulation
- People and Patents That Built The Financial Surveillance Network
- American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion
- We Had to Destroy Democracy to Save It
- Federal Judge Declares Google a Monopolist
- How Unelected Regulators Unleashed the Derivatives Monster
- WEF Brave New World of 2030
- A Quarter-Century Later, Battle of Seattle Protesters Proved Right
- CrowdStrike: Liability Shields Fuel Risky Practices, Expert Warns
- GM Bt corn fails against target pest in US
- Departing Biden Denounced as Another Trump
- The Democratic party rigged the primary process for Biden
- Scientists sound the alarm over outdoor gene editing pesticides
- Who’s Running This Country?
- How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power
- Social Distancing – Why They want You Isolated and Alone
- The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: Peter Thiel
- Astronomers Lose, California Wins
- The Supreme Court Takes on the Administrative State
- War on Farmers: World Bank Sowing Seed Colonialism in Africa
- Illa in Manila: Will History Demand Trump-Hillary II?
- The Donor Convention
- Democratic Insiders Support “Blitz Primary”
- Get a Dog: The Political and Media Establishment Turns on Biden
- “Who Is THEY?”
- The Biden Lies Continue, As a Matter of Principle
- The Presidential Debate That Wasn’t
- Declaration Of Independence From Rich Assholes
- Monsanto drops lawsuit against Mexico’s GM corn ban
- That’s All Folks! (Redux)
- Who is Running the Country?
- Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden
- Big Oil wants to increase criminal penalties for pipeline protests
- Bring Back the Corporate Death Penalty
- Wall Street’s Planned Theft of America’s Lands and Waters
- The Fed’s “Doomsday Book” Has Been Revealed
- The Financialisation of Farmland and the War on Food and Farming
- The Anti-Zionist Inquisition
- The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus
- Overdraft Fees, Credit Card Late Fees, the Lump of Profit Fallacy
- Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup
- Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State
- Cutting the Pentagon Down to Size
- An ABC for opposing the criminocracy
- Giving the game away: the criminocracy’s fatal own goal
- Viewing Ukraine Through the Davos Lens
- Category: Economic Idiocy
- Category: Education
- Category: Endless War
- Sacrificing Living Standards for War
- On the Brink
- Our Sixty Days of Nuclear Chicken Have Begun
- Biden’s Missile Crisis
- Will Gabbard Be Able to Direct the Intelligence ‘Community’?
- Thawing Russia-US Relations?
- Genocidal Scorecard
- War & the Constitution
- Israel Jails US Journalist, Fires On UN Peacekeepers, Etc
- Israel-Axis of Resistance Escalation and the Minority Report
- Life, Pre-empted/
- Israel’s Collapse Is Imminent Amid Escalation In Lebanon
- The Systemic Roots of Western Islamophobia (w/ Peter Oborne)
- Fear & Loathing in America
- Hiding an Ugly Truth About Israel
- Thou Shalt Not Commit Genocide
- The FBI ‘Visits’ Scott Ritter
- The Pentagon Church Militant and Us
- Deep Dive on the Israel Lobby
- Who Caused the Ukraine War?
- How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza
- Netanyahu Goes for Broke
- POTUS Gets a Reality Check on Ukraine
- Philosopher Kings or New-Age Militarists?
- The US Is Preparing For WWIII While Expanding Draft Registration
- The Media Skew Public Perception By…
- Their Rules-Based International Order Is the Rule of the Mafia
- The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All
- Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russia With US Weapons
- The Nation’s Conscience
- Fighting Monsters
- Dennis Kucinich: Bleak 2024 elections, how elites broke democracy
- Revolt in the Universities
- Israel’s Architect of Ethnic Cleansing
- Will the American Oligarchy Accept Limits or Choose World War III?
- The CIA Does “Soulful Work”
- Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare
- Let Israel Be An “Independent Nation”
- The Power Behind the Throne and the Bankers’ Forever Wars.
- The Minds of Desperate Men
- Why Are We Letting Creepy AI Pick Bomb Targets?
- The Nobodies Are Worth More Than the Bullet That Kills Them
- Gaza Has Suffered the Equivalent of 1,200 September 11th Attacks
- Biden Repeatedly Confuses Ukraine, Russia, and Iraq
- How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide
- Let Them Eat Dirt
- Lost & Fearful in The Middle East
- Study Finds Media Giants Pushing for US War in Yemen
- Democrats Are Demented Genocidal War Sluts
- War: Who is it good for?
- If Biden Loses in November, Blame His Foreign Policy
- The Roots of Israel’s Purge & Purify Strategy
- The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse
- The IDF’s war crimes are a perfect reflection of Israeli society
- Israel cannot be a colonial power and a democracy
- More Arms to Israel
- Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust
- The Cost of Bearing Witness
- Atrocities In Gaza: The Perfect Embodiment Of ‘Western Values’
- America’s War for the Greater Middle East (Continued)
- Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the CIA
- From Gaza and Cuba, They Ask – Are You Human Like Us?
- Weapons ‘R’ Us
- Will the Internet as We Know It Disappear in the Next Year?
- ‘Countering Islamophobia’ While Incinerating Gaza
- The Forbidden Truth: Israel, U.S. Are Toys of the Billionaires
- War Crimes, a Justifiable Reaction for Nations? Insane.
- Guns for Hire: America’s Crisis State Goes Global
- utopian thinking goes to war
- The GloboCap Nazi Follies
- Humanitarian Imperialism Created the Libyan Nightmare
- Westmoreland Revisited
- A Day that Never Ended
- What if There Had Been No Coup in Chile in 1973?
- War Without Humans
- The False Comfort of Illusions
- Stop Biden from Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine
- Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 2)
- US corporations cash in on Ukraine’s oil and gas
- Stop Calling The Iraq War A ‘Mistake’
- Ukraine: The War That Went Wrong
- US aid to Ukraine invested in crypto FTX scheme
- Ukraine and the Politics of Permanent War
- Western Officials Admit Ukraine Is Crawling With CIA Personnel
- Unanimous Dem Support for the $40b War Package to for Ukraine
- $33 Billion More For the War in Ukraine. Which Americans Benefit?
- Ukraine War: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death
- Russian invasion of Ukraine justified if it were for biodefense?
- Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda, by Whitney Webb
- Ukraine: The Chronicle of a War Foretold
- Category: Food
- US-funded ‘private social network’ attacking pesticide critics
- AI Images of Mushrooms Could Have ‘Devastating Consequences’
- Glyphosate in manure-based fertiliser ruins tomato crops
- Corporate bioinputs: Agribusiness’s new toxic trap
- Profits over Health. The Ubiquitous Cost Saving Toxin
- Frankengreens are Coming
- Organic farming leads to adaptations in plants’ genetic material
- Congress Must Stop Electronic Animal ID Mandate
- FDA Opens Floodgates to Gen2 Frankenfoods
- UK Agency wants to fast-track and greenlight lab-grown meat
- Food inflation: Math doesn’t add up, factoring in corporate power
- Sick to Death: Unhealthy Food and Failed Technologies
- US Fast Food Testing Reveals Glyphosate in All Samples
- Fast-Food Graveyard – Sickened for Profit
- The New Colonialist Food Economy
- Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food and Eco-Modern Nightmare
- Vandana Shiva: ‘Farming Without Farmers, Food Without Farms’
- Let Them Eat Bugs: The WEF’s Corporate-Driven Food Reset
- Lessons in Freedom: Agroecology, Localisation & Food Sovereignty
- Toxic Contagion – Funds, Food and Pharma
- Medicinal Steak: Bioethics and Food Security Part 1
- Will more sovereign wealth funds mean less food sovereignty?
- Millions Suffer as Junk Food Industry Rakes in Profit
- New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats and Dogs
- Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis by Design
- Category: Greed
- Bayer’s New Roundup Formulations Even More Toxic
- A National Cartel Fixing Rental Housing Prices
- Inside FICO and the Credit Bureau Cartel
- The Rise and Reckoning of Ticketmaster
- Greed: Doctors take money from pharmaceutical firms…
- If Bayer really wanted to stand with farmers…
- Trump versus Biden: The Macroeconomics of the Second Coming
- Documentaries Expose ‘Horror Movie’ Reality of Plastic Pollution
- Farmers’ Protest in India Reignites
- Take Your Fluoride and Shut Up
- Plastics, Oil Industry Deceived Public on Recycling Use
- Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions
- The scourge of microplastics
- The Benefits and Triumph of Public Domain Over Disney
- Regenerative agriculture was a good idea…
- Money systems at the root of omnicide
- “The Great Taking”: How They Can Own It All
- How to Actually Make $100 Million in Passive Profit
- Category: Health
- The ‘Forever Chemical’ Threat: Time for a Comprehensive Ban
- Harris Voters May Need to Cut Off Friends and Family Members
- Fluoridation Report: No Significant Reduction of Cavities
- Mosquito Court Case Update: Reply Brief Filed in Our Appeal
- Humans Now Ingest Six Times More Microplastics Than in 1990
- The Bird Flu Blues: The Sky Is Falling…Again
- Exposing The Great Osteoporosis Scam
- The Elusive “Virus” & Jamie Andrews Controls
- Should we re-invent allopathic medicine?
- Global Leaders Still Urge Progress on Pandemic Measures
- WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now
- Raw Milk at the Crossroads, Again
- In Millions of Homes, High Fluoride in Tap Water May Be a Concern
- Lab-Altered Mosquito Methods: An Overview
- International Dark Sky Association Vs. FCC And SpaceX
- More Than 50 Species of Fish Circling and Spinning Until They Die
- Drinking Water Fluoridation: Is It Safe?
- Small Acts of Kindness: The Renaissance of Our Hearts
- Big Chem Wants Legal Immunity from Pesticide Injuries
- Negotiating Big Pharma’s Prices Won’t Stifle Innovation
- GM purple tomato company targets non-GMO seed company
- Osteoporosis
- Military Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air
- Big Chem Pushes Back Against PFAS Ban
- Rainbow Lorikeets dropping from the sky
- You Won’t Believe What the Feds Said About Cell Phone Radiation
- Stand Against Totalitarian Medicine
- The Final Nail in Psychiatry’s Antidepressant Coffin
- Wheat intolerance might be due to glyphosate
- How Big Pharma Sold Depression and Its Treatment to the World
- Don’t Irradiate the Birds!
- Planned low-orbit satellites NOW EXCEEDS ONE MILLION
- Frankensoil: Stop Big Ag Genetically Engineering Soil Microbes
- Humans, Bees and Wildlife in 2023
- Earth reaches plastic overshoot day for the first time ever
- Glyphosate Linked to Severe Depression, Cognitive Decline
- Congress Ignores the Threat from PFAS Contamination
- Genetically Engineered Vaccines in Organic Meat & Dairy
- Tell Congresspeople to Cosponsor the PRIME Act
- back to school brush up on health facts
- Community-based natural farming beats other farming practices
- Electrosmog: A Policy Brief
- Pesticides and Climate Change Link is a Vicious Cycle
- The community microbiome
- The unfolding chemical disaster
- EPA Breaking the Law to Help Pesticide Companies
- What if my body is brilliant?
- EU Double Standard: Massive Impact on the Global Environment
- Quitting antidepressants can be tricky
- Medical ethics – Best chance of restoring distorted health systems
- What Causes Water to Move Inside the Body?
- Rivers of resistance: Water for life, not profit
- Some US Farmers Get Behind Mexico’s GMO Corn Ban
- Gene edited foods in our shops soon? Reality vs hype
- Sustainable Farming for Health
- Cancer through another lens
- ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags
- The fertiliser trap
- Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government
- Biotech Giants Using GMOs to Build Food Tyranny
- The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture
- Consumers Score GMO Labeling Victory
- Medical Errors Still the Third Leading Cause of Death?
- The Story Behind Sudden Death Syndromes
- Are You Fat? There’s a Drug for That
- Glyphosate Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier
- Glyphosate in 80% of US urine samples—reported by 0% of our free press
- Self-care: Time for some nourishment
- ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Global Food System Already in Process
- Supplement Bans Courtesy of Junk Science
- If someone you live with gets sick, what should you do?
- Biodiversity is Life
- Censors remove Control Group report from preprint server
- FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured
- There is No Autism Epidemic?
- Vaccine Exemption Letter For a 16 Year-Old Camp Counselor
- Fake Meat, Fake Breastmilk and Food Shortages
- Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program
- Durbin: Don’t Take Our Sunshine Away!
- Finding Sources of Fresh Food
- Stressed Farmland Sees 63% Decline in Insect Numbers
- Controlled Food System In Place, They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate
- FDA’s Major Food Failure
- Big Agriculture, Empty Food, Chronic Disease
- Saving the Banana the Non-GMO Way
- Biden’s Budget Proposal: Implications for Natural Health
- Fake Food Is Taking Over Our Tables
- Biden’s Supplement “Hit List” Explained
- NAC: Feds Approve the Poison, Threaten the Cure
- A pandemic retrospective and vision for a new humanity
- The Legal Right to Refuse Medical Treatment in the U.S.A.
- New Hampshire Votes for Pharmaceutical Freedom
- Supplements: Next Six Months Critical. Oppose FDA filing requirement.
- Letter to Health and Human Services Secretary to End Emergency
- FDA: From Corrupted to Trusted
- Regeneration 2022: Requiem or Revival?
- Vaccines: Stop Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates For Children
- Bathed in Pesticides: the Narrative of Deception
- Mental Health: Dysfunction of our Psyche and a Path to Restoration
- Pigs to the Slaughter
- Life around us is a hologram.
- Dr. Jessica Rose Behind The Curtain
- Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?
- Evidence of heart disease after COVID shot exists, fear of publication.
- Dr. Meryl Nass: Why No One Can Force You to Get the COVID Jab
- Peace Literacy—The Best Defense
- 22 Studies that Raise Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy
- How Dangerous is COVID for Children?
- Dr. Vandana Shiva—Divide & Rule
- Dr. Zach Bush: How We Created a Chronic Disease Epidemic
- Important Information Regarding Exemptions from COVID Injection Mandates
- Worldwide Protests Target Global Corporate Food Empire
- Interview: The War on Informed Consent
- What Happened Last Year—Death and the Microbiome.
- UNFSS – Where Multinationals Continue to Design our Food Systems and Control our Diets
- Kiss the Ground
- Raw Milk as Medicine
- Chemical Farming and the Loss of Human Health
- Category: Jeff Bezos
- Category: Liberals
- The Surprising Link between Squirrels and the Founding Fathers
- Can Biden Declare Martial Law To Suspend the Election?
- Slide toward Totalitarianism
- How Wokeness Kills Class Politics and Empowers Empire
- Liberalism Removes its Mask
- Biden Administration Rushes Digital ID Plans
- Bat Scares Egghead Couple: Trump Blamed
- Welcome To The Third World
- The Trump Trial Harkens Back to a Dark Period of American Law
- The Dumbest Cover Story Ever
- Obamacare Created Big Medicine
- Time for the Court to Speak as One Overturning the CO Opinion
- Putin-Loving Bigots Must Stop Whining About Defense Spending
- Narcissism And Agreeableness Behind Left-Wing Authoritarianism
- Democrats’ War On Liberal Democracy: Fear, Hatred of the Masses
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Israel Lobby’s Useful Idiot
- How liberal comedians became lap dogs for establishment power
- The Mess Democrats Have Made
- Disrupt The Culture Wars
- The Electric Kool-Aid Trump Indictment
- To the Pro-Lockdown-Left: What Have You Achieved?
- Liberals Are Tyrannical Imperialists
- Democrats Attack Special Counsel John Durham
- Cornel West’s presidential candidacy is ‘for the least of these’
- The Necessary Virtues of Debate
- A Threat Is Not an Incentive
- There is no political left…
- Neoliberalism killed the liberal dream
- America, the Single-Opinion Cult
- Democrats vs. Democrats — One of Them Will Lose
- Democrats Have Nothing Left But Trump
- The Democrats’ Disastrous Miscalculation on Civil Liberties
- Biden visits East Palestine, “Where’s Hamas? Where’s Arafat?”
- The End of Progressive Intellectual Life
- The Democrats are Now the War Party
- “Supporting” Protesters In Empire-Targeted Nations: Not Helping
- How the War Machine Took Over the Democrats
- Beware the Do-Gooders
- Know Thine Enemy
- How NPR Morphed Into a Voice for the ‘Elite Establishment’
- Vote for Politicians Who Destroyed Our Democracy to Save It?
- The Democrats’ Assault on Diplomacy
- The Brutal Comedy of the Withdrawn Peace Letter
- Worthless House Progressives Retract Mild Peace Advocacy
- Billions ‘Wasted’ on Dead-End Carbon Capture Schemes
- Capitalism Has No Solution To Ecocide
- Biden Brings the War on Terror Home
- Democrats Are Violent Extremists
- Punks vs. Posers
- Democrats Love Saying That AR-15s Should Only Be Used On Foreigners
- San Francisco is Another Portugal
- On Ukraine, ‘progressive’ proxy warriors spell disaster
- Move over ACLU, FIRE is the New Champion of Free Speech
- Disinformation Governance Board: It’s Going To Get SO Much Worse
- The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency
- Democrats: The New Authoritarians
- Announcing a hostile takeover of the left
- Neoconservative, John Podhoretz, sucks.
- When Boring People Turn Dangerous
- The precarious state of the US economy
- American Exceptionalism Is on Deadly Display in Ukraine
- Schwab Family Values
- The First Privilege Walk
- Joe Biden: The Maestro of Messes
- The Left’s Covid failure
- Second War on Terror with Chris Hedges and Glenn Greenwald
- Democrats Committed to Criminal Justice Reform—For Everyone But Their Enemies
- Data Showing How Authoritarian Democrats Have Become
- Truly Stupid: Liberal COVID Discourse is Devoid of Science
- America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy
- A Definitive Account of the CIA/Media/BigTech Fraud
- Pow Wow Chow Author: “Re-algorithmize Amazon Best Seller”
- The ACLU, Prior to COVID, Denounced Mandates and Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics
- George Carlin on germs. This one is for chicken little liberals.
- Joe Biden Admits He Isn’t Pulling Out Of Afghanistan
- The Vanishing Legacy of Barack Obama
- Biden Now Bombing Poorest People On Earth
- The Vaccine Aristocrats
- How “Trust Us” Liberals FAILED Us: Thomas Frank with Briahna Joy Gray
- Hey, Bernie, where’s my fucking money?
- Repeal the Reapportionment Act of 1929!
- George McGovern–The Last Democrat
- Category: Mark Zuckerberg
- Category: Money
- Wave of ATM Bombings in “Cash-Addicted” Germany
- Renters and Owners Living in Separate Economies
- Modern (Mis)interpretations of Ancient Debt Cancellation
- Why we still believe in gold
- The Dystopian Cashless Future We must Fight
- Mustard Gas, Crypto and Blockchain
- Big Money, Creepy Technology & Cash Friday
- Category: NGOs
- Category: Pfear
- The Virus Psy-Op – Why It Exists and Where They’re Going With It
- Avian Flu: Everything Old is New Again
- There Was No “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated”
- Fear is the Real “Virus” (Addendum)
- Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany
- Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise?
- No Pandemic
- Monkeypox – Here come the vaccines…
- Are We Inching Towards an Avian Flu Pandemic?
- 6 Viral Misconceptions and Clickbait
- The Power of the ‘Safety First’ Ideology
- ‘International Bird Flu Summit’ to take place in Washington D.C.
- The Rockefellers created 990 “Climate Change” organizations
- Help Us Fight the Psyopcracy
- ‘Lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous
- Just Following Orders
- [UPDATED] And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming…
- Who needs the WHO?
- The Rabies Hoax
- Order, Not Law and Order
- The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News
- 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic”
- The Hate Police
- The OG no virus movement: The Perth group.
- What Was COVID Really About?
- Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection?
- Propaganda Looney Tunes
- To Get US Residency Requires the Covid Jab
- Science By Making Things Up: Expert Hubris & Disease X
- Measles: The First Panic Narrative of 2024?
- Pandemonium
- Why the Mainstream Media is a Threat to Freedom and Sanity
- Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny
- Even The Bald Eagle’s Call Is Propaganda
- Edward Snowden On AI & “When The Machines Take Over”
- wildfires: bad policy ensuring a perpetual sense of burning crisis
- Wait…are they REALLY going to do a UFO psy-op?
- Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity?
- New Normal Nihilism
- Detaching From “Scientific Consensus” Propaganda
- Where Does Courage Come From?
- People Can Win
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Elephants
- Creating a World of Distrust
- Most pernicious censorship since red baiting of McCarthy era
- Shouting Covid in a Crowded Theater
- “Objectivity Has Got To Go!”
- It All Began with Fear
- Does the “COVID response” Follow Classic Abuse Patterns?
- Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and MLK Day
- Polarizing Americans: Good business for media monopolies
- COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation
- From YouTube to WHO-Tube
- CIA Media Manipulation: Former CIA Analyst Mel Goodman
- AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy
- The Pandemic Isn’t Over
- Tear down all the plexiglass
- Dr. Birx: Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit
- Los Angeles mask mandate
- The Psychology of Totalitarianism
- The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times
- The Film About Julian Assange
- Confidence in U.S. Institutions Down; Average at New Low
- Tucker Carlson Is As Much A Propagandist As Anyone Else In MSM
- How We Know That Monkeypox Is Another Scam (Just Like Covid)
- Pharmaceutical Ads Make People Want Prescriptions
- UK changed the definition of “case” to INCREASE Covid numbers. Again.
- Cases, Cases, Cases; Numbers, Numbers, Numbers
- Against Corona-doom
- DHS disinformation board pushed for partnership with social media
- Democrats and Republicans Both Suck on Free Speech
- Silicon Valley Corporations Are Taking Control Of History
- It’s… Monty Satan’s Lying Circus!
- NBC Just Simulated A War With China: Here’s What Happened
- Empire Managers Want To Control Our Thoughts
- “Disinformation Board” is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems
- Yale Study: Anger Towards the Unvaccinated
- Fiction Disguised as Science to Promote Hatred
- 6 Lessons from the Master of Propaganda
- President Obama wants Big Tech to stop misinformation
- Daniel Ellsberg: Putin Is Already Using His Nuclear Weapons
- Do we need Caesar Elon Musk?
- Intelligence Officials: Tech Monopoly Power Vital to National Security
- Officials Manipulated COVID Data to Exaggerate Crisis
- American Occupation
- The Pimps of War, Chris Hedges
- Orwell Was Right
- Letter to the UK Government re: Human Rights Act Reform
- Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims
- The silent majority
- Another Casualty of the Ukraine Conflict: The Truth
- Propaganda, Corporatism, and the Hidden Global Coup
- Substack: The Folly of Pandemic Censorship, by Matt Taibbi
- Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist
- N95 masks recommended by CDC and others, despite 3M warning.
- 2030 Psychological Agenda—Part 4: WEF Vision Global Education System
- 2030 Agenda —Obedience Training Part 3: Spirituality Programming
- 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training Part 2: Programming
- BMJ criticizes FB over “inaccurate, incompetent, irresponsible” “fact-check”
- 2030 Agenda—Obedience Training for Everyone with Billions in Funding
- Astroturfing—as in fake grassroots. Sharyl Attkissson and the Corona Committee
- Fully Vaccinated Cruise Ship Passengers and Crew Covid Outbreak
- Mass Formation (Psychosis) and the Coronavirus Narrative
- Data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial
- Pfizer’s Power
- Iain Davis Dissects The Pseudopandemic
- The ‘Plandemic’ and the Great Awakening
- Superior Natural Immunity to SARS-CoV-2
- So much for vaccine-generated herd immunity
- Tunnel Vision on COVID Care Killed…
- Dr. Robert Malone: A Two Part Interview
- Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
- How can we use the law to challenge global Covid response?
- The Corporatization of American Science
- Refusal to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to COVID Debates
- Can We Believe Any of the Covid-19 Numbers?
- 2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine
- Boost the insanity
- The Swine Flu Fiasco of 1976—60 Minutes with Mike Wallace
- Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment
- SARS-CoV-2—neither novel, nor unexpected.
- Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism
- A Case of “Intellectual Capture?” On YouTube’s Demonetization of Bret Weinstein, by Matt Taibbi
- If the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is true, expect a political earthquake
- The NHS just changed how they count Covid “cases”…here’s why.
- Alameda County COVID-19 Death Toll Lowered by 25% After Counting Method Change
- Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be “Right-Wing”?
- “This whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine.”
- COVID Diagnosis with PCR | Misinterpreting results
- Inventor of PCR Test, Kary Mullis: “With PCR you can find almost anything in anybody.”
- RFK, Jr. Warned FDA About Ingredient in Pfizer COVID Vaccine
- 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Vaccine
- Category: Police State
- Surveillance Education (w/ Nolan Higdon and Allison Butler)
- The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide
- The Politics of Fear: The Groundwork for Fascism, American-Style
- The Deep State’s Plot to Destabilize the Nation Is Working
- She Ate a Poppy Seed Salad Then They Took Her Baby Away.
- The Surveillance State in American Schools
- The First Deep State Fix? Dismantle Homeland Security
- The Civil War Simulation
- Insurrection-Lite
- How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves
- Timely Lessons About Tyranny from the Father of the Constitution
- US will ban Americans from air travel unless they have ‘Real ID’
- Ding, Dong, the Witch Still Leads the Polls
- Universal Education Caused Managerialism
- How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech
- What’s the Point of the Administrative Class?
- Nanny State Idiocracy
- When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters
- The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z
- Warrantless Surveillance Makes a Mockery of the Constitution
- How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power
- World Economic Forum 8 Predictions for 2030
- Tyranny Is Rising as Freedom Falls
- $13,000 More Needed by 2/29 to File Appeal to STOP Mosquitoes
- The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall”
- COVID-19 Tested Our Commitment to Freedom
- Criminality in the White House: The Rise of the Political Psychopath
- Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse
- the process is the punishment
- JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio
- Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid: Voting Will Not Save Us
- The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State
- Category: Propaganda
- Ivermectin: a Deep Dive into a Nobel Prize Winning Medicine
- The Most Devastating Report So Far
- Marijuana Prohibition Has Been a Fraud from the Get-Go
- The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity
- Decay, Decrepitude, Deceit in Journalism
- The Death of Environmentalism at 20
- Welcome to the Age of Abstraction
- CNN Compares Campus Protesters To Nazis
- What is Propaganda?
- Another Magical JFK Assassination Pseudo-Debate
- Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 1)
- Category: Rich Assholes
- Power elites stealing our planet, freedom and future
- World Economic Forum 8 Predictions for 2030
- One Health is a Massive Globalist Grantmaking Scam
- The Davos-isation of the climate COP
- Transnational Corporations Provoke a Single Scream of Horror
- Let’s Steal the National Parks!
- The Psychology of Malignant Narcissists – People of the Lie
- How BlackRock Conquered the World
- The Pedagogy of Power
- Category: Rockefeller
- Category: The Science™
- ViroLIEgy 101: Logical Fallacies
- UK Geoengineering: The Chemtrail Paper Trail – Part I
- How Congress destroyed American science and medicine
- RFK Jr. Drops out of Presidential Race, Disavows Lab Leak Theory
- Cloud Brightening Study in California Is Halted by Local Officials
- Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!
- The End of Virology with Jamie Andrews + Jacob Diaz
- is scientific publication a discipline or a racket?
- Solar Project Will Destroy Thousands of Joshua Trees
- A Farewell to Virology Parts 1, 2 and 3
- Revealed: The SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Sham
- Narcissistic Depressive Technoscience
- The Germ Hypothesis Part 1
- What makes a control experiment?
- The Defibrillating Fine Art of John Whitehead
- A Friendly Chat About “Viral” Genomes
- Lab-Altered Mosquitoes in Hawai‘i: We Are the Experiment
- Why Do People Claim They Own “The Science™”?
- The Era of Informed Consent is Over
- Control Experiments and the Intention to Deceive
- Climate Scientist Denounces “Climate Emergency” As “Noble Lie”
- What is gene editing ?
- Why you should know about Hillman’s work on the living cell.
- Conflicts of Interest in Science and Medicine
- The Reproducibility Crisis in Science
- Why the globalists calling “Climate Change” a “Public Health Crisis”
- Geoengineering Part II: Terrorism, Insane Society and The System
- Geoengineering – The Real Monster of Man-made Climate Change
- The Green New Death
- The Follies of Peter McCullough
- The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics
- Science And The Rise Of Totalitarianism
- Virology as Ideology – Part 3: Virology as Ideology
- Virology as Ideology – Part 2: MAIMS
- Virology as Ideology – Part 1: Science and Class Society
- Science! Blessed be Thy Name
- Trust the Science?
- Scientism, Not Science, Rules the Roost
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Unpublished on this site
- Category: Vaxxism
- How Big Pharma Bought The Federal Government
- The Worst Op-Ed in History?
- We’re in the Middle of a Global Coup — Here’s How We Stop It
- Everyone Versus Google: Will Big Tech Be Held Accountable?
- Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy
- United Nations Boosts Plastics Industry Interests, Critics Say
- Biden’s Praetorian Media Guard
- mRNA Vaccines Now Headed for Shrimp
- McKinsey, other misinformers, sponsoring Climate Week NYC
- Climate Week NYC’s headline partner is a notorious polluter
- Shareholder Value Fixation of AI and Robotics: A Recipe for Failure
- Injected Narcissism
- Meet the New Normal, Same as the Old Normal
- They Think We Are Stupid, Volume 3
- Do not report COVID cases & do not test yourself if you feel ill
- Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, Government Is Ready to Lockdown
- Our Collective Trauma is the Road to Tyranny
- Kleptocracy USA
- Numbed by Numbers on the Way to the Digital Palace
- Pharma Documents: Strategies Used to Corrupt the Medical Field
- Banks, Felons & Jeffrey Epstein
- Want to Fight Climate Change? Chop Down ‘Em Trees
- Environmentalists Owe an Enormous Debt to Julian Assange
- They’re Baaaaaack!!
- The Looting Conspiracy
- Top Patient Advocacy Orgs Have Industry Ties in Leadership
- California’s Heat-Pump Fantasy
- a republic, if you can keep it
- You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.
- Elections Are Bad for Our Democracy
- Soros-Funded NGOs Demand Crackdown On Free Speech
- Mashup: The Covid Lie That Started It All
- A response to Robin Monotti’s “NOTICE” to no-virus “theorists”
- The Aristocratic Takeover of “Transparency”
- Why Has Innovation Disappeared From Medical Research?
- Biotech Experiments: Lab-Altered Mosquitoes in Hawai’i
- “The Greatest Fighting Force in Human History”
- Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance: Education Today
- The Infuriating Climate Alarm
- The Two Minutes Hate (New Normal Edition)
- CO2 is the Least of our Worries
- Wikipedia: From Knowledge to Propaganda
- The Bidens’ Burisma Bribery
- Digital oligarchs have weaponised the banks
- The Profiteers of Armageddon
- Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief
- RFK Jr. Doubles Down on Oath of Allegiance to Israel
- The New “Facebook Files”
- This pro-mask “study”: Why you should NEVER “Trust the Science”
- Can Tonsil Removal Provoke Polio and Autoimmune Disease?
- Wherever You Live, the Government Is Still Out to Get You
- How Rich Assholes Use Private Foundations
- The Insidious Truth Behind Free School Meals
- The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes
- Are We Slipping Toward Dictatorship?
- The Revolt of the Pawns
- End U.S. Aid to Israel
- Beheading Leviathan
- Anderson Cooper Is A Disgusting CIA Goon
- Is Climate Engineering Real?
- The corn conflict between Mexico and the USA: smoke and mirrors
- Who Are the People Claiming RFK Jr. is “Disinformation”?
- Capitalism Is A Giant Scam
- The Censorship Empire Strikes Back
- The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions
- RFK Jr’s position on cell phone radiation supported by “the science”
- The Psychology of Psychopaths – Predators who Walk Among Us
- Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats
- Israel Weaponizes Anti-Semitism to Discredit Left-Wing Politicians
- How So Many Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Nukes
- The EU’s Mass Censorship Regime. Will It Go Global?
- The Self-Made Man Is A Myth
- Do We Live in a Brave New World?
- Propaganda Trouble: Reuters Fact Checking Jokes
- The Story of Pfizer Inc.
- Take That, Internet Censors!
- If You’re Not With Us, You’re MAGA
- America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
- Matt Taibbi on the new censorship and blacklists
- Sea Birds’ Last Refuges
- 15 Questions Better Than “Who Should Americans Vote For?”
- FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes
- UN-ism: The New McCarthyism
- First Roger Waters, Now This: C.J. Hopkins Under Investigation
- If It Was Allowed, I’d Hold You Down and ….
- DARPA Program to Build Travel Adapter for Human Body
- Disturbing Details of New Pentagon “Perception Management Office”
- Slaying the Censorship Leviathan
- How terrorism laws are used to construct a police state.
- WHO launches new “digital health initiative”
- How landlords became monsters
- FDA is now warning about misinformation spreaders
- Rule by Decree
- How Close Are We To A Vaccine For Death?
- 3/16: the day that will live in infamy
- The New Inquisition of Scientism
- The UN’s SDG16 Disinformation Campaign
- Mission Creep: “Disease X”
- How the Teachers Union Broke Public Education
- COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2: How Is It Tested? How Is It Measured?
- BBC Verify?
- Time to ban drug advertising on TV in America?
- The Democratic Party’s Crucifixion of Matt Taibbi
- It Will Soon Be Impossible For You Not To Be Sick…
- Bidding farewell to the American century
- Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming
- Activists detained for inciting farmers to despise rich assholes
- Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous
- The War on Reality (Revisited)
- Your Daughter for a Rat?
- Looking Back on the Sadism of the Covid-19 Shaming Campaign
- The Conspiracy Theory About Trump and Russia Won’t Go Away
- Western News Media Exist To Administer Propaganda
- Renewable energy’s progressive halo
- The pandemic is officially over. Now what?
- Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish
- Cops Incorporating Private Cameras Into RT Surveillance Networks
- The Widespread Gene Therapy Problem
- The plan for WHO supremacy over human health
- Crypto is a Fraud on the Public
- They’re Coming After Our Thoughts
- The Homage of the Slaves
- Private Equity is Out of Control and Looting America.
- Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy…
- The Enemy From Within
- Collaboration With Bullies, a Road to Hell?
- Poverty and Crisis: Sucking Humanity Dry
- FDA: Vaccines Do Not Need to Prevent Infections or Transmission
- You Are Reading This Thanks to Semiconductors
- CA Schools Allowed Dogs to ‘Sniff-Test’ Children for COVID
- Are AI Lawyers Coming for Us? What We Need to Know
- The United States of Paralysis
- Senators Introduce Bill To Create Digital Identity for All Americans
- House Democrats Have Lost Their Minds
- CDC director gives misleading testimony to Congress
- The Tyranny of Cause and Effect Scientism
- Don’t Let the Government Criminalize Free Speech
- Spurring an Endless Arms Race
- Dissent Into Madness: Escaping the Madhouse
- US Moral Authority Is Dead And Buried
- America’s Censorship Regime Goes on Trial
- The US Could Use Some Separation Of Media And State
- The Cobalt Gold Rush and the East Palestine Disaster
- A Twitter Files Requiem
- Scientific consensus – a manufactured construct
- America’s Descent from Democracy to Oligarchy
- The World Economic Forum
- Party Like It’s 1907
- An Ancient Attack on Our Dignity: It’s Spiritual Warfare
- Character Assassination Theater 101
- Are You Willing to Go to Prison for Spreading ‘Disinformation’?
- The New Normal Left
- Wuhan’s “Mystery Illness” is Covid’s Foundational Lie
- Will They Try to Make Us Pay for Breathable Air?
- Global Governance by AI: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny
- A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century
- The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed
- Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings
- The Great Lie And The Data That Shows It
- Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger
- Missouri v. Biden – Court Denies Government’s Motion for Dismissal
- Human genome editing summit haunted by spectre of eugenics
- Dissent Into Madness: Projections of the Psychopaths
- 40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of “Covid”
- Still Open Season on Scientists
- Capitalist radicals will shatter the world
- Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game
- Covid’s Third Birthday – A Retrospective Weekend
- Secrecy and the NZ Government in the Year of Our Democide
- The Connection Between a Prestigious University and the CIA
- Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted
- Disease X: File This Under You Can’t Make This Shit Up
- Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer’s Secret Collusion With the NIH
- The Origins of COVID-19
- Dissent Into Madness: Crazy Conspiracy Theorists
- On Missing Dr. Strangelove
- The Lords of Chaos
- The Principled Conservatism of The Last of Us (HBO)
- The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami
- The Weaponization of Psychology
- Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe
- Collapse of the COVID Truth Regime
- The Democrats Have Lost the Plot
- The Censorship Industrial Complex
- World Wide Web: Whom Was It Designed to Catch?
- Testing of E. Palestine soil finds every dioxin and furan
- When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business
- Help stop the World Health Organization power grab!
- What Made Fauci’s Reign Of Terror Possible?
- Lynching the Deplorables
- WHO gets closer to expanding its surveillance powers
- The Forest Protectors
- Whitney Webb on the Globalist Overlords Meeting in Davos
- The Original Sin of the “Anti-Disinformation” Movement
- Pawns of the Machine: From Cradle to Grave?
- Don’t trust their plan to rebuild our trust in science
- A Convenient LIE
- Why Is Our Education System Failing to Educate?
- The Law of Rule
- Nanny State Idiocracy: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best
- Project Veritas and the “Virus”
- What must happen in and around East Palestine
- The Ruling Class of the Retirement Home
- Welcome to America’s Racialized Medical Schools
- Pat Conroy on Teachers, Censorship, and Banned Books
- The Trump-Russia Saga: The Death Spiral of American Journalism
- Right-to-repair laws: Pushback against corporate power
- Corruption and COVID: We Are Not ‘All In This Together’
- Manufacturing ignorance: Agnotology vs. misinformation studies
- The War on Insensitivity
- WEF: Here’s how experts see AI developing over the coming years
- ALERT! CA Bill AB 659: HPV vaccine mandate for school kids.
- Hedges’ talk at Rage Against The War Machine rally.
- The Truth Will Set You Free
- US shot down hobbyists’ $12 balloon in $2M missile attack
- The World Wants to Be Deceived
- The West’s Betrayal of Freedom
- Could Fauci’s Replacement Be Even Worse?
- Credentialism And The Fate Of Academia
- EPA Is Allowing Poisonous Seeds To Devastate Communities
- We Need to Talk About the Original Sin of Economics
- COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out
- Free Speech is Futile: Gates Goes Full Borg on AI Censorship
- Don’t Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government
- Palestine, Ohio train wreck: It’s the dioxin
- Social Credit Brazilian Style: UBI Recipients Must be Vaxxed
- The Consent Factory
- Newsom, Inc.
- The Writing on the Wall
- Sy Hersh & The Way We Live Now
- 60 Minutes’ Weight-Loss Tip: Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You
- War Certainly Is A Racket
- PREP Act Protects Everyone Except Those Injured by Vaccines
- A Primer on Medical Gaslighting
- Initial thoughts on Biden’s State of the Union
- Cochrane masking review reveals how academics are hypocrites
- How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
- The UN calls for a “code of conduct” on social media
- Guatemala blocks leftist Indigenous leader from presidential race
- WHO pandemic treaty pushes for increased surveillance powers
- Government By Panic
- The Deadly Toll of Warrior Policing on Steroids
- Artificial Intelligence Caught Lying About Viruses
- Can the Military-Industrial Complex Be Tamed?
- Chemicals, cancer and corruption: a special report
- The MSM Finally Reports The Obvious While Covering Its Tracks
- How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP
- NATO’s ‘war against Russia’ inches ‘closer to direct conflict’
- “Freaks: Coming out as Unvaxxed”—Film Review
- California’s Plan to Disappear the Homeless
- War Profiteers Oversee Pentagon Spending
- The FDA “major shift” = Annual cull of seniors, kids, and disabled
- Few Thinking Logically About The Risk Of Nuclear War
- A Hard-Edged Rock: Waging Economic Warfare on Humanity
- The New York Times is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth
- The Game Is Over and They Have Lost
- Big Data, Transhumanism and Why the Singularity May Be Faked
- When the People Have Nothing More to Eat, They Will Eat the Rich
- Genetically Engineered Fruit Flies For Fake Meat Production
- Meta gave the CDC de facto power to police Covid “misinfo”
- Richest assholes took 2/3rds of global wealth since 2020
- 360 Degree Surveillance
- You Paid for COVID Vax Megaprofits
- TK Mashup: “Children of the COVID”
- How to Die of Covid Accidentally, According to the CDC
- NDS: Imperial Dominance Disguised as Democratic Deterrence
- A Prison Where The Prisoners Don’t Know They’re In Prison
- Important article on Emergency Use Authorizations
- The Great Racket
- America Needs Truth and Reconciliation on Russiagate
- Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts Around the World
- The Post-Human Economy
- 18 Ways Trump Supported The Swamp During His Presidency
- CDC Emails: Leadership Blocked Release of Fluoride Review
- Wall Street Takeover of Rental Market Fueling Homelessness Crisis
- How much unearned wealth and power has been accrued by elites
- The bougiecrats descend into mass psychosis
- Another Covid “variant”: Omicron XBB & the self-driving narrative
- World Economic Forum will plot how to counter “misinformation”
- Nuclear Fusion: Don’t Believe the Hype!
- The Voice of the System
- The CIA Should Get Out of the Laboratory
- A corporate triumph named multistakeholderism
- Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs
- From Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness
- What Can We Learn From “Cause Unknown?”
- FTX’s collapse mirrors 18th century British financial scandal
- The Tragedy of COVID19
- VP Harris: “Require” social media to work with The White House
- Is this Theft? BANKS won’t give BitChute its money
- The Real Overpopulation Problem
- The Year of the Gaslighter
- House Corona Crisis Final Report is a disaster
- Jeremy Farrar Promoted to be WHO’s Chief Scientist
- Pentagon Admits They Can’t Account For Half Their Assets
- The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It
- Dismantle the Myth That Rich People “Worked” For Their Wealth
- The Recess of Responsibility
- “Disaster Capitalism” in The Netherlands
- The Dark Truth of America’s Federation of State Medical Boards
- Your health data – exploitation of the most precious commodity
- FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal
- No Amnesty without Accountability for COVID Crimes
- Adams’ Forced Hospitalization Plan = Lifelong Consequences
- CA Law Strips Licenses from “Misinformation” Spreading Doctors
- Who Needs or Wants GMOs? Not the Public, Not India’s Farmers
- ‘Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming’
- The Banality of Good
- Lettuce-Vectored mRNA Vaccines
- Homeopathy Bombshell Coming
- We Need a New Approach to Giant Tech Firms Like Google
- Make Way for the Killer Robots
- IRENA & Co-Conspirators Hustle Climate Hoax to Siphon Trillions
- We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems
- Recycling Plastic Is Nearly Impossible and Getting Worse
- V-Safe Part Two: What Is V-Safe? What Data Does It Contain?
- Can C19 genetic vaccines trigger cancer?
- The Club of Rome and the Rise of the “Predictive Modelling” Mafia
- What Is the Third Party Technique?
- V-Safe Part One: 7.7% of People Reported Needing Medical Care
- “Scientism: A Dying Faith?” by Carlo Lancellotti
- Sam Bankman-Fried’s elitist altruism
- Unvaccinated Patients Mentally Ill, Should be on Psychiatric Drugs
- Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans
- G20’s globalist “pledge” commits to vaccine passports, and more
- Vaccine Injured Person’s Treatment Plan Costs $1.5m Annually
- The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination: False
- Opening the Floodgates for Profiteers of War
- Chris Hedges with Andrew Bacevich: America’s Dangerous Leaders
- The Road to Totalitarianism (Revisited)
- Why and How Does the Global Governance Weaponize the ‘Left’?
- “My War”: Missive from a Fallen Veteran
- Why Doctors Don’t Care About COVID Jab Side Effects
- The Rise of Biodigital Surveillance
- Board-Certified Obstetrician cries “STOP”
- Blaming Unvaccinated Americans. Here We Go Again.
- The Confinement of the Healthy
- The Fundamental Fraud
- Hell No to the WHO Pandemic Treaty
- Truth Cops
- Pandemic accountability
- “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty”—Not
- The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime
- Lockdowns: The Great Gaslighting
- CDC: Vaccine Adjuvant Contributes to Asthma in Kids
- Why Do Vaccines Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission?
- Social Media Censorship Lawsuit Update: Fauci Will Be Deposed
- Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc
- An agribusiness greenwashing glossary
- How Corporations “Get Away With Murder”
- Media Shields Landlords From a Crisis of Their Own Making
- Who has the courage to listen to the vaccine injured?
- Who Owns the CDC?
- Oppose Vote to Make COVID Vax Routine for Kids
- Digitization: Humanity’s demise, the “smartphonization” of humanity
- The iatrogenocide accelerates
- The Deadly Cost of Police Welfare Checks
- Why the COVID-19 Vaccines Could Never Prevent Transmission
- The Gaslighting of the Masses
- Voodoo Vaccine
- A Crime Against Humanity: The Great Reset Of 1914-1918
- Pfizer Executive: “We never tested vaccine against transmission”
- When Police Become Judge, Jury and Executioner
- They’ve gone too far with the children – so what do we do?
- The Puppets and the Puppet Masters
- When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition
- Death to the Metaverse
- Proof the Vaccine Is Dangerous and That The CDC Concealed It
- Moral Injury: The power of speech, conscience and testimony
- Lipid Nanoparticles: Are They Subtly Changing Human Beings?
- More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good
- Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda
- A Depressing Journey
- The CIA Invested In Woolly Mammoth Resurrection Technology
- The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Infant Deaths
- Tech Billionaires Are Actually Dumber Than You Think
- The Invaders
- From wounded Latin America, a demand to end to the war on drugs
- 5th COVID Shot Recommended Without Safety or Efficacy Data
- Newsom’s California: Medical Insanity To A Whole New Level
- New Zealand’s PM Wants More Online Censorship
- Fauci’s Net Worth Soared To $12.6+ Million During Pandemic
- FBI (Federal Bureau of Intimidation): War on Political Freedom
- The UN’s Global Public-Private Partnership For Healthcare
- Deafening Silences: Censorship, Smearing And Coercion
- The Return of Fascism
- Biden Embraces Technocracy: $2 Billion Funding For BioEconomy
- Taking antidepressants is as risky as taking recreational drugs
- Cancer Moonshot – Good Idea or Pharma Giveaway?
- Autism Can Be a Growth Market
- Multipolar World Order – Part 1
- Pharma Tests Booster on 8 Mice and 0 Humans, FDA Approves It
- Strike, Strike, Strike
- Hustling Humans
- Overthrow the Government: Our Rights Have Been Usurped
- Sustainable Debt Slavery
- Sudden Deaths: Final Solution?
- America’s Billionaires Control the U.S. Imperial Government
- How Eight Mice Decided the Fate of Your Next Mandatory Jab
- Spending Unlimited
- Chile: The Horrors of ‘the First 9/11’ Are Routinely Overlooked
- Victims of British Imperialism Share Why ‘We Will Not Mourn’
- The Dark History of the Royals
- Pharma’s Criminal Business Model
- The Mind of a Global Owner: Does Depopulation Make Sense?
- The COVID-19 Power Grab as “Organized Crime”
- Silencing the Lambs — How Propaganda Works
- The People Versus The Unelected
- A mostly subconscious genocide
- Serious Scientific Debates Conducted In Writing, Not On-camera
- Let’s Stop Pretending America Is A Functioning Democracy
- 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot
- The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program
- The Death List
- American politics: Two groups of vaccine injured fighting each other
- Fauci’s Red Guards: Lawsuit Reveals Federal Censorship Army
- NPR: 2 Hours for Afghanistan—30 Seconds for US Starving Afghans
- The Next Step to Transhumanism
- Digitizing Your Identity Is the Fast-Track to Slavery
- Social Distancing Was Supposed to Be Forever
- The American Kleptocracy: Liars, Thieves and Lawbreakers
- The Psychology of Totalitarianism
- The AAP: A broken, failed organization
- Don’t Charge Trump With Espionage
- Billionaires, The Government Work Together To Control Information
- New Normal Germany’s Geisterfahrer Geist
- Birds, Other Wildlife Sacrificed for Useless Mask Pollution
- Dr. Fauci’s Legacy
- US Ramping Up Drone Strikes in the Middle East and Africa
- Jane Goodall: Reset world population at 461 million
- Police State Education: Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance
- Documentary: ‘Uninformed Consent’
- RNA for Moderna’s Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company
- Who Is Behind the Trusted News Initiative?
- The CDC Reversal—A Deeper Dive
- United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Elitist Takeover
- Checkmate
- A new mask study is poised to affect Boston area children
- The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition
- Vaccine mandates: From free exchange of ideas to conformity
- Vaccinated 5X More Contagious Than Unvaccinated After Infection
- All Our Systems Are Built To Elevate Viciousness
- WEF proposes AI to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation”
- How the Monkeypox Scam Mirrors the COVID Scam—Unbelievable
- The CIA should be abolished
- FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago: Welcome to the Third World
- Leslie Wexner’s Young Global Leaders
- VAERS as a pharmacovigilance tool: Questions and answers
- Facing Up to the Crime in Progress
- Westerners Think They Are Free-Thinking Individualists
- Groupthink: We are all victims
- Killing terrorists is no substitute for strategy
- The Rise of the New Normal Reich
- Rutherford Institute Challenges Texas Anti-Boycott Law
- University Can Enforce Private Vaccine Mandate
- Global Development: Enforcing the Agenda of Greed
- Blockchained: Web 3.0, Virtual Reality and the Network State
- How PrEP contributed to monkeypox in gay men.
- Documents show collusion between the CDC and Big Tech
- We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup
- The plan to push more injections targets OB/GYNs
- Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID
- The CDC Is Sacrificing Children for Big Pharma
- We’ve Been Lied To About Everything That Matters
- Novavax vaccine contains worm and baculovirus proteins and DNA
- They’re bringing COVID back…& this time its permanent
- Robert Malone Sifts Through the Lies
- Fauci’s Pension ($414,667) Exceeds Joe Biden’s Salary ($400,000)
- The War on Dissent
- Fauci, Top Biden Officials Subpoenaed in Lawsuit
- Paving a digital road to Hell? – Digital IDs challenged in new report
- No Emergency: Hospitals Not Overwhelmed, Cases Meaningless
- What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?”
- The Great American Military Rebrand
- The Biggest Lie The Hawks Ever Sold
- Constitutional Case Against California’s Covid Misinformation Bill
- Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid.
- How Pfizer Profited From the Pandemic
- War with Iran
- Update regarding Omicron BA.5
- Political False Dichotomies: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
- Government by Vampire Zombie Squid
- Systemic Harms to our Children
- NATO: The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet
- Autoimmunity and tolerance
- The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda
- The self-inflicted genocide of late capitalism
- How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA
- Green Agenda – Dutch Farmers Protest
- In 2019, Pharma spent time and money to get vaccine mandates imposed.
- Midsummer Mask Madness
- Dr. Robert Malone and other censored doctors sue Twitter
- $250,000 Awarded To Parents After Their Healthy Infant Killed By Vaccines
- Ex Pfizer Exec, Michael Yeadon, Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional
- How did needles become so normal?
- “Hope” not “science” that the vaccinated could not spread the COVID virus.
- Why Big Pharma Is Desperate to Get COVID Jab Into Babies
- We Were Warned: Current COVID Vaccines Wouldn’t Stop Transmission
- Cracks develop in the FDA’s “Future Framework” narrative
- WHO orchestrating FDA’s scheme to skip clinical trials for Covid shots
- Who Was Responsible for the Botched Pandemic Response?
- Imperial Narrative Control Has Five Distinct Elements
- Vaccines associated with increased risk of serious adverse events.
- A Sensible Approach to Handling the Pandemic
- Ripped Off, Repeatedly: Blue and Red Do Have Something in Common
- What Would Have Been the Best Way to Handle the Pandemic?
- Mattias Desmet: The importance of maintaining the principles of humanity
- The Massacre of the Innocents: The Government is coming for your kids
- CDC Releases Aggressively Stupid Pamphlet on Monkeypox
- The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany
- Pfizer Vaccine Causes COVID Reinfections, Disables Natural Immunity!
- The Rise of Global Fascism and What We Must Do to Fight Back
- This is Real Advice from the CDC
- UK Decision to Extradite Assange: US/UK’s Freedom Lectures Are a Farce
- ARPA-H, a branch of the intelligence community within NIH
- “Top Gun: Maverick” is Military Propaganda.
- The Pfizer clinical trial in kids 6 months to 4 years old is an embarrassment
- Our Real Enemies Are Not In Beijing Or Moscow
- PANDA: Origins and Trajectories of the COVID Phenomenon
- The modified spike protein is dangerous and for very specific reasons.
- Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case
- Joe Biden’s Submissive Embrace of Saudi Despots
- The “I-Believe-The-Science(TM)” crowd has given up on science
- The Frontman of Empire: How Bono’s “Activism” Serves the Powerful
- Dictator-in-Chief: The President’s Secret, Unchecked Powers
- Why the Covid Vaccines Were Never Likely to Be Effective
- We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Totalitarian Takeover
- Why is Everything Broken?
- Why Is Switzerland the Headquarters of Emperors?
- The COVID Cult Did Lasting Damage to Our Kids
- Climate TRACE: Framework for ESG, Social/Climate Credit System
- Elon Musk: Not a Renegade Outsider—A Massive Pentagon Contractor
- FDA “Future Framework” is the worst idea in the history of public health
- Hiding Data Accentuates Concerns About mRNA Vaccines
- The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People
- The Monopoly On Your Mind, Part 3: Advertisers’ Invisible Strings
- Monkeypoxmania
- COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Surgical Neurology International
- How to End Medical Blindness
- Shibboleths: Sage Hana Productions Glossary of Terms
- Your Shadow Credit Score Could Decide Whether You Get an Apartment
- Celebrities: Odious empire sycophants
- Is COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis mild and transient? Nope.
- Systemic Corruption in the COVID-19 Response
- “The Squad” Doesn’t Exist Outside Of Social Media
- Five reasons the FDA’s June Blitzkrieg Must Fail
- What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty
- The Politics of Medical Gaslighting
- After the Pandemic: Won’t Get Fooled Again
- Christian Fascists, Endless War and the Democratic Party
- Why Do Doctors Close Their Eyes to Medical Injuries?
- WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Banality of Evil
- The Origins of Medical Blindness
- Our Digital Panopticon
- Gaslighting? Why can Doctors not diagnose Medical Injuries?
- Most Americans Don’t Want Those Shots
- US and Russia Terminal Decline: The Age of Self-Delusion
- The Logic of Lockdowns Leads to Shanghai
- Moderna’s selective leaks to the press about its failed clinical trial in kids
- Kickbacks, Corruption & Scandal: The History of the CDC
- The Monopoly On Your Mind, Part 2: Billionaires Bet Big On The News
- Corruption of Language, Corruption of Thought
- Public Trust in the CDC Waning
- On Losing My Teaching Job
- Philadelphia and Los Angeles Are the Future of Masking
- Covid Policy Tactics Were Borrowed from the Vietnam War
- Social Credit in Italy: World Economic Forum’s ‘Agile Nations’ in Action
- A Moratorium on mRNA ‘Vaccines’ is Needed
- Worthy and Unworthy Victims
- AI Drug Discovery Might Be Repurposed to Make Chemical Weapons
- Aaron Kheriaty: The State of Emergency and the Biomedical Security State
- The Slippery Slope of the WHO Pandemic Treaty
- 6 Double Standards to Justify COVID Vaccines
- The more you vaccinate, the weaker your immune system becomes
- Let The FDA Know: No Approval for Covid Vaccines For Children Under 5
- The Hypocrisy of “Misinformation”
- Big Pharma and the FDA, WHO, NIH, CDC
- Big Pharma Lawsuits, Scandals, and Cover-Ups
- Inside Shanghai’s Zero Covid Camp
- The British are now officially hiding Covid vaccine data
- Lockdowns: The New Normal
- Putting Big Pharma on Trial in the COVID-19 Era
- Money Grab: Billions in COVID Relief Going to Fund Police and Prisons
- Spiro Pantazatos on Vaccine All Cause Mortality
- “Unvaccinated” student-athletes still can’t participate in NYC
- California: The Tip of the Spear
- The illusion of Evidence-based Medicine
- On Being Disappeared
- Invasion of the Fact-Checkers
- Biden’s Reckless Words
- The Pfizer State of the Union Address
- Cognitive Dissonance Driving Us Toward Destruction
- FDA—Call to Action #2
- Science Writers—Journalists, or PR Agents?
- Ukraine crisis accelerating rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)
- Vaccines: Resist the Regime of Medical Tyranny
- Transhumanism: Human beings are hackable
- Romney’s “Treason” Smear of Tulsi Gabbard—False and Noxious
- DHS increases efforts to identify “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories”
- Massive Conflicts of Interest at the NIH
- Attorney Tom Renz: Pentagon vaccine data, corruption
- 22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must!
- The Pan Doctrine: Nazi Racial Hygiene Theory Version 2.0
- The Great Reset Phase 2: War
- The Great Reset’s 5G Cyborg Ecosystem
- Government paid big media to advertise and promote COVID-19 vaccines
- Dangerous Pfizer Vaccine Fraud Fully Exposed
- Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters
- Pfizer mRNA Transcribes into DNA
- The New International Rules-Based Order (IRBO)
- Oakland: Educational Bureaucrats Steamroll Parents and Kids
- A capitalist nightmare
- The Next Step for the World Economic Forum
- The Neoliberal War on Dissent in the West
- Canada invokes Emergencies Act to seize convoy funding
- How the CDC Abandoned Science
- Why the Sudden Excitement over HIV?
- Take Action
- Domestic Terrorism = Free Speech
- Lockdowns did far more harm than good
- Lab Leak Theory: The Conspiracy to Suppress It
- Fairfax Schools Suspend Kids, Call Police, Defying VA Governor On Masks
- COVID Affects Your Memory
- The Religion of Liberals: Censorship
- Truth Or COVID?
- Alex Gutentag: Devastating impact of school closures on our children.
- Jimmy Kimmel: Vaccine Aristocrats Strike Again
- Resist. The Time is Now.
- Masks Don’t Work: Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy
- Dr. Peter McCullough: Everything COVID…Follow the Science
- Former WHO Employee Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: ‘A Pandemic of Lies’
- What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety
- A Path Will Rise to Meet Us
- The Year of the New Normal Fascist
- The British Left Opposes Vaccine Mandates—Anti-Worker and Repressive
- FDA Now Wants Until 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s Vaccine Data
- New Global Wealth Since 1995—Richest 1% Got 38% Bottom Half Got 2%
- A Constitutional Cure for Covid-19
- To deny “Lab Leak” COVID Theory, Dubious and Conflicted Sources
- Two videos for Sunday morning.
- Inside Australia’s Covid internment camp
- UK’s minimum gap for Covid booster jabs to be halved to three months
- Let’s go to the mainstream news.
- Pfizer is lobbying to thwart whistleblowers from exposing corporate fraud
- The English data on vaccines and mortality, revisited
- Major Canadian landlord demands all tenants get COVID shot
- EU plots nine-month expiration date on vaccine passports
- IGCD Attempts to End Free Speech Worldwide
- A Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”?
- Honest People Series: Dr. Byram Bridle
- Austrian police check shoppers for vaccine passports
- FDA Asks Judge to Wait Until 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s Vaccine Data
- The Real Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
- Letter to a Tyrant
- Dr. Robert Malone: International COVID Summit
- We will kill 117 kids to save one child from dying from COVID
- Kids as young as 5 in San Francisco will have to show vaccine passports
- Segregation 2.0, A Conversation with Kevin Jenkins
- (New Normal) Winter is Coming
- COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle
- 1,000 Private Jets Assemble to Execute The Great Reset
- $125 Million Just Poured Into GOF Lab Leak Research
- Australian cartoonist fired for vaccine mandate cartoon
- NZ PM Jacinda Ardern admits vaccine passports create two-tiered society
- $750k to stop journalists from creating “negative unintended outcomes.”
- NIH Admits It Funded Gain-of-Function and Changes the Definition of GOF
- Historic and Legal Perspectives of the Pandemic and Anthony Fauci’s Role
- Supermarkets are allowed to lock out unvaccinated people
- Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game
- Steven Donziger and The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State
- The Great New Normal Purge
- Moderna: A Company “In Need Of A Hail Mary”
- PERK sues LA County in behalf of public employees.
- Therapeutic Nihilism And Untested Novel Therapies
- Twitter slammed for fact-checking Seattle mom’s obituary.
- The Plague of the Poor
- New Zealand Voices for Freedom: Mark Crispin Miller
- Two Documentaries About Nurses, Compare and Contrast
- Experts Accuse CDC of Cherry-Picking Data on Vaccine Immunity to Support Political Narrative
- Biden Orders Sweeping, Unprecedented Vaccine Mandates for Millions of Americans, Politicians Vow to Fight Back
- CNN Asswipes Slander Dr. Mercola
- The Road to Totalitarianism
- Joe Biden’s Blue Shirts Will Be Knocking at Your Door
- Mark Crispin Miller Violates the Three Rules of Propaganda
- Who Is A “Terrorist” In Biden’s America?
- Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore
- Category: Zero Sum
- Politics and the English Language
- Protecting the Prairie
- The Invisible Rainbow
- Germinating The Ancient Seeds Within
- There Is Only One Spaceship Earth
- The infantilization of modern societies
- Virology’s Event Horizon
- Sick, and Sick of It All
- Morphic Resonance
- Why Lying to Yourself is Ruining Your Life
- Our Changing Earth
- Regeneration is Life
- JFK assassination: The major media still won’t tell the truth
- The Smiles of Dictators
- Unbelievable Reality
- Crazy, Unrealistic People vs Rational, Realistic People
- Church of Stop Shopping: Fossil Banks & Climate Change NYC
- Stealing Self-Love: The Bullies’ Biggest Trick
- The Hermit of Merrimack River
- Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom
- When The Culture Changes Too Much
- Economics v. the Earth
- Taking students to the range to learn about gun culture firsthand
- “Voices of Diversity”, a Short Film by Navdanya
- Words Matter
- More American Cities Considering Free Public Transportation
- A Brief History of Science
- A Major Life Change
- The Luddite Kids saying NO to Smartphones
- We’re All Bored of Culture
- Holding the Line: It’s Easier With Love
- David Martin’s “malleable” reality
- Don’t Abandon Hope, But Keep a Hopium Tracker
- A different kind of meeting
- The Farthest Shore
- The RFK Jr. Tapes
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide
- Mainstream Environmental Movement Lies
- RFK Jr. is Running For President
- Reclaiming Our Country
- Peeping Pigs and Propaganda by Omission
- How the Environmental Movement Can Find Its Way Again
- A Community That Pools All Their Possessions
- Defining Humanity, Defending the Person, Part 2
- Defining Humanity, Defending the Person, Part 1
- The Cell Phone Is a Pair of Red High Heels
- The Robot Who Wanted to Be a Man
- Did Cochrane sacrifice its researchers to appease critics?
- Holi: the colours of biodiversity
- What Actually Happens With Water Inside The Body?
- Official Stories: Counter-Arguments for a Culture in Need
- What Is The Forgotten Side of Water?
- The Electromagnetic Body with Dr. Tom Cowan
- Quoth the Vultures “Evermore”
- The Culling: The War on Birds
- A Manual on Removing the Yoke From Your Neck
- Dioxin resources page for citizens & journalists
- Frequencies – unearthing the mysteries of life (Part1)
- We’re Ruled By Assholes Because We Have Asshole Systems
- A Brave Young Teen Reads Orwell
- Humanity Must Move Beyond Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
- They’re Just not Jaded
- The UK Government: Kakistocracy or Kleptocracy?
- Lovingly Crafted Video of “What is the Next Story”
- Eric Coppolino’s Interview with Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey
- Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable
- Solving the Debt Crisis the American Way
- Wrong Turn—Rupert Sheldrake On How Science Lost Its Way
- Crocodiles Then and Now
- Mike Wallach on the viral delusion
- ‘Anecdotals’ Documentary
- Dominated By Narrative Control Since The Dawn Of Civilization
- What is the Next Story?
- Open Letter to Denis Rancourt on Investigation into the Virus Issue
- Socialism Is Not a Utopian Ideal, but an Achievable Necessity
- Growing Up: Extracting The Beliefs Placed In Your Head By Others
- Are Viruses Real?
- Toward some semblance of sanity
- Fake Virtue with Alan Watts
- Notes on FBI/Twitter Story
- Opposing War Is The First Step Toward Moral Politics
- Dr. Fauci to head National Institute of Particle Physics
- The Biggest Obstacle To Real Freedom…
- The Dominance of Self-Interest and the Ruling Cult of Evil
- All Terrain
- Malone vs. the Breggins: Tessa Lena’s Take
- Victory Will Not Solve the Problem
- The Chris Hedges Report with economist Richard Wolff
- The Parasite Class
- Orangutans (‘People of the Forest’) But Forests Are Disappearing
- ‘Western Values’ Are A Big Jerk-Off Fantasy
- 30 Questions for a Narrative Believer
- Technocracy and Totalitarianism
- The conversion process from true believer to vaccine abolitionist.
- What is Missing from the Climate Debate
- The Ancient Light of Truth
- Self-Destructive Social Habits, Loneliness, and Propaganda
- The Oil Industry’s Message to You
- 5 Thoughts On The Global Dictatorship
- The Soulless Scientific Method
- Challenging Any State’s Cov-19 Vaccine Mandate to Attend School
- The U.S. Is Leading the World Into the Abyss
- Roger Waters: A Star And Pro-Palestine At The Same Time
- Reflections on Graeber and Wengrow’s ‘Dawn of Everything’
- Sliding doors: Prozac Nation
- Subsistence Farming and The Value of Living Crisis
- What If They Threw a Pandemic & Nobody Came?
- Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Mark Bailey: A Farewell to Virology
- This odious global system
- There’s No One Driving the Bus
- Our Mortality Should Unite Us
- Liberalism Is Not the Opposite of Conservatism
- How Can “We Wake People Up” to the Dangers of the Covid Jab
- The Future of Work Is No Work
- Puppets of power
- The Millionaire Blogger, in the Land of Virology
- Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe
- Cultivate A Habit Of Small Acts Of Sedition
- It’s Time To Declare a Global Debt Jubilee
- “Payment Strikes” Regular Feature of the Economic Landscape?
- Does Nature Have Rights?
- The Path Paved by Dr. Stefan Lanka
- Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science & Myth—A Must-Read
- Government Itself is Immoral
- Reacting to change…
- Dr. Zach Bush on Humans and Germs: ‘It’s Not Us Versus Them’
- A developing evil: Malignant historical force behind the Great Reset
- Activism as a Vocation
- Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail
- Fight for Peace Today
- Tolerant, Peaceful Bonobos: The Model for Human Peacemaking?
- Political Hope
- Hope springs eternal with a little effort
- Capital Solution to Save the Planet: Make It an Asset & Sell it
- The billionaire class is seeking to control an uncontrollable universe
- The Great Battle for the Future
- Ignore the Prophets of Doom – Organic food can feed the world
- The Nitrogen Problem in Agriculture
- The Rules Are All Made Up And Can Be Re-Written At Any Time
- Food: Achieving Self-Funding Local Sovereignty
- 10 Lies of Contemporary Culture
- Our Fight—The Flower of the World Will Not Die
- The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits
- I Am Done With The Left-Right Divide
- Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsche’s Warning & The Birth of a New Culture
- The Triumph of Death
- Only Star Trek can save the failing coronavirus narrative
- Transhumanism and the Metaverse
- We’re Here To Become As Conscious As Possible
- You’re Only As Free As You Allow Your World To Be
- Defending Empire Narratives = Defending Worldview From Destruction
- Activism: A Write-off and Autopsy
- Why “creating” artificial intelligence is conjuring the demon
- Review: The Rise of the New Normal Reich by C.J. Hopkins
- Human Activities Have Degraded 40% of Land on Earth
- Health Meme Lies Corrected
- A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don’t Own Everything
- It’s About Time
- When the Struggle Ends, Who Am I?
- Eclipsed by the State: A Critical Look at Christian America
- Democracy Is Dead! Long Live Democracy
- Integrity Dignity Community: Robert Malone at Defeat the Mandates LA
- Dr. Vandana Shiva: ‘The Evolved Mind Sees Earth as One Family’
- Washington Should Think Twice Before Launching a New Cold War
- The Lie of American Innocence
- Reinventing Progress
- Was Ukraine betrayed by its elites?
- Actual Science is the alternative to the Pan Doctrine
- The Spirituality of _________ (Climate Change)
- War Propaganda Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless
- The Narratives They Are a-Changin’
- Love-Gift to the Future
- The Turn: Liel Leibovitz, Walter Kirn, and Alana Newhouse in Conversation
- Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm
- The Pfuture—Live it or live with it.
- They Are Lying
- Dr. Malone recommended video, “More Harm Than Good”
- The Orneriness of Kings—a pandemic passion play foretold by Mark Twain
- The “New Normal” & the Civil Society Deception
- The U.S. Military Budget as a Mushroom Cloud
- Hedges: The Execution of Julian Assange
- Abortion, birth control used by the elite to rid the planet of black people.
- The Time is Now: Differentiating “Force” from “Choice”
- Rich People Things
- I am the virus. What is my name?
- Oroville declares itself a ‘constitutional republic’
- This Program Can Give AI a Sense of Ethics—Sometimes
- The Rehearsal is Over and More
- America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy
- Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism
- Responding to On the Media on Free Speech: FIRE’s So to Speak Podcast
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: “It’s Time For Civil Disobedience!”
- A comirnaty by any other name would smell as suspicious.
- Zero Sum—in a closed system there is nothing else.
- Will you become a future member of the useless class?
- When the World Economic Forum predicts your future, watch out!
- Planet of the Humans
- Vanguard and BlackRock Own the World
- Billionaires? There’s a gulag for that.