Home Zero Sum Welcome to the Pfear Store Algorithmized Safe and Effective What they said. What they meant. Some of My Favorite Memes Anarchism Pfear Censorship Criminocracy Liberals Food Health The Science™ Vazxxism Contact us Sitemap Posts by category Category: Anarchism Unnatural Economics Modernisation means pillage and profit The Inner Light The Kali Yuga: Keeping the Faith in a Dark Age The Extraordinary Life of Simona Kossak Randian Acts of Unkindness Primeval freedom, the anarch and the anarchist A Natural Man walking this Earth Truth, essence, knowledge and light Why do we only support mob-rule when our mob wins? Industrialism is a manifestation of Evil disaster capitalism – are you ready for what may come after 11/5? Natural Complexity (Reviving Federalism, Part 3) Life philosophy: against the destructive will of Mammon The Secret Metaphysics of Consensus Process Life philosophy: soul, rhythm, magic and love Agreement, Mutual Aid, and Love (Reviving Federalism, Part 2) Life philosophy: beyond left and right A Republic of Republics of Republics (Reviving Federalism, Part 1) Fake living versus the happiness of truth The corruption is real and sickening Authenticity: A quality to defeat quantity Preface to Beyond Leviathan Kennedy-Trump: Did ‘Integral Populism’ Just Happen? Change for the better? The Politics of Friendship (Chrono-Politics, Part 6) Against the Dark Enslaving Empire! Ritual vs. Porn (Chrono-Politics, Part 5) Organic radicalism: challenging the system to its core Burnout (Chrono-Politics, Part 4) Involuntary Governance and the Permaculture Ethical Compass Re-assessing positions Being vs. Having (Chrono-Politics, Part 3) Deliberate dispossession and our struggle for autonomy Freedom in Time (Chrono-Politics, Part 2) Total Work (Chrono-Politics, Part 1) The Folly of Politics Without Communion Escaping the industrial nightmare Emma Goldman: A New Declaration of Independence The military-industrial guilt complex Prefigurative action Voting is Evil Electoral fraud: the illusion of democracy Wars, resets and the global criminocracy Joined dots and spontaneous synchronicity Power and corruption: the public-private imperial mafia Revolution From Below (Revolutionary Aristotelianism Part 6) Losing the labels The Structure of a Whole Life (Revolutionary Aristotelianism Part 5) Modernity as Fragmentation (Revolutionary Aristotelianism Part 4) The world out of kilter: occupation and zombification Clarity and focus Good Cities, Good Citizens, Good People The Coming to Be of Society (Revolutionary Aristotelianism, Part 2) The false red flag: a despotic dead end The false red flag: a repugnant racket Goods, Desire, and Community The false red flag: industrial slavery Why Democracy Leads to Tyranny The false red flag: lies and repression Our Quest for Freedom: Defending For a Convergence of the Uncorrupted Our Quest for Freedom: Building The Predators versus The People: the global mafia exposed Natural Anarchy Our Quest for Freedom: Preparing and Boycotting ¡VIVA LA REVELACIÓN! Our Quest for Freedom: Becoming Our Quest for Freedom: Meaning Martin Luther King, Tyranny, and Natural Law A crucial moment for humankind Our Quest for Freedom: Explaining and Proposing Enemies of the People: Profiteering from war after war Our Quest for Freedom: Exposing Forest Rebels (Deep Resistance Part 6) Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning Stoic Freedom (Deep Resistance Part 4) Our Quest for Freedom: Remembering Why Alcoholics Can’t Be Forced to Stop Drinking Our Quest for Freedom: Realising Our Quest for Freedom and other essays Dogs Bark (Deep Resistance Part 3) Israel-Hamas and the Great Reset Dog Wisdom (Deep Resistance Part 2) Deep Resistance: Philosophical Practices of Sanity (Part 1) 1984/2024 – The hidden hope in Orwell’s warning Seeing the whole truth with a three-dimensional outlook The Carousel Seven reasons why I am an anti-industrialist Targeted and smeared by the fake-left thought police Catastrophe (Egalitarian Anti-Modernism Part 9) Seizing a free future! When will the real opposition emerge? Chesterton Against Servility Authenticity is the antidote to anti-culture A matter of life and death A yearning with no name Turning our backs on the left-right racket The king and the criminocrats Resisting global tyranny: the golden chain of tradition The Narrow Road to Self-Government 25 Ornery Aphorisms by Edward Abbey “Where were all the anarchists during Covid 19?” For a convergence of the uncorrupted The people will prevail – with or without the left! Cogs of corruption and control Enemies of the People: privatising power Shining light on the climate of manipulation The Mortal God Drops Its Mask Robert Malone’s global-industrial agenda BRICS in the wall of global greed The money behind the smears Criminocracy and its lies Woke is fascist Authoritarianism Keeps Surging In Western “Free Democracies” Remembering the Paris Commune Resisting and revealing the plutocratic occupation Work. Order. Progress. Taoism, Divinity and the New Anarchism Adieu to the illusion of democracy The New Anarchy: Truth, Nature, Beauty and Withness When protest is branded “terrorism” The Naive Belief in Governmental Benevolence Macron’s tear gas tour Remembering who we are Emma Goldman: Anarchism—What it really stands for. The End of Hope The WEF are life-hating liars Anarchy, alchemy and awakening Form, essence, lies and truth Fighting off the Encroachment Ramping up the global inquisition The Secret of Success is to Have No Fear Denying reality: a dangerous delusion Resisting Techno-Tyranny: A Dialogue Welcome To The Revolution! Emma Goldman: What is patriotism? Empire of Hypocrisy The End of Their World is the Beginning of Ours! To the Anarchist, Anarchy = Natural Law Anarchists growing the new resistance! Emma Goldman: Woman Suffrage Category: Bill Gates Bill Gates: ‘We Will Not Need Humans for Most Things’ Today is a special anniversary: Event 201 Bill Gates Partner GAVI Vaccine Alliance Targets Online Memes Bill Gates’ Global Agenda & How We Can Resist His War On Life Environmental Activism as a Capitalist Trojan Horse Choice Quotes from Bill Gates’s New Book Gates Calls For Censorship of Social Media, Celebrates ‘The New Normal’ Who is Bill Gates? Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates’s Book Is Rubbish! Bill Gates & His Fake Solutions to Climate Change Gates to a Global Empire, a Global Citizens’ Report by Navdanya International Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill How Bill Gates Controls Global Messaging and Censorship GNN (Gates News Network), October 18, 2019 Category: Censorship Why the AI will always be uncanny Can a Foreign Court Control Free Speech in America? A Switch in Time? Political Riptides Threaten to Overwhelm the Nation Censorship: Using Your Tax Dollars to Silence Your Voice Biden’s Legacy: Leaving FOIA In Shambles Inside the Push for Police-Run “Misinformation” Units US paid PR firm to track and vilify critics of GMOs and pesticides Save Democracy From Informed Voters: Vote Censorship! They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now Revealed: The Israeli Spies Writing America’s News Media Falls Below Congress in Trust Survey The Hurricane Speech Panic is Here Disinformation Isn’t the Problem Misinformation Doesn’t Kill People—People Kill People Israeli Military Forces Executed Numerous Journalists Since 10/7 “We Lose Total Control”: Hillary Clinton’s Censorship Campaign Matt Taibbi: How to Fight Back Against the Censors John Kerry vs. The First Amendment Journalists must be free to publish leaked documents Fake news was invented 500 years ago California Sued Over New “Deepfake” Law On State Department Censorship and Blacklisting ‘Russian Interference’ 3.0 State Department’s Smear Tactics: Discrediting Reporters The Blair Witch Project: Tony Blair Calls for Global Censorship Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and our Government Censors Harris Manager Aggressively Targets Online “Misinformation” The Sound of Enforced Silence Shining light into the shadow ban Acclaimed Journalist Charged With ‘Anti-Semitism’ Technofascism: Government Pressured Tech to Censor Users Dangerous Times for Online Free Speech Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested in France The United Kingdom Cracks Down on Free Speech Germany Punishes American Writer Over Satirical Swastika Image Learn This Term: ‘Whole of Society’ The People’s Court of New Normal Germany (Part Two) Censorship, Ethics, and Standing on Principle – Dr. Aaron Kheriaty The People’s Court of New Normal Germany Major News Outlet Urges Media to Bury Iconic Trump Photo The Corporate News Media at Work “The First Amendment is Out of Control” The government plans to use AI to censor Americans’ speech Censorship and the Death of Freedom The Supreme Court Punts on Censorship Assange is Free, But Never Forget How the Press Turned on Him Biden Campaign Launches Task Force to Combat “Cheap Fakes” U.N. has ‘plan of action’ to curtail free speech Help Us Fight the Feds’ AI Censorship Machine What Is the Solution to “the Wikipedia Problem”? The Dark Side of Wikipedia Repress U., Class of 2024 Microsoft Introduces Always-Watching Feature For Every PC The Closing of the Internet Mind 2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics Google’s AI-First: Boosts Its Ability To Filter and Control Information In Search of the Great Canadian Terror Welcome to the Surveillance Renaissance ANH Launches Petition to Curb Big Tech Censorship She’s baaaack… Nina Jankowicz Returns Woman faces jail for giving tomato paste bad review on Facebook Inside the disinformation industry Combating “Hate”: The Trojan Horse for Precrime Censorship Is an Act of Desperation Google Ordered To Identify Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos Meet the AI-Censored? Naked Capitalism CJ Hopkins, Charged Again in Germany The First Amendment Takes a Beating in the Supreme Court Big Tech Alliance Targets Covid-19 “Misinformation.” Why the TikTok Ban is So Dangerous RuPaul’s “No Censorship” Bookstore Lasted Just Three Days I Wrote What? Google’s AI-Powered Libel Machine Technocensorship: Corporations a Front for Government Censors What NO ONE is saying about Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview Why Burn Books When You Can Bury Them? Russiagate & Gaza How Corporate Media Outlets Failed Their Readers in 2024 Elections? Who needs elections? The law firm helping Big Oil weaponize the First Amendment Media’s Fatal Compromises Online “Conspiracy Theories” About WHO Pandemic Treaty 5 Ways To Prepare for the Online Privacy Crackdown The Censorship “Switchboard” Stanford Group Helped US Government Censor Covid Dissidents Tools And Techniques To Circumvent Online Censorship Europe, Get Off Our Speech Lawn Who Ghostwrites Reports for the CCDH? The New Push for Censorship Under the Guise of Combating Hate White House Letter Tells Media To “Ramp Up Their Scrutiny” In Missouri v. Biden Internet Censorship Case, a Win and a Loss White House, Dark Money NGO Hype Hate To Demand Censorship Category: Class War Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People Millions of Tenants Now Have AI Landlords Hollywood Smashes Records for Lack of Self-Awareness Housing Activists in Spain Occupy Vacant Bank-Owned Buildings Why a Liberated Palestine Threatens Global Capitalism “Sustainably” Surveilling and Tokenizing Nature Democrats are hooked on Hillbilly Horror Category: Climate Change Technocracy Ascending-Part 3: Green Sustainable Slavery Carbon farming’s hot air won’t cool the planet Your Tesla is Killing the Planet Over 40% Of Tesla’s Profit Comes From Selling Regulatory Credits This Native Elder is Being Sued by a Mining Company Plants Absorb 31% More CO₂ Than We Thought The Long Shadow of the Tar Sands Appalachia: Murder always happens for a reason Green Jobs or Greenwashing? Meta to buy carbon credits from controversial tree plantations From land grabbers to carbon cowboys Leak at First CO2 Injection Site in US Category: Criminocracy The Parallel Society vs Totalitarianism Decolonizing St. Patrick’s Day Technocracy Ascending-Part 2 Technocracy Ascending-Part 1 How to ‘Actually’ End Debt and Restore Financial Sovereignty Scientists must not be allowed to self-regulate Virtue Hoarders and the Rejection of Liberalism Larry Ellison Pushes for AI-Powered Data Mass Surveillance Part 3: NGO Alliances in Humanitarian Aid Part 2: NGO Alliances in Humanitarian Aid Part 1: NGO Alliances in Humanitarian Aid ‘Plastics are awesome’: DOE’s partnership with the plastics industry Science’s Turn Towards Darkness The Great Rewiring of Childhood Trump throws his weight behind new mRNA gene-therapy WEF Davos 2025 – More Grotesque Than Ever Goodbye to Joe Biden, and Whoever Was President Don’t Deify Jimmy Carter Architecture is Always Political Fine Woke Cannibals Pardon Me, But This Is Bullshit A Rogue Reporter vs. The American Empire Congress Must Prevent Nuclear War Fluoridation Spokesperson Says IQ Loss Acceptable “Trade Off” More Conspiratoons: A Look Back HHS Spends Hundreds of Millions Spreading DEI Fauci’s ‘DNA of Caring’ Why “the left” didn’t buy what the Democrats were selling The Politics of Cultural Despair America at the End of Its Tether Halloween is over, but the election litigation is getting really scary How to…Rig Your Rigged Elections Can We Avoid a Franken-Future with AI? New York Times, Washington Post Signal Post-Election Crackdown ANH Sues FDA to Stop U.S. Homeopathy Ban The Escalating Crisis in the Middle East (w/ John Mearsheimer) The Biden Collection ‘Surge’ in Ukraine war funding, U.S. military plans black swan event Can organic farmers’ markets encourage chemical-free farming? The Choice this Election: Between Corporate and Oligarchic Power The cost of industrial meat: conflict and environmental destruction The Plot to Manage Democracy Google’s Empire Cracks Extermination Works. At First. Why the US (s)election doesn’t matter a damn The Preposterous Nature of “Reality” The History Of “Round Up” and pathways for Glyphosate Detox Just Say NO to REAL ID Before October 15, 2024 The Secret History of Neoliberalism RFK Jr. Is Replicating Bernie Sanders’ Sheepdog Play for MAGA Communities are Responding to Federal Court Fluoridation Ruling From Monsanto to Bayer, the Worst of Both Worlds Christine Massey: “Don’t trust Public Health.” Mistaking Militarism for Statecraft, Empire for Democracy… The Looming Catastrophe in the Middle East Water Fluoridation Poses “Unreasonable Risk” to Children The Counter-Constitutional Movement Beware of the Government’s Push for a Digital Currency The Corruption is Real and Sickening The ‘War Party’ Makes Its Plans Don’t Trust the Government The Violence of Development Lab meat down on the farm: It’s going to happen, say advocates A confluence of unprecedented circumstances Ukraine War Turns Into Russian Roulette Beyond the Law The Liberal Class’s Ultimate Betrayal The New Normal Right All Sides Are Waging War on Our Freedoms Democrats Aren’t Creating Disorder; They’re Preserving it Fake food alert: the global mafia’s new assault on our health ‘Vote Joy’ — a Delusion of Nostalgia Who Wants to Kill and Die for the American Empire? Defend Natural Health Game Changer! Matt Taibbi: What I Got Wrong About “Shock Therapy” The MAGA plan to stop forest fires: Remove the forest Alexander Hamilton’s Assault on Working People The War on Food and the War on Humanity Let’s cut the crap on gene technology A Brief History of Global Capitalism Both Trumpism And Anti-Trumpism Are Fake, Decoy Revolutions What Is the State & the Challenge To Transcend It? Plastic Planet Pandemic Raining on the Democrats’ Parade The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom The DNC’s Sinister Rebrand of “Freedom” Open Wallets, Empty Hearts Oligarchs Have Bought Up the American Dream Nobody Would Vote For Any Of This Bullshit Without Manipulation People and Patents That Built The Financial Surveillance Network American Theocracy: Politics Has Become Our National Religion We Had to Destroy Democracy to Save It Federal Judge Declares Google a Monopolist How Unelected Regulators Unleashed the Derivatives Monster WEF Brave New World of 2030 A Quarter-Century Later, Battle of Seattle Protesters Proved Right CrowdStrike: Liability Shields Fuel Risky Practices, Expert Warns GM Bt corn fails against target pest in US Departing Biden Denounced as Another Trump The Democratic party rigged the primary process for Biden Scientists sound the alarm over outdoor gene editing pesticides Who’s Running This Country? How Political Theater Helps the Deep State Stay in Power Social Distancing – Why They want You Isolated and Alone The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: Peter Thiel Astronomers Lose, California Wins The Supreme Court Takes on the Administrative State War on Farmers: World Bank Sowing Seed Colonialism in Africa Illa in Manila: Will History Demand Trump-Hillary II? The Donor Convention Democratic Insiders Support “Blitz Primary” Get a Dog: The Political and Media Establishment Turns on Biden “Who Is THEY?” The Biden Lies Continue, As a Matter of Principle The Presidential Debate That Wasn’t Declaration Of Independence From Rich Assholes Monsanto drops lawsuit against Mexico’s GM corn ban That’s All Folks! (Redux) Who is Running the Country? Ugly Truths You Won’t Hear from Trump or Biden Big Oil wants to increase criminal penalties for pipeline protests Bring Back the Corporate Death Penalty Wall Street’s Planned Theft of America’s Lands and Waters The Fed’s “Doomsday Book” Has Been Revealed The Financialisation of Farmland and the War on Food and Farming The Anti-Zionist Inquisition The Hidden Messages of the Power Elite’s Cultural Apparatus Overdraft Fees, Credit Card Late Fees, the Lump of Profit Fallacy Debt From Above: The Carbon Credit Coup Rule by Criminals: When Dissidents Become Enemies of the State Cutting the Pentagon Down to Size An ABC for opposing the criminocracy Giving the game away: the criminocracy’s fatal own goal Viewing Ukraine Through the Davos Lens Category: Economic Policy Urban Anarchy Trump and Wealth-Price Inflation James K. Galbraith on His Latest Book, DOGE, Bitcoin & Entropy Why Does the Government Borrow When It Can Print? Category: Education The College Kids Are Not All Right Category: Endless War President Trump Wants to Cut the Pentagon Budget in Half. How? The Western Way of Genocide Sacrificing Living Standards for War On the Brink Our Sixty Days of Nuclear Chicken Have Begun Biden’s Missile Crisis Will Gabbard Be Able to Direct the Intelligence ‘Community’? Thawing Russia-US Relations? Genocidal Scorecard War & the Constitution Israel Jails US Journalist, Fires On UN Peacekeepers, Etc Israel-Axis of Resistance Escalation and the Minority Report Life, Pre-empted/ Israel’s Collapse Is Imminent Amid Escalation In Lebanon The Systemic Roots of Western Islamophobia (w/ Peter Oborne) Fear & Loathing in America Hiding an Ugly Truth About Israel Thou Shalt Not Commit Genocide The FBI ‘Visits’ Scott Ritter The Pentagon Church Militant and Us Deep Dive on the Israel Lobby Who Caused the Ukraine War? How Israel plans to whitewash its war crimes in Gaza Netanyahu Goes for Broke POTUS Gets a Reality Check on Ukraine Philosopher Kings or New-Age Militarists? The US Is Preparing For WWIII While Expanding Draft Registration The Media Skew Public Perception By… Their Rules-Based International Order Is the Rule of the Mafia The Military-Industrial Complex Is Killing Us All Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russia With US Weapons The Nation’s Conscience Fighting Monsters Dennis Kucinich: Bleak 2024 elections, how elites broke democracy Revolt in the Universities Israel’s Architect of Ethnic Cleansing Will the American Oligarchy Accept Limits or Choose World War III? The CIA Does “Soulful Work” Weaponizing Reality: The Dawn of Neurowarfare Let Israel Be An “Independent Nation” The Power Behind the Throne and the Bankers’ Forever Wars. The Minds of Desperate Men Why Are We Letting Creepy AI Pick Bomb Targets? The Nobodies Are Worth More Than the Bullet That Kills Them Gaza Has Suffered the Equivalent of 1,200 September 11th Attacks Biden Repeatedly Confuses Ukraine, Russia, and Iraq How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide Let Them Eat Dirt Lost & Fearful in The Middle East Study Finds Media Giants Pushing for US War in Yemen Democrats Are Demented Genocidal War Sluts War: Who is it good for? If Biden Loses in November, Blame His Foreign Policy The Roots of Israel’s Purge & Purify Strategy The Four Horsemen of Gaza’s Apocalypse The IDF’s war crimes are a perfect reflection of Israeli society Israel cannot be a colonial power and a democracy More Arms to Israel Israel’s Genocide Betrays the Holocaust The Cost of Bearing Witness Atrocities In Gaza: The Perfect Embodiment Of ‘Western Values’ America’s War for the Greater Middle East (Continued) Assassination of President John F. Kennedy by the CIA From Gaza and Cuba, They Ask – Are You Human Like Us? Weapons ‘R’ Us Will the Internet as We Know It Disappear in the Next Year? ‘Countering Islamophobia’ While Incinerating Gaza The Forbidden Truth: Israel, U.S. Are Toys of the Billionaires War Crimes, a Justifiable Reaction for Nations? Insane. Guns for Hire: America’s Crisis State Goes Global utopian thinking goes to war The GloboCap Nazi Follies Humanitarian Imperialism Created the Libyan Nightmare Westmoreland Revisited A Day that Never Ended What if There Had Been No Coup in Chile in 1973? War Without Humans The False Comfort of Illusions Stop Biden from Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 2) US corporations cash in on Ukraine’s oil and gas Stop Calling The Iraq War A ‘Mistake’ Ukraine: The War That Went Wrong US aid to Ukraine invested in crypto FTX scheme Ukraine and the Politics of Permanent War Western Officials Admit Ukraine Is Crawling With CIA Personnel Unanimous Dem Support for the $40b War Package to for Ukraine $33 Billion More For the War in Ukraine. Which Americans Benefit? Ukraine War: Waltzing Toward Armageddon with the Merchants of Death Russian invasion of Ukraine justified if it were for biodefense? Ukraine And The New Al Qaeda, by Whitney Webb Ukraine: The Chronicle of a War Foretold Category: Food US-funded ‘private social network’ attacking pesticide critics AI Images of Mushrooms Could Have ‘Devastating Consequences’ Glyphosate in manure-based fertiliser ruins tomato crops Corporate bioinputs: Agribusiness’s new toxic trap Profits over Health. The Ubiquitous Cost Saving Toxin Frankengreens are Coming Organic farming leads to adaptations in plants’ genetic material Congress Must Stop Electronic Animal ID Mandate FDA Opens Floodgates to Gen2 Frankenfoods UK Agency wants to fast-track and greenlight lab-grown meat Food inflation: Math doesn’t add up, factoring in corporate power Sick to Death: Unhealthy Food and Failed Technologies US Fast Food Testing Reveals Glyphosate in All Samples Fast-Food Graveyard – Sickened for Profit The New Colonialist Food Economy Resisting Genetically Mutilated Food and Eco-Modern Nightmare Vandana Shiva: ‘Farming Without Farmers, Food Without Farms’ Let Them Eat Bugs: The WEF’s Corporate-Driven Food Reset Lessons in Freedom: Agroecology, Localisation & Food Sovereignty Toxic Contagion – Funds, Food and Pharma Medicinal Steak: Bioethics and Food Security Part 1 Will more sovereign wealth funds mean less food sovereignty? Millions Suffer as Junk Food Industry Rakes in Profit New Global Food Diet – Insects, Rats and Dogs Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis by Design Category: Greed Consumerism Gone Mad Bayer’s New Roundup Formulations Even More Toxic A National Cartel Fixing Rental Housing Prices Inside FICO and the Credit Bureau Cartel The Rise and Reckoning of Ticketmaster Greed: Doctors take money from pharmaceutical firms… If Bayer really wanted to stand with farmers… Trump versus Biden: The Macroeconomics of the Second Coming Documentaries Expose ‘Horror Movie’ Reality of Plastic Pollution Farmers’ Protest in India Reignites Take Your Fluoride and Shut Up Plastics, Oil Industry Deceived Public on Recycling Use Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb: Some Proposed Solutions The scourge of microplastics The Benefits and Triumph of Public Domain Over Disney Regenerative agriculture was a good idea… Money systems at the root of omnicide “The Great Taking”: How They Can Own It All How to Actually Make $100 Million in Passive Profit Category: Health The ‘Forever Chemical’ Threat: Time for a Comprehensive Ban Harris Voters May Need to Cut Off Friends and Family Members Fluoridation Report: No Significant Reduction of Cavities Mosquito Court Case Update: Reply Brief Filed in Our Appeal Humans Now Ingest Six Times More Microplastics Than in 1990 The Bird Flu Blues: The Sky Is Falling…Again Exposing The Great Osteoporosis Scam The Elusive “Virus” & Jamie Andrews Controls Should we re-invent allopathic medicine? Global Leaders Still Urge Progress on Pandemic Measures WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now Raw Milk at the Crossroads, Again In Millions of Homes, High Fluoride in Tap Water May Be a Concern Lab-Altered Mosquito Methods: An Overview International Dark Sky Association Vs. FCC And SpaceX More Than 50 Species of Fish Circling and Spinning Until They Die Drinking Water Fluoridation: Is It Safe? Small Acts of Kindness: The Renaissance of Our Hearts Big Chem Wants Legal Immunity from Pesticide Injuries Negotiating Big Pharma’s Prices Won’t Stifle Innovation GM purple tomato company targets non-GMO seed company Osteoporosis Military Disperses Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass Into the Air Big Chem Pushes Back Against PFAS Ban Rainbow Lorikeets dropping from the sky You Won’t Believe What the Feds Said About Cell Phone Radiation Stand Against Totalitarian Medicine The Final Nail in Psychiatry’s Antidepressant Coffin Wheat intolerance might be due to glyphosate How Big Pharma Sold Depression and Its Treatment to the World Don’t Irradiate the Birds! Planned low-orbit satellites NOW EXCEEDS ONE MILLION Frankensoil: Stop Big Ag Genetically Engineering Soil Microbes Humans, Bees and Wildlife in 2023 Earth reaches plastic overshoot day for the first time ever Glyphosate Linked to Severe Depression, Cognitive Decline Congress Ignores the Threat from PFAS Contamination Genetically Engineered Vaccines in Organic Meat & Dairy Tell Congresspeople to Cosponsor the PRIME Act back to school brush up on health facts Community-based natural farming beats other farming practices Electrosmog: A Policy Brief Pesticides and Climate Change Link is a Vicious Cycle The community microbiome The unfolding chemical disaster EPA Breaking the Law to Help Pesticide Companies What if my body is brilliant? EU Double Standard: Massive Impact on the Global Environment Quitting antidepressants can be tricky Medical ethics – Best chance of restoring distorted health systems What Causes Water to Move Inside the Body? Rivers of resistance: Water for life, not profit Some US Farmers Get Behind Mexico’s GMO Corn Ban Gene edited foods in our shops soon? Reality vs hype Sustainable Farming for Health Cancer through another lens ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides Raise Red Flags The fertiliser trap Nutrition: Why We Can’t Trust the Government Biotech Giants Using GMOs to Build Food Tyranny The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture Consumers Score GMO Labeling Victory Medical Errors Still the Third Leading Cause of Death? The Story Behind Sudden Death Syndromes Are You Fat? There’s a Drug for That Glyphosate Crosses Blood-Brain Barrier Glyphosate in 80% of US urine samples—reported by 0% of our free press Self-care: Time for some nourishment ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Global Food System Already in Process Supplement Bans Courtesy of Junk Science If someone you live with gets sick, what should you do? Biodiversity is Life Censors remove Control Group report from preprint server FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured There is No Autism Epidemic? Vaccine Exemption Letter For a 16 Year-Old Camp Counselor Fake Meat, Fake Breastmilk and Food Shortages Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program Durbin: Don’t Take Our Sunshine Away! Finding Sources of Fresh Food Stressed Farmland Sees 63% Decline in Insect Numbers Controlled Food System In Place, They Will Stop At Nothing To Accelerate FDA’s Major Food Failure Big Agriculture, Empty Food, Chronic Disease Saving the Banana the Non-GMO Way Biden’s Budget Proposal: Implications for Natural Health Fake Food Is Taking Over Our Tables Biden’s Supplement “Hit List” Explained NAC: Feds Approve the Poison, Threaten the Cure A pandemic retrospective and vision for a new humanity The Legal Right to Refuse Medical Treatment in the U.S.A. New Hampshire Votes for Pharmaceutical Freedom Supplements: Next Six Months Critical. Oppose FDA filing requirement. Letter to Health and Human Services Secretary to End Emergency FDA: From Corrupted to Trusted Regeneration 2022: Requiem or Revival? Vaccines: Stop Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates For Children Bathed in Pesticides: the Narrative of Deception Mental Health: Dysfunction of our Psyche and a Path to Restoration Pigs to the Slaughter Life around us is a hologram. Dr. Jessica Rose Behind The Curtain Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier? Evidence of heart disease after COVID shot exists, fear of publication. Dr. Meryl Nass: Why No One Can Force You to Get the COVID Jab Peace Literacy—The Best Defense 22 Studies that Raise Doubts about Vaccine Efficacy How Dangerous is COVID for Children? Dr. Vandana Shiva—Divide & Rule Dr. Zach Bush: How We Created a Chronic Disease Epidemic Important Information Regarding Exemptions from COVID Injection Mandates Worldwide Protests Target Global Corporate Food Empire Interview: The War on Informed Consent What Happened Last Year—Death and the Microbiome. UNFSS – Where Multinationals Continue to Design our Food Systems and Control our Diets Kiss the Ground Raw Milk as Medicine Chemical Farming and the Loss of Human Health Category: Jeff Bezos Road to Freedom — One Liberated Apple at a Time The Great Billionaire Space Caper Category: Liberals “This is NPR”: America’s Public Media Faces Reckoning About Those Onesies The Resistance and Its Double The Surprising Link between Squirrels and the Founding Fathers Can Biden Declare Martial Law To Suspend the Election? Slide toward Totalitarianism How Wokeness Kills Class Politics and Empowers Empire Liberalism Removes its Mask Biden Administration Rushes Digital ID Plans Bat Scares Egghead Couple: Trump Blamed Welcome To The Third World The Trump Trial Harkens Back to a Dark Period of American Law The Dumbest Cover Story Ever Obamacare Created Big Medicine Time for the Court to Speak as One Overturning the CO Opinion Putin-Loving Bigots Must Stop Whining About Defense Spending Narcissism And Agreeableness Behind Left-Wing Authoritarianism Democrats’ War On Liberal Democracy: Fear, Hatred of the Masses Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – The Israel Lobby’s Useful Idiot How liberal comedians became lap dogs for establishment power The Mess Democrats Have Made Disrupt The Culture Wars The Electric Kool-Aid Trump Indictment To the Pro-Lockdown-Left: What Have You Achieved? Liberals Are Tyrannical Imperialists Democrats Attack Special Counsel John Durham Cornel West’s presidential candidacy is ‘for the least of these’ The Necessary Virtues of Debate A Threat Is Not an Incentive There is no political left… Neoliberalism killed the liberal dream America, the Single-Opinion Cult Democrats vs. Democrats — One of Them Will Lose Democrats Have Nothing Left But Trump The Democrats’ Disastrous Miscalculation on Civil Liberties Biden visits East Palestine, “Where’s Hamas? Where’s Arafat?” The End of Progressive Intellectual Life The Democrats are Now the War Party “Supporting” Protesters In Empire-Targeted Nations: Not Helping How the War Machine Took Over the Democrats Beware the Do-Gooders Know Thine Enemy How NPR Morphed Into a Voice for the ‘Elite Establishment’ Vote for Politicians Who Destroyed Our Democracy to Save It? The Democrats’ Assault on Diplomacy The Brutal Comedy of the Withdrawn Peace Letter Worthless House Progressives Retract Mild Peace Advocacy Billions ‘Wasted’ on Dead-End Carbon Capture Schemes Capitalism Has No Solution To Ecocide Biden Brings the War on Terror Home Democrats Are Violent Extremists Punks vs. Posers Democrats Love Saying That AR-15s Should Only Be Used On Foreigners San Francisco is Another Portugal On Ukraine, ‘progressive’ proxy warriors spell disaster Move over ACLU, FIRE is the New Champion of Free Speech Disinformation Governance Board: It’s Going To Get SO Much Worse The Rhodes Scholars Guiding Biden’s Presidency Democrats: The New Authoritarians Announcing a hostile takeover of the left Neoconservative, John Podhoretz, sucks. When Boring People Turn Dangerous The precarious state of the US economy American Exceptionalism Is on Deadly Display in Ukraine Schwab Family Values The First Privilege Walk Joe Biden: The Maestro of Messes The Left’s Covid failure Second War on Terror with Chris Hedges and Glenn Greenwald Democrats Committed to Criminal Justice Reform—For Everyone But Their Enemies Data Showing How Authoritarian Democrats Have Become Truly Stupid: Liberal COVID Discourse is Devoid of Science America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy A Definitive Account of the CIA/Media/BigTech Fraud Pow Wow Chow Author: “Re-algorithmize Amazon Best Seller” The ACLU, Prior to COVID, Denounced Mandates and Coercive Measures to Fight Pandemics George Carlin on germs. This one is for chicken little liberals. Joe Biden Admits He Isn’t Pulling Out Of Afghanistan The Vanishing Legacy of Barack Obama Biden Now Bombing Poorest People On Earth The Vaccine Aristocrats How “Trust Us” Liberals FAILED Us: Thomas Frank with Briahna Joy Gray Hey, Bernie, where’s my fucking money? Repeal the Reapportionment Act of 1929! George McGovern–The Last Democrat Category: Mark Zuckerberg How Facebook Censors Vaccine Facts When They Don’t Fit CDC, Big Pharma Narrative Category: Money Wave of ATM Bombings in “Cash-Addicted” Germany Renters and Owners Living in Separate Economies Modern (Mis)interpretations of Ancient Debt Cancellation Why we still believe in gold The Dystopian Cashless Future We must Fight Mustard Gas, Crypto and Blockchain Big Money, Creepy Technology & Cash Friday Category: NGOs How A Network of Nonprofits Enriches Fundraisers FDA ties with Gates Foundation George Monbiot’s ally RePlanet accused of smelling “like astroturf” Category: Pfear Kary Mullis: Martyr or Menace? Pandemic Preparedness Exercises A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition) The Virus Psy-Op – Why It Exists and Where They’re Going With It Avian Flu: Everything Old is New Again There Was No “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated” Fear is the Real “Virus” (Addendum) Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany Could Bird Flu Be the October Surprise? No Pandemic Monkeypox – Here come the vaccines… Are We Inching Towards an Avian Flu Pandemic? 6 Viral Misconceptions and Clickbait The Power of the ‘Safety First’ Ideology ‘International Bird Flu Summit’ to take place in Washington D.C. The Rockefellers created 990 “Climate Change” organizations Help Us Fight the Psyopcracy ‘Lab leak” theory: Illogical, immaterial and dangerous Just Following Orders [UPDATED] And the Bird Flu just keeps on coming… Who needs the WHO? The Rabies Hoax Order, Not Law and Order The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News 7 Predictions for “The Next Pandemic” The Hate Police The OG no virus movement: The Perth group. What Was COVID Really About? Lab Leak: An Elaborate Misdirection? Propaganda Looney Tunes To Get US Residency Requires the Covid Jab Science By Making Things Up: Expert Hubris & Disease X Measles: The First Panic Narrative of 2024? Pandemonium Why the Mainstream Media is a Threat to Freedom and Sanity Why are People so Obedient? – Compliance and Tyranny Even The Bald Eagle’s Call Is Propaganda Edward Snowden On AI & “When The Machines Take Over” wildfires: bad policy ensuring a perpetual sense of burning crisis Wait…are they REALLY going to do a UFO psy-op? Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity? New Normal Nihilism Detaching From “Scientific Consensus” Propaganda Where Does Courage Come From? People Can Win Lies, Damned Lies, and Elephants Creating a World of Distrust Most pernicious censorship since red baiting of McCarthy era Shouting Covid in a Crowded Theater “Objectivity Has Got To Go!” It All Began with Fear Does the “COVID response” Follow Classic Abuse Patterns? Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and MLK Day Polarizing Americans: Good business for media monopolies COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation From YouTube to WHO-Tube CIA Media Manipulation: Former CIA Analyst Mel Goodman AI Surveillance Signals the Death of Privacy The Pandemic Isn’t Over Tear down all the plexiglass Dr. Birx: Ignorance, Treachery, and Deceit Los Angeles mask mandate The Psychology of Totalitarianism The New Kremlinology: Reading the New York Times The Film About Julian Assange Confidence in U.S. Institutions Down; Average at New Low Tucker Carlson Is As Much A Propagandist As Anyone Else In MSM How We Know That Monkeypox Is Another Scam (Just Like Covid) Pharmaceutical Ads Make People Want Prescriptions UK changed the definition of “case” to INCREASE Covid numbers. Again. Cases, Cases, Cases; Numbers, Numbers, Numbers Against Corona-doom DHS disinformation board pushed for partnership with social media Democrats and Republicans Both Suck on Free Speech Silicon Valley Corporations Are Taking Control Of History It’s… Monty Satan’s Lying Circus! NBC Just Simulated A War With China: Here’s What Happened Empire Managers Want To Control Our Thoughts “Disinformation Board” is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems Yale Study: Anger Towards the Unvaccinated Fiction Disguised as Science to Promote Hatred 6 Lessons from the Master of Propaganda President Obama wants Big Tech to stop misinformation Daniel Ellsberg: Putin Is Already Using His Nuclear Weapons Do we need Caesar Elon Musk? Intelligence Officials: Tech Monopoly Power Vital to National Security Officials Manipulated COVID Data to Exaggerate Crisis American Occupation The Pimps of War, Chris Hedges Orwell Was Right Letter to the UK Government re: Human Rights Act Reform Chris Hedges: Worthy and Unworthy Victims The silent majority Another Casualty of the Ukraine Conflict: The Truth Propaganda, Corporatism, and the Hidden Global Coup Substack: The Folly of Pandemic Censorship, by Matt Taibbi Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist N95 masks recommended by CDC and others, despite 3M warning. 2030 Psychological Agenda—Part 4: WEF Vision Global Education System 2030 Agenda —Obedience Training Part 3: Spirituality Programming 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training Part 2: Programming BMJ criticizes FB over “inaccurate, incompetent, irresponsible” “fact-check” 2030 Agenda—Obedience Training for Everyone with Billions in Funding Astroturfing—as in fake grassroots. Sharyl Attkissson and the Corona Committee Fully Vaccinated Cruise Ship Passengers and Crew Covid Outbreak Mass Formation (Psychosis) and the Coronavirus Narrative Data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial Pfizer’s Power Iain Davis Dissects The Pseudopandemic The ‘Plandemic’ and the Great Awakening Superior Natural Immunity to SARS-CoV-2 So much for vaccine-generated herd immunity Tunnel Vision on COVID Care Killed… Dr. Robert Malone: A Two Part Interview Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? How can we use the law to challenge global Covid response? The Corporatization of American Science Refusal to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to COVID Debates Can We Believe Any of the Covid-19 Numbers? 2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine Boost the insanity The Swine Flu Fiasco of 1976—60 Minutes with Mike Wallace Censored and Deleted MATH+ Protocol for COVID Treatment SARS-CoV-2—neither novel, nor unexpected. Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism A Case of “Intellectual Capture?” On YouTube’s Demonetization of Bret Weinstein, by Matt Taibbi If the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis is true, expect a political earthquake The NHS just changed how they count Covid “cases”…here’s why. Alameda County COVID-19 Death Toll Lowered by 25% After Counting Method Change Ivermectin: Can a Drug Be “Right-Wing”? “This whole pandemic, from the beginning, was about the vaccine.” COVID Diagnosis with PCR | Misinterpreting results Inventor of PCR Test, Kary Mullis: “With PCR you can find almost anything in anybody.” RFK, Jr. Warned FDA About Ingredient in Pfizer COVID Vaccine 18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Vaccine Category: Police State The Deep State Wins Again The Darkside of AI Sleepwalking into Tyranny: How Power is Silently Being Seized The Rise of the Immortal Dictator Ex-CIA Chief John Brennan Should Be Sent to Mars The Life and Public Assassination of President John F. Kennedy Warrant Required for Section 702 Searches The Evolution of the Militarized Data Broker Surveillance Education (w/ Nolan Higdon and Allison Butler) The CDC Planned Quarantine Camps Nationwide The Politics of Fear: The Groundwork for Fascism, American-Style The Deep State’s Plot to Destabilize the Nation Is Working She Ate a Poppy Seed Salad Then They Took Her Baby Away. The Surveillance State in American Schools The First Deep State Fix? Dismantle Homeland Security The Civil War Simulation Insurrection-Lite How the Police State Acclimates Us to Being Modern-Day Slaves Timely Lessons About Tyranny from the Father of the Constitution US will ban Americans from air travel unless they have ‘Real ID’ Ding, Dong, the Witch Still Leads the Polls Universal Education Caused Managerialism How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech What’s the Point of the Administrative Class? Nanny State Idiocracy When Your Rulers Ignore Voters But Are Terrified Of Protesters The Steady Slide Towards Tyranny: How Freedom Dies from A to Z Warrantless Surveillance Makes a Mockery of the Constitution How the Police State Muzzles Our Right to Speak Truth to Power World Economic Forum 8 Predictions for 2030 Tyranny Is Rising as Freedom Falls $13,000 More Needed by 2/29 to File Appeal to STOP Mosquitoes The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall” COVID-19 Tested Our Commitment to Freedom Criminality in the White House: The Rise of the Political Psychopath Say No to the Government’s Cruelty, Brutality and Abuse the process is the punishment JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio Stop Drinking the Political Kool-Aid: Voting Will Not Save Us The Profit Incentives Driving the American Police State Category: Propaganda Ivermectin: a Deep Dive into a Nobel Prize Winning Medicine The Most Devastating Report So Far Marijuana Prohibition Has Been a Fraud from the Get-Go The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity Decay, Decrepitude, Deceit in Journalism The Death of Environmentalism at 20 Welcome to the Age of Abstraction CNN Compares Campus Protesters To Nazis What is Propaganda? Another Magical JFK Assassination Pseudo-Debate Covid and Ukraine: Ctrl-C Ctrl-V (Part 1) Category: Rich Assholes Power elites stealing our planet, freedom and future World Economic Forum 8 Predictions for 2030 One Health is a Massive Globalist Grantmaking Scam The Davos-isation of the climate COP Transnational Corporations Provoke a Single Scream of Horror Let’s Steal the National Parks! The Psychology of Malignant Narcissists – People of the Lie How BlackRock Conquered the World The Pedagogy of Power Category: Rockefeller Rockefeller Medicine: A Poisonous Illusion? How Big Oil Conquered The World Why Big Oil Conquered the World Category: The Science™ How to Make a FLU VIRUS + Free Recipe Card Included ViroLIEgy 101: Logical Fallacies UK Geoengineering: The Chemtrail Paper Trail – Part I How Congress destroyed American science and medicine RFK Jr. Drops out of Presidential Race, Disavows Lab Leak Theory Cloud Brightening Study in California Is Halted by Local Officials Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science! The End of Virology with Jamie Andrews + Jacob Diaz is scientific publication a discipline or a racket? Solar Project Will Destroy Thousands of Joshua Trees A Farewell to Virology Parts 1, 2 and 3 Revealed: The SARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Sham Narcissistic Depressive Technoscience The Germ Hypothesis Part 1 What makes a control experiment? The Defibrillating Fine Art of John Whitehead A Friendly Chat About “Viral” Genomes Lab-Altered Mosquitoes in Hawai‘i: We Are the Experiment Why Do People Claim They Own “The Science™”? The Era of Informed Consent is Over Control Experiments and the Intention to Deceive Climate Scientist Denounces “Climate Emergency” As “Noble Lie” What is gene editing ? Why you should know about Hillman’s work on the living cell. Conflicts of Interest in Science and Medicine The Reproducibility Crisis in Science Why the globalists calling “Climate Change” a “Public Health Crisis” Geoengineering Part II: Terrorism, Insane Society and The System Geoengineering – The Real Monster of Man-made Climate Change The Green New Death The Follies of Peter McCullough The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics Science And The Rise Of Totalitarianism Virology as Ideology – Part 3: Virology as Ideology Virology as Ideology – Part 2: MAIMS Virology as Ideology – Part 1: Science and Class Society Science! Blessed be Thy Name Trust the Science? Scientism, Not Science, Rules the Roost Category: Uncategorized War: Must the U.S. Be Involved in Every War? Resistance: Rupture and Rebirth If Lockdowns and Mandates Failed, Why Are They Still Pushed? San Diego vaccine mandate for students is struck down by the Court. Category: Unpublished on this site Inge Ginsberg, Holocaust Survivor With a Heavy Metal Coda, Dies at 99 We Work at the A.C.L.U. Here’s What We Think About Vaccine Mandate. Category: Vaxxism How Big Pharma Bought The Federal Government The Worst Op-Ed in History? We’re in the Middle of a Global Coup — Here’s How We Stop It Everyone Versus Google: Will Big Tech Be Held Accountable? Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy United Nations Boosts Plastics Industry Interests, Critics Say Biden’s Praetorian Media Guard mRNA Vaccines Now Headed for Shrimp McKinsey, other misinformers, sponsoring Climate Week NYC Climate Week NYC’s headline partner is a notorious polluter Shareholder Value Fixation of AI and Robotics: A Recipe for Failure Injected Narcissism Meet the New Normal, Same as the Old Normal They Think We Are Stupid, Volume 3 Do not report COVID cases & do not test yourself if you feel ill Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, Government Is Ready to Lockdown Our Collective Trauma is the Road to Tyranny Kleptocracy USA Numbed by Numbers on the Way to the Digital Palace Pharma Documents: Strategies Used to Corrupt the Medical Field Banks, Felons & Jeffrey Epstein Want to Fight Climate Change? Chop Down ‘Em Trees Environmentalists Owe an Enormous Debt to Julian Assange They’re Baaaaaack!! The Looting Conspiracy Top Patient Advocacy Orgs Have Industry Ties in Leadership California’s Heat-Pump Fantasy a republic, if you can keep it You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy. Elections Are Bad for Our Democracy Soros-Funded NGOs Demand Crackdown On Free Speech Mashup: The Covid Lie That Started It All A response to Robin Monotti’s “NOTICE” to no-virus “theorists” The Aristocratic Takeover of “Transparency” Why Has Innovation Disappeared From Medical Research? Biotech Experiments: Lab-Altered Mosquitoes in Hawai’i “The Greatest Fighting Force in Human History” Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance: Education Today The Infuriating Climate Alarm The Two Minutes Hate (New Normal Edition) CO2 is the Least of our Worries Wikipedia: From Knowledge to Propaganda The Bidens’ Burisma Bribery Digital oligarchs have weaponised the banks The Profiteers of Armageddon Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief RFK Jr. Doubles Down on Oath of Allegiance to Israel The New “Facebook Files” This pro-mask “study”: Why you should NEVER “Trust the Science” Can Tonsil Removal Provoke Polio and Autoimmune Disease? Wherever You Live, the Government Is Still Out to Get You How Rich Assholes Use Private Foundations The Insidious Truth Behind Free School Meals The Next Phase of the Government’s War on Thought Crimes Are We Slipping Toward Dictatorship? The Revolt of the Pawns End U.S. Aid to Israel Beheading Leviathan Anderson Cooper Is A Disgusting CIA Goon Is Climate Engineering Real? The corn conflict between Mexico and the USA: smoke and mirrors Who Are the People Claiming RFK Jr. is “Disinformation”? Capitalism Is A Giant Scam The Censorship Empire Strikes Back The Federal Debt Trap: Issues and Possible Solutions RFK Jr’s position on cell phone radiation supported by “the science” The Psychology of Psychopaths – Predators who Walk Among Us Journalists Abandoned Julian Assange and Slit Their Own Throats Israel Weaponizes Anti-Semitism to Discredit Left-Wing Politicians How So Many Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Nukes The EU’s Mass Censorship Regime. Will It Go Global? The Self-Made Man Is A Myth Do We Live in a Brave New World? Propaganda Trouble: Reuters Fact Checking Jokes The Story of Pfizer Inc. Take That, Internet Censors! If You’re Not With Us, You’re MAGA America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy Matt Taibbi on the new censorship and blacklists Sea Birds’ Last Refuges 15 Questions Better Than “Who Should Americans Vote For?” FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes UN-ism: The New McCarthyism First Roger Waters, Now This: C.J. Hopkins Under Investigation If It Was Allowed, I’d Hold You Down and …. DARPA Program to Build Travel Adapter for Human Body Disturbing Details of New Pentagon “Perception Management Office” Slaying the Censorship Leviathan How terrorism laws are used to construct a police state. WHO launches new “digital health initiative” How landlords became monsters FDA is now warning about misinformation spreaders Rule by Decree How Close Are We To A Vaccine For Death? 3/16: the day that will live in infamy The New Inquisition of Scientism The UN’s SDG16 Disinformation Campaign Mission Creep: “Disease X” How the Teachers Union Broke Public Education COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2: How Is It Tested? How Is It Measured? BBC Verify? Time to ban drug advertising on TV in America? The Democratic Party’s Crucifixion of Matt Taibbi It Will Soon Be Impossible For You Not To Be Sick… Bidding farewell to the American century Wave of mRNA Vaccines Coming Activists detained for inciting farmers to despise rich assholes Why misinformation bans are misinformed and dangerous The War on Reality (Revisited) Your Daughter for a Rat? Looking Back on the Sadism of the Covid-19 Shaming Campaign The Conspiracy Theory About Trump and Russia Won’t Go Away Western News Media Exist To Administer Propaganda Renewable energy’s progressive halo The pandemic is officially over. Now what? Shutdown or Not, the Police State Will Continue to Flourish Cops Incorporating Private Cameras Into RT Surveillance Networks The Widespread Gene Therapy Problem The plan for WHO supremacy over human health Crypto is a Fraud on the Public They’re Coming After Our Thoughts The Homage of the Slaves Private Equity is Out of Control and Looting America. Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy… The Enemy From Within Collaboration With Bullies, a Road to Hell? Poverty and Crisis: Sucking Humanity Dry FDA: Vaccines Do Not Need to Prevent Infections or Transmission You Are Reading This Thanks to Semiconductors CA Schools Allowed Dogs to ‘Sniff-Test’ Children for COVID Are AI Lawyers Coming for Us? What We Need to Know The United States of Paralysis Senators Introduce Bill To Create Digital Identity for All Americans House Democrats Have Lost Their Minds CDC director gives misleading testimony to Congress The Tyranny of Cause and Effect Scientism Don’t Let the Government Criminalize Free Speech Spurring an Endless Arms Race Dissent Into Madness: Escaping the Madhouse US Moral Authority Is Dead And Buried America’s Censorship Regime Goes on Trial The US Could Use Some Separation Of Media And State The Cobalt Gold Rush and the East Palestine Disaster A Twitter Files Requiem Scientific consensus – a manufactured construct America’s Descent from Democracy to Oligarchy The World Economic Forum Party Like It’s 1907 An Ancient Attack on Our Dignity: It’s Spiritual Warfare Character Assassination Theater 101 Are You Willing to Go to Prison for Spreading ‘Disinformation’? The New Normal Left Wuhan’s “Mystery Illness” is Covid’s Foundational Lie Will They Try to Make Us Pay for Breathable Air? Global Governance by AI: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century The Most Dangerous International Treaty Ever Proposed Antidepressants Cause Mass Shootings The Great Lie And The Data That Shows It Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger Missouri v. Biden – Court Denies Government’s Motion for Dismissal Human genome editing summit haunted by spectre of eugenics Dissent Into Madness: Projections of the Psychopaths 40 Facts You NEED to Know: The REAL Story of “Covid” Still Open Season on Scientists Capitalist radicals will shatter the world Banking Crisis 3.0: Time to Change the Rules of the Game Covid’s Third Birthday – A Retrospective Weekend Secrecy and the NZ Government in the Year of Our Democide The Connection Between a Prestigious University and the CIA Circus Politics Are Intended to Distract Us. Don’t Be Distracted Disease X: File This Under You Can’t Make This Shit Up Conflicts of Interest: Pfizer’s Secret Collusion With the NIH The Origins of COVID-19 Dissent Into Madness: Crazy Conspiracy Theorists On Missing Dr. Strangelove The Lords of Chaos The Principled Conservatism of The Last of Us (HBO) The Looming Quadrillion Dollar Derivatives Tsunami The Weaponization of Psychology Italy 2020: Inside Covid’s ‘Ground Zero’ in Europe Collapse of the COVID Truth Regime The Democrats Have Lost the Plot The Censorship Industrial Complex World Wide Web: Whom Was It Designed to Catch? Testing of E. Palestine soil finds every dioxin and furan When the Government Wants to Know All Your Business Help stop the World Health Organization power grab! What Made Fauci’s Reign Of Terror Possible? Lynching the Deplorables WHO gets closer to expanding its surveillance powers The Forest Protectors Whitney Webb on the Globalist Overlords Meeting in Davos The Original Sin of the “Anti-Disinformation” Movement Pawns of the Machine: From Cradle to Grave? Don’t trust their plan to rebuild our trust in science A Convenient LIE Why Is Our Education System Failing to Educate? The Law of Rule Nanny State Idiocracy: When the Government Thinks It Knows Best Project Veritas and the “Virus” What must happen in and around East Palestine The Ruling Class of the Retirement Home Welcome to America’s Racialized Medical Schools Pat Conroy on Teachers, Censorship, and Banned Books The Trump-Russia Saga: The Death Spiral of American Journalism Right-to-repair laws: Pushback against corporate power Corruption and COVID: We Are Not ‘All In This Together’ Manufacturing ignorance: Agnotology vs. misinformation studies The War on Insensitivity WEF: Here’s how experts see AI developing over the coming years ALERT! CA Bill AB 659: HPV vaccine mandate for school kids. Hedges’ talk at Rage Against The War Machine rally. The Truth Will Set You Free US shot down hobbyists’ $12 balloon in $2M missile attack The World Wants to Be Deceived The West’s Betrayal of Freedom Could Fauci’s Replacement Be Even Worse? Credentialism And The Fate Of Academia EPA Is Allowing Poisonous Seeds To Devastate Communities We Need to Talk About the Original Sin of Economics COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out Free Speech is Futile: Gates Goes Full Borg on AI Censorship Don’t Bow Down to a Dictatorial Government Palestine, Ohio train wreck: It’s the dioxin Social Credit Brazilian Style: UBI Recipients Must be Vaxxed The Consent Factory Newsom, Inc. The Writing on the Wall Sy Hersh & The Way We Live Now 60 Minutes’ Weight-Loss Tip: Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You War Certainly Is A Racket PREP Act Protects Everyone Except Those Injured by Vaccines A Primer on Medical Gaslighting Initial thoughts on Biden’s State of the Union Cochrane masking review reveals how academics are hypocrites How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline The UN calls for a “code of conduct” on social media Guatemala blocks leftist Indigenous leader from presidential race WHO pandemic treaty pushes for increased surveillance powers Government By Panic The Deadly Toll of Warrior Policing on Steroids Artificial Intelligence Caught Lying About Viruses Can the Military-Industrial Complex Be Tamed? Chemicals, cancer and corruption: a special report The MSM Finally Reports The Obvious While Covering Its Tracks How to Memory-Hole a PSYOP NATO’s ‘war against Russia’ inches ‘closer to direct conflict’ “Freaks: Coming out as Unvaxxed”—Film Review California’s Plan to Disappear the Homeless War Profiteers Oversee Pentagon Spending The FDA “major shift” = Annual cull of seniors, kids, and disabled Few Thinking Logically About The Risk Of Nuclear War A Hard-Edged Rock: Waging Economic Warfare on Humanity The New York Times is Orwell’s Ministry of Truth The Game Is Over and They Have Lost Big Data, Transhumanism and Why the Singularity May Be Faked When the People Have Nothing More to Eat, They Will Eat the Rich Genetically Engineered Fruit Flies For Fake Meat Production Meta gave the CDC de facto power to police Covid “misinfo” Richest assholes took 2/3rds of global wealth since 2020 360 Degree Surveillance You Paid for COVID Vax Megaprofits TK Mashup: “Children of the COVID” How to Die of Covid Accidentally, According to the CDC NDS: Imperial Dominance Disguised as Democratic Deterrence A Prison Where The Prisoners Don’t Know They’re In Prison Important article on Emergency Use Authorizations The Great Racket America Needs Truth and Reconciliation on Russiagate Deaths Following COVID Vaccine Rollouts Around the World The Post-Human Economy 18 Ways Trump Supported The Swamp During His Presidency CDC Emails: Leadership Blocked Release of Fluoride Review Wall Street Takeover of Rental Market Fueling Homelessness Crisis How much unearned wealth and power has been accrued by elites The bougiecrats descend into mass psychosis Another Covid “variant”: Omicron XBB & the self-driving narrative World Economic Forum will plot how to counter “misinformation” Nuclear Fusion: Don’t Believe the Hype! The Voice of the System The CIA Should Get Out of the Laboratory A corporate triumph named multistakeholderism Australian Senator Takes Hard Stand Against COVID Jabs From Totalitarian Paranoia to Authoritarian Madness What Can We Learn From “Cause Unknown?” FTX’s collapse mirrors 18th century British financial scandal The Tragedy of COVID19 VP Harris: “Require” social media to work with The White House Is this Theft? BANKS won’t give BitChute its money The Real Overpopulation Problem The Year of the Gaslighter House Corona Crisis Final Report is a disaster Jeremy Farrar Promoted to be WHO’s Chief Scientist Pentagon Admits They Can’t Account For Half Their Assets The Surveillance State Is Making a List, and You’re On It Dismantle the Myth That Rich People “Worked” For Their Wealth The Recess of Responsibility “Disaster Capitalism” in The Netherlands The Dark Truth of America’s Federation of State Medical Boards Your health data – exploitation of the most precious commodity FDA Declares Homeopathy Illegal No Amnesty without Accountability for COVID Crimes Adams’ Forced Hospitalization Plan = Lifelong Consequences CA Law Strips Licenses from “Misinformation” Spreading Doctors Who Needs or Wants GMOs? Not the Public, Not India’s Farmers ‘Lies My Government Told Me, and the Better Future Coming’ The Banality of Good Lettuce-Vectored mRNA Vaccines Homeopathy Bombshell Coming We Need a New Approach to Giant Tech Firms Like Google Make Way for the Killer Robots IRENA & Co-Conspirators Hustle Climate Hoax to Siphon Trillions We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems Recycling Plastic Is Nearly Impossible and Getting Worse V-Safe Part Two: What Is V-Safe? What Data Does It Contain? Can C19 genetic vaccines trigger cancer? The Club of Rome and the Rise of the “Predictive Modelling” Mafia What Is the Third Party Technique? V-Safe Part One: 7.7% of People Reported Needing Medical Care “Scientism: A Dying Faith?” by Carlo Lancellotti Sam Bankman-Fried’s elitist altruism Unvaccinated Patients Mentally Ill, Should be on Psychiatric Drugs Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans G20’s globalist “pledge” commits to vaccine passports, and more Vaccine Injured Person’s Treatment Plan Costs $1.5m Annually The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination: False Opening the Floodgates for Profiteers of War Chris Hedges with Andrew Bacevich: America’s Dangerous Leaders The Road to Totalitarianism (Revisited) Why and How Does the Global Governance Weaponize the ‘Left’? “My War”: Missive from a Fallen Veteran Why Doctors Don’t Care About COVID Jab Side Effects The Rise of Biodigital Surveillance Board-Certified Obstetrician cries “STOP” Blaming Unvaccinated Americans. Here We Go Again. The Confinement of the Healthy The Fundamental Fraud Hell No to the WHO Pandemic Treaty Truth Cops Pandemic accountability “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty”—Not The Consortium Imposing the Growing Censorship Regime Lockdowns: The Great Gaslighting CDC: Vaccine Adjuvant Contributes to Asthma in Kids Why Do Vaccines Fail to Prevent Disease Transmission? Social Media Censorship Lawsuit Update: Fauci Will Be Deposed Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc An agribusiness greenwashing glossary How Corporations “Get Away With Murder” Media Shields Landlords From a Crisis of Their Own Making Who has the courage to listen to the vaccine injured? Who Owns the CDC? Oppose Vote to Make COVID Vax Routine for Kids Digitization: Humanity’s demise, the “smartphonization” of humanity The iatrogenocide accelerates The Deadly Cost of Police Welfare Checks Why the COVID-19 Vaccines Could Never Prevent Transmission The Gaslighting of the Masses Voodoo Vaccine A Crime Against Humanity: The Great Reset Of 1914-1918 Pfizer Executive: “We never tested vaccine against transmission” When Police Become Judge, Jury and Executioner They’ve gone too far with the children – so what do we do? The Puppets and the Puppet Masters When Anti-Government Speech Becomes Sedition Death to the Metaverse Proof the Vaccine Is Dangerous and That The CDC Concealed It Moral Injury: The power of speech, conscience and testimony Lipid Nanoparticles: Are They Subtly Changing Human Beings? More Studies Confirm the COVID Jab Does More Harm Than Good Only Adult Children Still Believe U.S. Propaganda A Depressing Journey The CIA Invested In Woolly Mammoth Resurrection Technology The Century of Evidence That Vaccines Cause Infant Deaths Tech Billionaires Are Actually Dumber Than You Think The Invaders From wounded Latin America, a demand to end to the war on drugs 5th COVID Shot Recommended Without Safety or Efficacy Data Newsom’s California: Medical Insanity To A Whole New Level New Zealand’s PM Wants More Online Censorship Fauci’s Net Worth Soared To $12.6+ Million During Pandemic FBI (Federal Bureau of Intimidation): War on Political Freedom The UN’s Global Public-Private Partnership For Healthcare Deafening Silences: Censorship, Smearing And Coercion The Return of Fascism Biden Embraces Technocracy: $2 Billion Funding For BioEconomy Taking antidepressants is as risky as taking recreational drugs Cancer Moonshot – Good Idea or Pharma Giveaway? Autism Can Be a Growth Market Multipolar World Order – Part 1 Pharma Tests Booster on 8 Mice and 0 Humans, FDA Approves It Strike, Strike, Strike Hustling Humans Overthrow the Government: Our Rights Have Been Usurped Sustainable Debt Slavery Sudden Deaths: Final Solution? America’s Billionaires Control the U.S. Imperial Government How Eight Mice Decided the Fate of Your Next Mandatory Jab Spending Unlimited Chile: The Horrors of ‘the First 9/11’ Are Routinely Overlooked Victims of British Imperialism Share Why ‘We Will Not Mourn’ The Dark History of the Royals Pharma’s Criminal Business Model The Mind of a Global Owner: Does Depopulation Make Sense? The COVID-19 Power Grab as “Organized Crime” Silencing the Lambs — How Propaganda Works The People Versus The Unelected A mostly subconscious genocide Serious Scientific Debates Conducted In Writing, Not On-camera Let’s Stop Pretending America Is A Functioning Democracy 50 Reasons to Give Your Child the COVID Shot The Unauthorized History of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program The Death List American politics: Two groups of vaccine injured fighting each other Fauci’s Red Guards: Lawsuit Reveals Federal Censorship Army NPR: 2 Hours for Afghanistan—30 Seconds for US Starving Afghans The Next Step to Transhumanism Digitizing Your Identity Is the Fast-Track to Slavery Social Distancing Was Supposed to Be Forever The American Kleptocracy: Liars, Thieves and Lawbreakers The Psychology of Totalitarianism The AAP: A broken, failed organization Don’t Charge Trump With Espionage Billionaires, The Government Work Together To Control Information New Normal Germany’s Geisterfahrer Geist Birds, Other Wildlife Sacrificed for Useless Mask Pollution Dr. Fauci’s Legacy US Ramping Up Drone Strikes in the Middle East and Africa Jane Goodall: Reset world population at 461 million Police State Education: Indoctrination, Intimidation & Intolerance Documentary: ‘Uninformed Consent’ RNA for Moderna’s Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company Who Is Behind the Trusted News Initiative? The CDC Reversal—A Deeper Dive United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Elitist Takeover Checkmate A new mask study is poised to affect Boston area children The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition Vaccine mandates: From free exchange of ideas to conformity Vaccinated 5X More Contagious Than Unvaccinated After Infection All Our Systems Are Built To Elevate Viciousness WEF proposes AI to censor “hate speech” and “misinformation” How the Monkeypox Scam Mirrors the COVID Scam—Unbelievable The CIA should be abolished FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago: Welcome to the Third World Leslie Wexner’s Young Global Leaders VAERS as a pharmacovigilance tool: Questions and answers Facing Up to the Crime in Progress Westerners Think They Are Free-Thinking Individualists Groupthink: We are all victims Killing terrorists is no substitute for strategy The Rise of the New Normal Reich Rutherford Institute Challenges Texas Anti-Boycott Law University Can Enforce Private Vaccine Mandate Global Development: Enforcing the Agenda of Greed Blockchained: Web 3.0, Virtual Reality and the Network State How PrEP contributed to monkeypox in gay men. Documents show collusion between the CDC and Big Tech We’re All Suspects in a DNA Lineup The plan to push more injections targets OB/GYNs Central Banks, Global Debt & COVID The CDC Is Sacrificing Children for Big Pharma We’ve Been Lied To About Everything That Matters Novavax vaccine contains worm and baculovirus proteins and DNA They’re bringing COVID back…& this time its permanent Robert Malone Sifts Through the Lies Fauci’s Pension ($414,667) Exceeds Joe Biden’s Salary ($400,000) The War on Dissent Fauci, Top Biden Officials Subpoenaed in Lawsuit Paving a digital road to Hell? – Digital IDs challenged in new report No Emergency: Hospitals Not Overwhelmed, Cases Meaningless What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” The Great American Military Rebrand The Biggest Lie The Hawks Ever Sold Constitutional Case Against California’s Covid Misinformation Bill Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid. How Pfizer Profited From the Pandemic War with Iran Update regarding Omicron BA.5 Political False Dichotomies: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Government by Vampire Zombie Squid Systemic Harms to our Children NATO: The Most Dangerous Military Alliance on the Planet Autoimmunity and tolerance The Shocking Truth About the Global Depopulation Agenda The self-inflicted genocide of late capitalism How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA Green Agenda – Dutch Farmers Protest In 2019, Pharma spent time and money to get vaccine mandates imposed. Midsummer Mask Madness Dr. Robert Malone and other censored doctors sue Twitter $250,000 Awarded To Parents After Their Healthy Infant Killed By Vaccines Ex Pfizer Exec, Michael Yeadon, Believes Leaky Vaccine Was Intentional How did needles become so normal? “Hope” not “science” that the vaccinated could not spread the COVID virus. Why Big Pharma Is Desperate to Get COVID Jab Into Babies We Were Warned: Current COVID Vaccines Wouldn’t Stop Transmission Cracks develop in the FDA’s “Future Framework” narrative WHO orchestrating FDA’s scheme to skip clinical trials for Covid shots Who Was Responsible for the Botched Pandemic Response? Imperial Narrative Control Has Five Distinct Elements Vaccines associated with increased risk of serious adverse events. A Sensible Approach to Handling the Pandemic Ripped Off, Repeatedly: Blue and Red Do Have Something in Common What Would Have Been the Best Way to Handle the Pandemic? Mattias Desmet: The importance of maintaining the principles of humanity The Massacre of the Innocents: The Government is coming for your kids CDC Releases Aggressively Stupid Pamphlet on Monkeypox The Federal Republic of New Normal Germany Pfizer Vaccine Causes COVID Reinfections, Disables Natural Immunity! The Rise of Global Fascism and What We Must Do to Fight Back This is Real Advice from the CDC UK Decision to Extradite Assange: US/UK’s Freedom Lectures Are a Farce ARPA-H, a branch of the intelligence community within NIH “Top Gun: Maverick” is Military Propaganda. The Pfizer clinical trial in kids 6 months to 4 years old is an embarrassment Our Real Enemies Are Not In Beijing Or Moscow PANDA: Origins and Trajectories of the COVID Phenomenon The modified spike protein is dangerous and for very specific reasons. Pfizer Defense Against Vaccine Fraud Case Joe Biden’s Submissive Embrace of Saudi Despots The “I-Believe-The-Science(TM)” crowd has given up on science The Frontman of Empire: How Bono’s “Activism” Serves the Powerful Dictator-in-Chief: The President’s Secret, Unchecked Powers Why the Covid Vaccines Were Never Likely to Be Effective We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Totalitarian Takeover Why is Everything Broken? Why Is Switzerland the Headquarters of Emperors? The COVID Cult Did Lasting Damage to Our Kids Climate TRACE: Framework for ESG, Social/Climate Credit System Elon Musk: Not a Renegade Outsider—A Massive Pentagon Contractor FDA “Future Framework” is the worst idea in the history of public health Hiding Data Accentuates Concerns About mRNA Vaccines The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People The Monopoly On Your Mind, Part 3: Advertisers’ Invisible Strings Monkeypoxmania COVID UPDATE: What is the truth? Surgical Neurology International How to End Medical Blindness Shibboleths: Sage Hana Productions Glossary of Terms Your Shadow Credit Score Could Decide Whether You Get an Apartment Celebrities: Odious empire sycophants Is COVID-19 injection-induced myocarditis mild and transient? Nope. Systemic Corruption in the COVID-19 Response “The Squad” Doesn’t Exist Outside Of Social Media Five reasons the FDA’s June Blitzkrieg Must Fail What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty The Politics of Medical Gaslighting After the Pandemic: Won’t Get Fooled Again Christian Fascists, Endless War and the Democratic Party Why Do Doctors Close Their Eyes to Medical Injuries? WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Banality of Evil The Origins of Medical Blindness Our Digital Panopticon Gaslighting? Why can Doctors not diagnose Medical Injuries? Most Americans Don’t Want Those Shots US and Russia Terminal Decline: The Age of Self-Delusion The Logic of Lockdowns Leads to Shanghai Moderna’s selective leaks to the press about its failed clinical trial in kids Kickbacks, Corruption & Scandal: The History of the CDC The Monopoly On Your Mind, Part 2: Billionaires Bet Big On The News Corruption of Language, Corruption of Thought Public Trust in the CDC Waning On Losing My Teaching Job Philadelphia and Los Angeles Are the Future of Masking Covid Policy Tactics Were Borrowed from the Vietnam War Social Credit in Italy: World Economic Forum’s ‘Agile Nations’ in Action A Moratorium on mRNA ‘Vaccines’ is Needed Worthy and Unworthy Victims AI Drug Discovery Might Be Repurposed to Make Chemical Weapons Aaron Kheriaty: The State of Emergency and the Biomedical Security State The Slippery Slope of the WHO Pandemic Treaty 6 Double Standards to Justify COVID Vaccines The more you vaccinate, the weaker your immune system becomes Let The FDA Know: No Approval for Covid Vaccines For Children Under 5 The Hypocrisy of “Misinformation” Big Pharma and the FDA, WHO, NIH, CDC Big Pharma Lawsuits, Scandals, and Cover-Ups Inside Shanghai’s Zero Covid Camp The British are now officially hiding Covid vaccine data Lockdowns: The New Normal Putting Big Pharma on Trial in the COVID-19 Era Money Grab: Billions in COVID Relief Going to Fund Police and Prisons Spiro Pantazatos on Vaccine All Cause Mortality “Unvaccinated” student-athletes still can’t participate in NYC California: The Tip of the Spear The illusion of Evidence-based Medicine On Being Disappeared Invasion of the Fact-Checkers Biden’s Reckless Words The Pfizer State of the Union Address Cognitive Dissonance Driving Us Toward Destruction FDA—Call to Action #2 Science Writers—Journalists, or PR Agents? Ukraine crisis accelerating rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) Vaccines: Resist the Regime of Medical Tyranny Transhumanism: Human beings are hackable Romney’s “Treason” Smear of Tulsi Gabbard—False and Noxious DHS increases efforts to identify “misinformation” and “conspiracy theories” Massive Conflicts of Interest at the NIH Attorney Tom Renz: Pentagon vaccine data, corruption 22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must! The Pan Doctrine: Nazi Racial Hygiene Theory Version 2.0 The Great Reset Phase 2: War The Great Reset’s 5G Cyborg Ecosystem Government paid big media to advertise and promote COVID-19 vaccines Dangerous Pfizer Vaccine Fraud Fully Exposed Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters Pfizer mRNA Transcribes into DNA The New International Rules-Based Order (IRBO) Oakland: Educational Bureaucrats Steamroll Parents and Kids A capitalist nightmare The Next Step for the World Economic Forum The Neoliberal War on Dissent in the West Canada invokes Emergencies Act to seize convoy funding How the CDC Abandoned Science Why the Sudden Excitement over HIV? Take Action Domestic Terrorism = Free Speech Lockdowns did far more harm than good Lab Leak Theory: The Conspiracy to Suppress It Fairfax Schools Suspend Kids, Call Police, Defying VA Governor On Masks COVID Affects Your Memory The Religion of Liberals: Censorship Truth Or COVID? Alex Gutentag: Devastating impact of school closures on our children. Jimmy Kimmel: Vaccine Aristocrats Strike Again Resist. The Time is Now. Masks Don’t Work: Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy Dr. Peter McCullough: Everything COVID…Follow the Science Former WHO Employee Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: ‘A Pandemic of Lies’ What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety A Path Will Rise to Meet Us The Year of the New Normal Fascist The British Left Opposes Vaccine Mandates—Anti-Worker and Repressive FDA Now Wants Until 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s Vaccine Data New Global Wealth Since 1995—Richest 1% Got 38% Bottom Half Got 2% A Constitutional Cure for Covid-19 To deny “Lab Leak” COVID Theory, Dubious and Conflicted Sources Two videos for Sunday morning. Inside Australia’s Covid internment camp UK’s minimum gap for Covid booster jabs to be halved to three months Let’s go to the mainstream news. Pfizer is lobbying to thwart whistleblowers from exposing corporate fraud The English data on vaccines and mortality, revisited Major Canadian landlord demands all tenants get COVID shot EU plots nine-month expiration date on vaccine passports IGCD Attempts to End Free Speech Worldwide A Majority of Americans Are “Anti-Vaxxers”? Honest People Series: Dr. Byram Bridle Austrian police check shoppers for vaccine passports FDA Asks Judge to Wait Until 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s Vaccine Data The Real Anthony Fauci with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Letter to a Tyrant Dr. Robert Malone: International COVID Summit We will kill 117 kids to save one child from dying from COVID Kids as young as 5 in San Francisco will have to show vaccine passports Segregation 2.0, A Conversation with Kevin Jenkins (New Normal) Winter is Coming COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle 1,000 Private Jets Assemble to Execute The Great Reset $125 Million Just Poured Into GOF Lab Leak Research Australian cartoonist fired for vaccine mandate cartoon NZ PM Jacinda Ardern admits vaccine passports create two-tiered society $750k to stop journalists from creating “negative unintended outcomes.” NIH Admits It Funded Gain-of-Function and Changes the Definition of GOF Historic and Legal Perspectives of the Pandemic and Anthony Fauci’s Role Supermarkets are allowed to lock out unvaccinated people Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game Steven Donziger and The Anonymous Executioners of the Corporate State The Great New Normal Purge Moderna: A Company “In Need Of A Hail Mary” PERK sues LA County in behalf of public employees. Therapeutic Nihilism And Untested Novel Therapies Twitter slammed for fact-checking Seattle mom’s obituary. The Plague of the Poor New Zealand Voices for Freedom: Mark Crispin Miller Two Documentaries About Nurses, Compare and Contrast Experts Accuse CDC of Cherry-Picking Data on Vaccine Immunity to Support Political Narrative Biden Orders Sweeping, Unprecedented Vaccine Mandates for Millions of Americans, Politicians Vow to Fight Back CNN Asswipes Slander Dr. Mercola The Road to Totalitarianism Joe Biden’s Blue Shirts Will Be Knocking at Your Door Mark Crispin Miller Violates the Three Rules of Propaganda Who Is A “Terrorist” In Biden’s America? Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore Category: Zero Sum Politics and the English Language Protecting the Prairie The Invisible Rainbow Germinating The Ancient Seeds Within There Is Only One Spaceship Earth The infantilization of modern societies Virology’s Event Horizon Sick, and Sick of It All Morphic Resonance Why Lying to Yourself is Ruining Your Life Our Changing Earth Regeneration is Life JFK assassination: The major media still won’t tell the truth LEAVE THANKSGIVING ALONE! The Smiles of Dictators Unbelievable Reality Crazy, Unrealistic People vs Rational, Realistic People Church of Stop Shopping: Fossil Banks & Climate Change NYC Stealing Self-Love: The Bullies’ Biggest Trick The Hermit of Merrimack River Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom When The Culture Changes Too Much Economics v. the Earth Taking students to the range to learn about gun culture firsthand “Voices of Diversity”, a Short Film by Navdanya Words Matter More American Cities Considering Free Public Transportation A Brief History of Science A Major Life Change The Luddite Kids saying NO to Smartphones We’re All Bored of Culture Holding the Line: It’s Easier With Love David Martin’s “malleable” reality Don’t Abandon Hope, But Keep a Hopium Tracker A different kind of meeting The Farthest Shore The RFK Jr. Tapes Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: To Heal the Great Divide Mainstream Environmental Movement Lies RFK Jr. is Running For President Reclaiming Our Country Peeping Pigs and Propaganda by Omission How the Environmental Movement Can Find Its Way Again A Community That Pools All Their Possessions Defining Humanity, Defending the Person, Part 2 Defining Humanity, Defending the Person, Part 1 The Cell Phone Is a Pair of Red High Heels The Robot Who Wanted to Be a Man Did Cochrane sacrifice its researchers to appease critics? Holi: the colours of biodiversity What Actually Happens With Water Inside The Body? Official Stories: Counter-Arguments for a Culture in Need What Is The Forgotten Side of Water? The Electromagnetic Body with Dr. Tom Cowan Quoth the Vultures “Evermore” The Culling: The War on Birds A Manual on Removing the Yoke From Your Neck Dioxin resources page for citizens & journalists Frequencies – unearthing the mysteries of life (Part1) We’re Ruled By Assholes Because We Have Asshole Systems A Brave Young Teen Reads Orwell Humanity Must Move Beyond Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt They’re Just not Jaded The UK Government: Kakistocracy or Kleptocracy? Lovingly Crafted Video of “What is the Next Story” Eric Coppolino’s Interview with Dr. Jonathan Jay Couey Divide and Rule: The Plan to Make You Disposable Solving the Debt Crisis the American Way Wrong Turn—Rupert Sheldrake On How Science Lost Its Way Crocodiles Then and Now Mike Wallach on the viral delusion ‘Anecdotals’ Documentary Dominated By Narrative Control Since The Dawn Of Civilization What is the Next Story? Open Letter to Denis Rancourt on Investigation into the Virus Issue Socialism Is Not a Utopian Ideal, but an Achievable Necessity Growing Up: Extracting The Beliefs Placed In Your Head By Others Are Viruses Real? Toward some semblance of sanity Fake Virtue with Alan Watts Notes on FBI/Twitter Story Opposing War Is The First Step Toward Moral Politics Dr. Fauci to head National Institute of Particle Physics The Biggest Obstacle To Real Freedom… The Dominance of Self-Interest and the Ruling Cult of Evil All Terrain Malone vs. the Breggins: Tessa Lena’s Take Victory Will Not Solve the Problem The Chris Hedges Report with economist Richard Wolff The Parasite Class Orangutans (‘People of the Forest’) But Forests Are Disappearing ‘Western Values’ Are A Big Jerk-Off Fantasy 30 Questions for a Narrative Believer Technocracy and Totalitarianism The conversion process from true believer to vaccine abolitionist. What is Missing from the Climate Debate The Ancient Light of Truth Self-Destructive Social Habits, Loneliness, and Propaganda The Oil Industry’s Message to You 5 Thoughts On The Global Dictatorship The Soulless Scientific Method Challenging Any State’s Cov-19 Vaccine Mandate to Attend School The U.S. Is Leading the World Into the Abyss Roger Waters: A Star And Pro-Palestine At The Same Time Reflections on Graeber and Wengrow’s ‘Dawn of Everything’ Sliding doors: Prozac Nation Subsistence Farming and The Value of Living Crisis What If They Threw a Pandemic & Nobody Came? Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Mark Bailey: A Farewell to Virology This odious global system There’s No One Driving the Bus Our Mortality Should Unite Us Liberalism Is Not the Opposite of Conservatism How Can “We Wake People Up” to the Dangers of the Covid Jab The Future of Work Is No Work Puppets of power The Millionaire Blogger, in the Land of Virology Capitalism Created the Climate Catastrophe Cultivate A Habit Of Small Acts Of Sedition It’s Time To Declare a Global Debt Jubilee “Payment Strikes” Regular Feature of the Economic Landscape? Does Nature Have Rights? The Path Paved by Dr. Stefan Lanka Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science & Myth—A Must-Read Government Itself is Immoral Reacting to change… Dr. Zach Bush on Humans and Germs: ‘It’s Not Us Versus Them’ A developing evil: Malignant historical force behind the Great Reset Activism as a Vocation Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail Fight for Peace Today Tolerant, Peaceful Bonobos: The Model for Human Peacemaking? Political Hope Hope springs eternal with a little effort Capital Solution to Save the Planet: Make It an Asset & Sell it The billionaire class is seeking to control an uncontrollable universe The Great Battle for the Future Ignore the Prophets of Doom – Organic food can feed the world The Nitrogen Problem in Agriculture The Rules Are All Made Up And Can Be Re-Written At Any Time Food: Achieving Self-Funding Local Sovereignty 10 Lies of Contemporary Culture Our Fight—The Flower of the World Will Not Die The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits I Am Done With The Left-Right Divide Beyond Good and Evil: Nietzsche’s Warning & The Birth of a New Culture The Triumph of Death Only Star Trek can save the failing coronavirus narrative Transhumanism and the Metaverse We’re Here To Become As Conscious As Possible You’re Only As Free As You Allow Your World To Be Defending Empire Narratives = Defending Worldview From Destruction Activism: A Write-off and Autopsy Why “creating” artificial intelligence is conjuring the demon Review: The Rise of the New Normal Reich by C.J. Hopkins Human Activities Have Degraded 40% of Land on Earth Health Meme Lies Corrected A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don’t Own Everything It’s About Time When the Struggle Ends, Who Am I? Eclipsed by the State: A Critical Look at Christian America Democracy Is Dead! Long Live Democracy Integrity Dignity Community: Robert Malone at Defeat the Mandates LA Dr. Vandana Shiva: ‘The Evolved Mind Sees Earth as One Family’ Washington Should Think Twice Before Launching a New Cold War The Lie of American Innocence Reinventing Progress Was Ukraine betrayed by its elites? Actual Science is the alternative to the Pan Doctrine The Spirituality of _________ (Climate Change) War Propaganda Becoming More Militaristic, Authoritarian, and Reckless The Narratives They Are a-Changin’ Love-Gift to the Future The Turn: Liel Leibovitz, Walter Kirn, and Alana Newhouse in Conversation Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm The Pfuture—Live it or live with it. They Are Lying Dr. Malone recommended video, “More Harm Than Good” The Orneriness of Kings—a pandemic passion play foretold by Mark Twain The “New Normal” & the Civil Society Deception The U.S. Military Budget as a Mushroom Cloud Hedges: The Execution of Julian Assange Abortion, birth control used by the elite to rid the planet of black people. The Time is Now: Differentiating “Force” from “Choice” Rich People Things I am the virus. What is my name? Oroville declares itself a ‘constitutional republic’ This Program Can Give AI a Sense of Ethics—Sometimes The Rehearsal is Over and More America’s Fate: Oligarchy or Autocracy Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism Responding to On the Media on Free Speech: FIRE’s So to Speak Podcast Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: “It’s Time For Civil Disobedience!” A comirnaty by any other name would smell as suspicious. Zero Sum—in a closed system there is nothing else. Will you become a future member of the useless class? When the World Economic Forum predicts your future, watch out! Planet of the Humans Vanguard and BlackRock Own the World Billionaires? There’s a gulag for that.